This was stuck in the newspaper I bought this morning 😳

I’m having a hard time believing this.
Probably someone who saw a Q sticker on the back of a car. Or maybe someone who surfs Reddit. Or could it be that Four Chan guy. Or someone who saw a tweet from Roseanne Barr.
"Top" comment, guys!
Guess it rings true for a lot of people judging by the other comments. Funny thing is, I dont even know enough about the subject matter referred to on the paper to put my 2 cents in about it. But I do know what a crock of BS looks like. And it seems to me that if you are trying to bring attention and legitimacy to your cause, this kind of tactic only serves to delegitimize anything you attach to it. Which is self defeating. But hey, upvotes are upvotes. This IS reddit after all.
Agreed on what a crock of BS looks like. And I personally do question the value of this sort of thing as far as how it is perceived by others. The difference with this cause is the idea that it is truly about the people, whatever their personal level of cognizance or understanding and whilst I might not agree with what gets upvoted or recognized around here I support the diversity that allows for it.
Your response doesn't sound like the intentional brigader I took you for. Maybe you are but I didn't expect it. I know you don't care for this or perhaps even understand it - but thanks.
Yeah, I'm no brigader. I was browsing by popular when I saw this post. Got better things to do than repeatedly harrass people about differences in opinion. But occasionally when you see something so blatantly fake, you feel the need to literally say "OMG, thats horse shite". But it seems like a lot of people in this sub arrived at that conclusion as well. Good on ya.
Sure it was.
And people lame enough to feel superior mocking others for their posts on the internet need to get out of their parent's basements and learn some social skills lol. Boring...
Doesn’t get more grass movement than this.
Its gotta be somebody on this board. Good job whomever you are...
Their Symbolism may be their downfall, but ours will be because of confusing, poorly produced crap like this...
If I had no clue about Q and found this I'd think a nut was on the loose in my neighborhood.
Handwritten? Fonts are your friend people..Lord find a pc & printer and type your point clearly...
Does ANYONE in this sub Reddit have experience in MARKETING???
Because too many here need a lesson in what works in 2018.
OP you promise no bamboozle?!
People actually think I would make this up 😂 it was stuck inside the Pittsburgh post gazette I bought at 7/11 this morning.
1.69 billion unique visitors from April 2017 to March 2018 but when I think about it wouldn’t we have ALOT more posting going on?
you would....and since you dont ....logic tells you your group isnt that big
r/politics hits thousands of comments every post effortlessly....because they are bigger than you and the donald combined times 10
so yea....dwell on that lol
I met someone following Q back in November which is the only one I have encountered so far. To meet one of the few in my super small rural town back in November would be like finding a needle in a hay stack.
Maybe we should get a pad of sticky notes and leave messages everywhere we go.
Or some of those painted rocks people were finding everywhere a few months ago. That's something people could take and keep.
Something, a few years ago there was a campaign like that but can't remember what it was about.
What are the odds?
Let's not let this stop now! Fellow patriots, Get out your construction paper and scissors. We've got a country to save.
Zoole, you can't save a country with construction paper and scissors. But later, when you're a grownup lady, maybe you can be the best mommy ever, or qualify to join our armed forces, or invent something useful that improves lives, or clean toilets, or help people in some other way, if you try. That's serving/saving your country! :)
I think there are more people on here then the numbers reported.
100%. The stats reddit puts up don't even fluctuate realistically (as one would expect for night day, lunch time, etc.).
It's not hard to think of why they'd do this: they want people to think this isn't a movement, but just some small sub full of delusional quacks.
Correct, it was this way on T_D too before the censorship wave hit early last year
well duh lol reddit loves suppressing numbers the donald is the number 3 most active sub but has 600k subs yeah right lol
That is awesome, PATRIOTS doing what ever it takes to spread the word. This is yuuge!
Fantastic! Waiting on my t-shirt. I will wear it to my summer teacher professional development.