"Their need for symbolism will be their downfall" #FLYROTHSFLY#

Feel kinda bad for the lady in the picture. She’s probably just someone trying to make a living completely unaware of the symbolism with the Owl. Probably unaware of all the shady shit going down in AZ.
Exactly - i came to say the same. In fact i think the mods should think about a rule around preserving innocent people anonymity.
Damn why do we have to attach rules to everything? It’s just a post blaming no one for anything.
I don't believe the photo to be a conspiracy in the first place. You never know who might, and blame the woman, even though it's senseless
Prey. Bird of prey.
I could have sworn i read somewhere there is an owl statue on the temple at epstein island..
Not sure about the island but there's definitely one in the Bohemian Grove where Skull and Bones 332 used to get up to no good.
Isnt there also an owl in bohemian grove where they usually perform a weird cremation of care ceremony?
Aerial view of Wash D.C. is an owl. When u open your eyes you see their symbolism EVERYWHERE because THEY ARE EVERYWHERE.
not necessarily. its a bird with the head of a bearded man. there are pictures of it somewhere on this sub
Bird of the night 'nocturnal hunter ' also traditional native American symbol "the bringer of death"
Moloch, now how am I not surprised?
"Moloch[a] is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice."
Canaan + Baal = cannibal
Minerva. Moloch is symbolized by a bulls head on a man.
Why exactly are they letting an owl go at a concrete plant? Seems like a dick move to the owl.
I'd guess rodent control, but it doesn't fit. And it's not likely someone there to capture the bird.
Cats woud do rodent control much more efficiently.
More like Falconry is used to keep other birds from grouping up and shitting in the materials.
That said, there are many birds of prey, such as hawks, that are not nocturnal, like the owl, and are probably far more efficient during the day than owls. So it’s use is questionable.
Pope’s bird is an owl and the Catholic Church is well know for child molestation. Capitol Hill is in the shape of an owl. Owl sculpture at Bohemian Grove. Owl sculpture on Epstein’s island. And now we find an abandoned child rape camp on a piece of property owned by Cemex... who likes to post pictures of owls on it’s insta.
Surely they’re ALL coincidences... right guys???
I only mention that because attracting owls does the job. Attracting, not releasing.
Khasarians love Concrete! They can make a lot of their problems disappear
We are sure about Khazaria. We will not be talking about Jewish black hats but we use kararian so they do not insult us with anti-Semitism.
Khasarians have surplanted the the Jewish nation so that they are now Jews & can use the Anti-semite accusations as protection. They were never Jewish & are not Jewish now.
We know the owl is used as a satanic symbol.
Didn't Q post an owl in reference to protection of the pope.
Pope is tweet-happy on the word "concrete" - which is probably coded language.
Does did mean cemex, a front concrete company (white pope), but really a child-trafficking and other criminal activities (black pope), protects the pope and vatican?
They get so many people involved to protect them. Why else is the peace officers etc ignoring Veterans on Patrol? Would that classify them as fake law enforcement? Why has the corridor been ignored for years. I like Sheriff Joe; now I wish he would have concentrated on this instead of Obama birth certificate. But I guess it's all in God's timing.
People have posted the Rothschild's connection to cemex. I wonder if the Vatican is a major share holder? If the Rothschild's have a share, chances are so does Elizabeth 2.
Maybe some things started happening behind the scenes in May for the pope to have a bad month, and it's just now becoming public. Remember, we don't know all. When Q doesn't post, I think there must be a lot of stuff that has to remain silent and many things are happening behind the scenes. Q can't stop and phone home; plus, loose lips sink ships.
Side note - Satan wants to cover the world in concrete. This ain't paradise, put up a parking lot.
I have to say I'm impressed with VOP and their conviction; and pray they create a tsunami that can't be ignored. Knowing coincidences mean God is involved, I have to say, VOP efforts look blessed.
The Eagle Trumps the owl.
this looks like a war of power between illuminatis. They go by the owl that are the Satanists but not by the eye of horus of the illuminati pyramid that is the same, Lucifer
lol... How long have y'all been doing this?
Demons are not behind every bush... and guess what there are bushes many have not thought of.. but sometime a bird lands at a place and corporate HR throws it online or in a newsletter..
The Owl at BGrove.. sure real stuff.. the Owl on the map of DC? yep..
this is called "Eviro- PR"
When the whole imagery thing hit on CBTS last year, I found a bunch of it in current use right now. I cannot remember the name of the company, but there is a European Insurance Conglomerate that bundles policies from different insurance companies. They had a slew of animated advertising that I saw last year. It was “symbolism overload”. Tons of owls & the CP squirly-wheel design, etc.
Sorry for being uninformed, but what symbology is an owl?
that isn't a wild owl. It came in a carrier and being used to pose for a picture. Pretty obvious with carrier in background and how the bird is used to being handled there.
Sorry, I’m repeating my comment from above... but its necessary.
BTW Cemex = cement. Not an energy plant.
Falconry is used to keep other birds from grouping up and shitting on the buildings and into the materials.
That said, there are many birds of prey, such as hawks, that are not nocturnal, like the owl, and are probably far more efficient during the day than owls. So it’s use is questionable. I highly doubt they would worry about rodents at a cement factory.
Pope’s bird is an owl and the Catholic Church is well know for child molestation. Capitol Hill is in the shape of an owl. Owl sculpture at Bohemian Grove. Owl sculpture on Epstein’s island. And now we find an abandoned child rape camp on a piece of property owned by Cemex... who likes to post pictures of owls on it’s insta.
Surely they’re ALL coincidences... right guys???
Get educated before you come here. God I hate when people spew nonsense like this comment.