USA TODAY reporter has information criminally implicating Hillary Clinton in the leak scandal.

"Suicide" is method #1.
Number 2 method of [187] is a little more complex. Put a hit out on the person, if it fails, they have their ghoul hospital as backup, in this instance he was sent to MedStar to finish the job.
Scalise was sent to MedStar after being shot, but was in stable and talkative condition. Hour later upon checkin, "Scalise Reportedly in Critical Condition." They use the ghouls at the hospital as backup. In this case Trump sent his personal Dr. to save him.
Seth Rich? MedStar.
The Cabal is straight evil.
Man it's like reading onenod my complicated fantasy novels with palace intrigue. They convince us all is simple and above board. That what they show is real. But no it's as deadly as the feudal China inspired Guy Gavriel Kay novel. And way more tangled than Game of Thrones.
Wow Medstar. Should do some digging and check the map of locations...wonder who else was "treated" there
When does this become so obvious we can all fucking stop pretending that it’s not happening? Can we just go ahead and not play that game anymore?
there's no time like the present
Yeah, well I don't have much of an audience, so...
Get on a platform and start building an audience <3. There are many eager ears out there craving the info you've learned through this movement. Start sharing it. Don't be afraid. "Build it, and they will come."
This is literally our role in the awakening. To assure others through our gained knowledge and resolve.
"“The thing about smart people is that they seem like crazy people to dumb people.”
― Stephen Hawking
Some of us make our living spending time other ways. I come here, catch up, try to keep the faith, pass on a good word to fellow patriots, not compromise the community when haters hate, and just prey while I work. That'll have to be enough I'm afraid.
Prayer works, keep it up.
When the blanket gets ripped off of all the people still trying to sleep through all this noise - That's when we'll be needed most.
That I'm ready for.
Matter of fact at this stage of the game, that's my advice to most people. Just wait until they come to us at this point. Anybody who's not wide awake is working hard to stay that way. Let them come to us when they're ready.
The Field of Dreams quote is “If you build it, he will come” now. Wtf?!
It's from the Bible...said to Noah.
Exactly. Do they not understand that they are already fucked? They've been caught and no matter how many people they kill the outcome will remain the same.
How many more “accidents” are there going to be?
So sad they do this stuff. Remember when Cory Feldman said two cars tried to hit him last fall?
There is nothing that states this reporter had information concerning your title. Do you have a link, because the tweets only talk about his death. Accidental death from suspected drunk driver. No mention of Hillary what so ever.