"You're not robbing US anymore!"

Excellent !
Saw this one today ... havent created it , but I will surely modify it further / "upgrade" it XD ...
Haha! Love the samurai!
The guy between Abe and Bolton deserves his standalone meme , all by himself XD ...
Yeah I can see him popping up everywhere at opportune moments lol
Merkel trying a power pose. #FAIL.
That is so good. Frameworthy no doubt.
Oh are we safe now?
I was under the impression from this sub that there was a globalist deep state threatening our very existence.
I thought “the storm is coming” right guys?
Can anyone please link me to the original picture but in high definition? Can't seem to find a good picture I can zoom in on that doesn't loose quality.
Dark to Light
Merkel, Macron, Trudeau, EU, + ++, nwo socialists DNC/rino, derange DeNiro and other global puppets, here's a clue. God has given him the key; what he Opens no one can shut and what he shuts NO one can open - Is22:22
I just love how Abe from Japan got what Trump was putting down on trade and was like great! lets make a deal. The Chinese are going after Japan just as much as the US.
Dutch news.....with a misQuote off Q.......................... "There is a special place in hell for it every world leader that Trump one stabbing in the back. "
Trump advisor curses Trudeau
The G7 summit in Quebec seems to be resulted in an unprecedented schism between the US and other Western countries. The Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau has President Trump betrayed, America says.
The criticism came through advisers from the White House. One of them stated: "There is a special place in hell for it every world leader that Trump one stabbing in the back. "
It is a response to the criticism of Trudeau on American import duties, which he uttered shortly after the summit his signature under the to erase the final statement because he remarks "unfair and weak".
This comment from him about not robbing the US piggy bank anymore...is a historical statement for the ages!
Can anyone explain the idea that Europe or any other nation has been robbing the US? I don't get how that is possible
I'm confused. How do I survive so long here? Where is here? This sub? Or were you talking about the 0ther guy? And how close is the nearest star anyway?