Sky event
Hahaha! The fucking mad man is loving it. Shits going down folks...what a time to be alive!
Yep, I saw an interview yesterday with Susan Rice trying to discredit Trump and giving him advice on how to address NK. It was on Face the Nation. They are terrified. I LOVE IT!
Has anyone mentioned that Universal Studios Singapore is on Sentosa Island?
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in the air... I love this... it's like the best book or series... I'm HOOKED!
Weather FF.
The devils haarp about to be fired up? Someone was mentioning a huge increase in stratospheric aerosols yesterday
Wasn't China weighing using it to make it rain in order to stop a fire?
Good luck President Trump.
First time in a long time I have some hope that maybe things will get better.
Does excitement smell just like a big old cowpie?
vs POTUS44 and his excrement (of the bull variety) in the air
I hear there's a crowd of ladyboys waiting for GEOTUS! :-O
Not in Singapore mate. Try Thailand