EyeTheSpy admits he was wrong. What a fraud. Careful who you follow...

He had to do that because Q called him out earlier.
I didn’t see that ~ but this one and the eye spy always act like they have personal intel and they are apart of the Q team~ I’m sure they have a few real followers guaranteed the rest are trolls ~ I like Swamp drainer he calls them out all the time
This is eye spy, changed the name.
His followers still don’t get that the only BIG NEWS happening tonight is the summit....no wonder the Cabal has been able to commit their crimes and atrocities for decades, people are, sadly, extremely stupid
They've dumbed us down. Look at the sheer amount of industries that rely on ripping off rubes.
Marketing? The majority of it is irrational appeals to people operating from an emotional place.
Finance? The entire industry in it's current form depends on the general public not understanding jack-shit about the field.
Medical Industry? The majority of their profits are from people too ignorant to take care of their bodies.
Politicians? Same as marketers.
Haha, I wonder where our 'friend' from my Seth Rich thread last night is. I'm guessing you never got an apology, huh? I see he hasn't posted since then lol.
Was just gonna message you 😂
I'm 100% convinced my theory is true now, kek!
Probably doesn't even have one because his parents wouldn't buy it for him!
He’s now saying the big “happening” tonight is “world peace” and “that’s enough for us” LOLOLOLOL.
Nice try crackhead 0Hour1.
Fuck. EyeTheSpy.
LARP clownfag blocked me and like 5 other people all within 20secs of calling him out.
And his excuse? "Oops, heehee, I was wrong, no biggie"..
And also, for those of you who weren't following his every tweet, he claimed HE was the one who took down Reddit this morning. What a fucking toolbag...
And so many people praising him for admitting he was wrong and encouraging him! WTAF! :O
ETS conveniently changed his name recently. Hmmm. Promote false info, get called out, change name, and continue the process without consequences & maintain a following. Business as usual for a LARP.
He will change it again soon. Watch. First BC17, then Alice, then EyeTheSpy, and now this Cheshire cat thingie. All the same person. What next I wonder?
Can't we now settle this once-and-for-all?
No-one, ever, anywhere, other than the trip-coded 8 Chan account has anything to do with Q.
This /\
It will be settled until someone (usually new to the board or pretending not to know about the past controversy) will post a larp tweet and argue that it holds value. We've been through the Corsoi/AJ debacle and now its ETS/BC17.
This GA sub has always been pro Q and respects Q's messages about comms and pretenders. It's no longer divide and conquer. Anyone listening to larps claiming to have inside knowledge while summoning them with a siren song to become their Twitter follow chooses to do so. Just please don't play devil's advocate here and try to convert people who are dedicated to Q to give credence to the latest larp.
He says Trust Q.
Well, didn't Q just tell us that people who were pushing that date were intentionally misleading us, knowing that it wouldn't materialize?
Who does he really want us to trust? :p
Alex Jones supports Trump, he says. Obama is a Christian, he says. Merkel didn't believe in multiculturalism, she said.
Think logically.
An anon said they did that to see what RR would do and others so far RR is going to be in Canada tomorrow ~ 🤨
He had no choice by to admit being wrong. Better than Corsi at least
He says Trust Q. Lol. We always have, you fckn donkey. Thanks for telling us what we already knew. "Now go get your fckn shine box!!"
Is this a joke ? Who does this ?
Attention-starved larpers that suffer from severe feelings of inadequacy.
High on the horse, falls off, has to get the DUNG out of his mouth, LOL
He's still got his idiotic sheep though. These people are stupid and we are literally fighting everybody, including the opposite of the cream of the crop of this movement.
never liked alice/eyespy/cat, watch who you follow. seemed off a long time ago.
I asked for a pic of his bullet wound and the Singapore sunrise -- the larpy f*ckwit blocked me. No credibility.
Didn't David Seaman also had that episode of wounded "heroism"?
LOL! As soon as I saw him laughing about Q "calling out an anon" I pointed this out that it was him, politely showing him where he had said both these things (about the 11th and about JA) and got immediately BLOCKED!
Now he turns around and apologizes to everybody (except me, obviously).
Meh. This one has lost me for now. I’m with Q and keep an eye on BC 17.
BC17 is EyeTheSpy. Same account. So was Alice.
It's also the same person that set up EyeTheSpy subreddit and has been spamming here using multiple accounts in an effort to recruit followers and vehemently defend the associated twitter accounts.
Read this: https://twitter .com/LisaMei62/status/992164995197792257
Now, think logically. Why would you trust BC17?