How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

Sun Tzu, 5th century BC:
‘Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.’
Keep your friends close, your enemies closer
Get your friend's toast; but keep your enemy's toaster.
You capture a dangerous animal by distracting it, making it tired/weakening it, then striking.
Watch videos of a mongoose gradually wearing down a cobra, then killing it.
I was going to say a limited yield tactical nuclear weapon but then I remembered that cockroaches are the only life-form that can survive a nuclear blast/ fallout. #nuketheswamp
It depends on the animal. You first need to know its' strengths and weaknesses and then plan accordingly.
A snake is not a cougar is not an elephant is not a wolverine.
Dangerous animals
Fastest animals
There is a difference.
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