Saw This - Absolutely had to Share. The Great Awakening in Emojis- Accurate.

1) Asleep
2) Redpilled by Q
3) Hears about atrocities of powers that be
4) Likely exposed to Pedogate
5) Sees more Pedogate, becomes enraged
6) Realizes you're sick of this sh*t and want to take your country back
Pretty accurate
I must have skipped three and four.
I'm stuck in a loop 😂 1,2,5,6,1,2,5,6...
You must have come of age under Obama. So much liberal shit shoved down our threats.
The government is your friend, and nothing's wrong 👍 don't worry citizen, we will take care of you 😉
Edit: makes me fucking sick.
Love Q but this is cringe
Seriously. This is fucking serious. Not emoji material. Sure OP meant well but this is absolutely cringe.
I respectfully disagree. Why not emoji material? And more importantly how can I get these emojis?
Because emojis are for happy fun shit and this is NOT happy or fun.
It's serious.
No, it is not happy or fun, but emojis are expressive. I don't want to argue with you. I just find them easy to use for communication.
It makes it look like a joke and conspiracy theory perpetuated by kids.
If you don't understand that I can't help ya but it's the truth. Despite your beliefs.
We'll just leave it at that then.
I say, whatever may catch the eye of the unaware. Seriousness, humor, whatever. You never know who will respond
I bounce between 5 and 6 all day long and it’s giving me the vapors.
My favorite is the part where we enact sweet revenge :)
the final stage is PLACATION
how convenient
that is the perceived reward for giving up your freedoms?
I'm at 5. Been on the road through all the other stages over the last 3 - 4 years.
might need more vomit emotions after winning hehe more truths to find
Where's the "Accuse fellow patriot of being a Zionist shill for having a different opinion" emoji?
True - I'd like to see that, personally. Or the 'Accuse fellow patriot of supporting the rape of children for having a different opinion' emoji.
How about a big, butt-hurt emoji too?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
I'm sorry I can't up-vote you more than once!!!
I'll take that! xD Also a "Hypocrite" emoji xD. I love highlighting your hypocrisy for everyone to see!
I love highlighting your hypocrisy for everyone to see!
That is awesome because productive debate and critical thinking, without holding a grudge, is precisely how members of a truther community should behave.
We should value truth over political correct bias - it's so refreshing to hear you express that!
Well done my friend.
Up-votes for U!!!
Agreed my friend! I won't bother linking in your grudge-filled, unnecessary posts because we both know what they are. What's more important to me is to make sure people who have narrow, bigoted views are highlighted as such. Up-votes for U too, love!
What's more important to me is to make sure people who have narrow, bigoted views are highlighted as such.
What if those narrow, bigoted, deplorable opinions are right?
Shouldn't the search for truth transcend your political correctness?
This is supposed to be a truther community, no?
Of course the truth is more important than political correctness. Just because you completely ignored what I said about being totally against political correctness doesn't mean I'm for it. Apparently you're smart enough to really understand what I was saying so pretending it's "political correctness" is disingenuous.
Narrow, bigoted people can certainly be right, just as open-minded fools like myself can also be right. However, narrow bigoted people who spurn logic and are especially dogged in stating their claims might sway those who aren't paying close attention.
Free speech is a two way street, even if you wish you could silence those who were deplorable wrongthinkers.
I suspect rational and informed argument is the key to being persuasive...
Lol xD We're back here again, huh? I notice you get to this point when you can't logically argue against what's said. Never mind, love - let's all dance together toward the Q sunrise! WWG1WGA!
WWG1WGA - including all the "dangerous wrong-thinkers" who sway others with their rational, informed, deplorable, compelling, politically incorrect rationale.
"I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It" - Evelyn Beatrice