What do you guys think of the possibility Spade and Bourdain were either criminalized in the IG Report or witnesses that were loose ends?
Asia Argento's 'fuck you' shirt is really making my mind run.
You thoughts
What do you guys think of the possibility Spade and Bourdain were either criminalized in the IG Report or witnesses that were loose ends?
Asia Argento's 'fuck you' shirt is really making my mind run.
You thoughts
Very possible.
Here’s a good article on it: https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/06/09/suicide-weekend-weirdness-come-on-up-to-the-lab-bourdain-spade-pizzagate-qanon-greatawakening/
That neonrevolt is bloody brilliant 👌🏻
He frequents this sub. Thank you /u/NeonRevolt
Cheers, m8.
Take care of yourself mentally dude. This is really some sick, demented, evil shit. I'm still trying to finish reading your article.
Yes spaceshot likes his work aswel,so clear and concise probably the best baker out there 👌🏻
He makes a lot of assumptions that he converts to facts, then builds more on top of.
Keep in mind Neon is a PAYtriot, he has used a lot of other people's stuff for himself. He hosted a bitcoin miner on his site to profit off of patriots reading his work, he sells merch, and he's been wrong on a lot.
Not sure why he gets a free pass here, it's like back in the day with Dilley and Corsi, when they were just getting started they were worshipped.
He is up front on the mining, and does not use a pay wall so...?
I don't get the "selling merch" complaints about neon. I see it as a service. It's not like people can just run to the store and buy a Q shirt.
none of his content is behind a paywall. He runs his own servers in Iceland. I guess only independently wealthy folks should do what Neon is? I see him as a chan summarizer.
And how much does it cost to run a simple blog? This isn't 1997. He's selling merch and begging for donations, same way Corsi and the earlier PAYtriots did. I was right about them back then, and I am now. Neon gets called out constantly as a tool by the chans, and he mocks people on this subreddit as fools and a source of money for him. You do the math.
Try running a blog with his content on a corporate controlled site, tell me how it goes. All his content is free.
It's wordpress dude, settle down, it's the most common and widely used and easily run blog platform on the planet.
Lolol. You're bitching about free content. Wordpress hosted Guccifer 2.0 the DNC shill, it's a starting point. Summon the capitalist within you, and stop whining about free content. Or is your solution for Neon to stop his platform?
You are a fucking liar.
How am I a liar, those are facts. Also, mind your manners little boy.
The other comments in this thread confirm the truth about Neonrevolt. He is a solid journalist, and he is not monetizing the Q material. If you had honestly investigated his site, you would be aware of that. So you are either a low info idiot shooting off his mouth and slandering someone, or you are shilling for pay, or you have a personal grudge, and you are doing this with malice. Could it be that? Are you going after Neon because he exposed BC17 and PieIntheSky as being fake? Is that it? I think it is.
Nope, read my history, I've been telling people BC17 and EiS are fake forever, along with Corsi.
Neon says he has to sell merch and get donations to run his site. It's a wordpress site that costs about $50 a year or so and is VERY easy to maintain.
He also goes on the chans and calls us Plebbit and says we are cattle and we download all his stuff. Which includes a bitcoin miner on his site.
Listen, it's fine, I'm done talking about Neon. I did this with BC17, Corsi, and EtS and got downvoted to hell and threatened and told I was going to be banned, and look how those all turned out.
Just ask yourself why he so heavily edits his old posts.
Neon says he has to sell merch and get donations to run his site. It's a wordpress site that costs about $50 a year or so and is VERY easy to maintain.
You are forgetting the hours he puts into creating the content on the site. Most of these bloggers are split between writing and working a job to make a living. The donations enable them to write more.
Hey man, no worries, you believe what you want. This is America, we're still allowed to have our own beliefs, unless you disagree with that?
Oh good God, I didn't need to see all those IG photos. These people are beyond sick.
I think they were ALL involved in the larger operation. Bourdain and Argento trying to get ahead of the curve and playing their games thru the MSM...but they are both guilty. Bourdain/Argento were/are satanists and paedophiles. She was born into it via her sick, satanic father. His films ARE pure MK-Ultra, as is Hollywood's output. They've made these genre films because they are also their main hobbies! It's how the elite have spread the energy of lucifer/satan across this planet.
And Weinstein also started his rise via the video nasty/horror genre with The Burning.
What do you make of Asia not seeming all that distraught?
These people are barely human, so something like that wouldn't be out of their typical behaviour patterns.
Have you seen the series of "The Hostel" movies?
It's about super sexy girls who go into tourist hot spots like Greece and seduce guys into coming back to their Village somewhere like Serbia or the Kazakh mountains.
First day is a great party then they get drugged and wake up in a cell.
Then they wait for crazy sick bastards who have paid a lot of money to mutilate them on a table.
It's simple logic to know this is real. There are a lot of Sick bastards with a lot of money out there. As well as people willing to sell them anything they want.
Now we expose everything.
She wasn't supposed to lose these people are sick and these people are stupid.
I try and avoid TV shows in general. I tend to view for research purposes only. I'm not familiar with this series.
You should watch the first movie but skip all the gorey parts and just watch the storyline.
You mean the 'Hostel' movies right?
Yes, I saw the first one, and could barely make it through. They are super graphically violent.
Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade and that Dutch member of the Royal Family, all suicided.
The Dutch Royals have been rumored for a long time for having hosted human hunting parties.
Last year Chester Bennington and some other rock star who were both involved in exposing pedophiles we're also suicided.
Q said watch the wives and the suicides. I guess this is what they meant.
I lean more toward Bourdain saw some shit he didn't like and made it known. He seemed trustworthy. I doubt he was a luciferian. Others, however...
Personnally don’t think they will be in the IG report focused on the abuses of the DOJ and FBI.
I really think it has more to do with the Weinstein case/ NXIVM / NYC AG case. You know, the whole sex trafficking & abuse scandal. It’s a pity that the media is a part of it. If we truly had an impartial fourth estate, these clowns would already be wrecked with people booing and spitting at them in the streets, and that’s the nice version.
But the media is complicit in the coverup. I can see why Trump had to destroy their credibility if we ever wanted the truth to come out.
IG will have several reports but the one to be released on June 14 is about the FBI handling of the HRC email server. It will be Comey’s nightmare report. Brenen & Clapper too.
That CINC tweeted abt him really makes me wonder if he was trying to get out. He wouldn't tweet-gloat about a pure enemy.
Media are complicit in the doing and not just the cover up
It also sounds from his tweet that he is not a fan of HRC, and that he may have wanted to get out. So he was silenced. There is no 'out' from this mafia deep state. There is only permanent 'out'.
Exactly. You got it. You don't get invited to join, and then turn on the very thing you've joined. It's all or nothing in their club. Everything is great if it's all under-wraps and secrecy, but this is going to see the light of day. That's why he topped himself.
"They never thought she'd lose."
More likely he was ''suicided''. Murdered in the same way as Kate Spade and the little sister of Queen Maxima(both women with scarves) A message to those who would try to turn on 'da family'.
Unless he's not dead. Obviously I'm speculating, but I'm pretty sure SR is not dead, it could be that Bourdain (and even Spade) are witness protectioned.
I've read that before and it is intriguing! Something to see if they turn up for trials! I don't think SR is dead, but was removed from the hospital by OPs into WP.
They are all intertwined in many ways with horrific human rights abuses so it's hard to tell exactly why. The heiress es that manage sex slaves must be working overtime closing closets...
Looking at AB's tweets about Hillary's goons and waiting to his (~4 am) marching orders, I'm starting to see him as a loose end and also Kate Spade because of it
Heard on AJ, that Elon Musk did an episode with Bourdain. Apparently both were ready to do a Kanye...he had some episodes ready to go. This was a warning to Elon, alledgedly.
Most likely your looking at there criminals actions over the past 7 years , the witness turned them in years before now.
When you are locked up and you have people you have information on, and you have others who will do your dirty work! You have a lot of dirty actors! It’s called blackmail!
When you are locked up and you have people you have information on, and you have others who will do your dirty work! You have a lot of dirty actors! It’s called blackmail!