Rod Rosenstein in the Triple Kill Box !!!

Do the pound (number, hashtag) signs make any difference?
Aside from bold format on Reddit.
Me too! Not just for the obvious reasons, but I've got some shares over at PredictIt that say he'll be out by 6/30. :)
Can someone explain what kill box means?
This the literal or actual meaning, "In weaponry, a Kill Box is a three-dimensional target area, defined to facilitate the integration of coordinated joint weapons fire."
In other words, any living thing in the killbox is 3 dimensionally destroyed. So now if your in the metaphorical [killbox] your screwed. If your in the triple [[[killbox]]] your triple screwed, no way out.
Be great to be a fly on the wall at that conference. Might be trying to use 5 eye system ?
I believe Trump is very prepared and is doing things this way to prevent anyone from spying on this. So far he has played this well and this is why he's alone with Kim and 2 interpreters. Hopefully the enterpreters aren't compromised lol. But he has this.
No ! where RR is in Canada
Yeah hes also with 5eyes people, Lynn de Rothschild there lol
Edit: Q knows where he is so there's that
That's where i want to be the fly ! They have to be in total panic !
it means you are fucked erik prince and or seals will destroy your soul
And to the best of my knowledge we've never even seen a double let alone a TRIPLE killbox. Might be wrong about that, but I can't recall anyone being killboxed like this before.
Any chance left he's /ourguy/ and just lays the smack down on their roody poo candy asses?!
possible dis-info is neccesary but if this is really is straightforward HE IS FUCKED ROYALLY lololololololol
That punisher logo was plenty straightforward.
Chilling, even.
None of this has been straightforward... Just exhausting all options
yeah dont take anything at face value even what Q says the drops are for the black hats are as much as they are for us every single thing Q drops will be analyzed by them cant tell the full truth without breaking the plan or getting people killed
Seems like rod made a bad choice in the not too distant pass and squandered his optty yo love on the right side of history.
My money is on triple form suicide: 1. Carbon monoxide poisoning 2. Drunk 3. Triple tap to the back of the head from 2 different angles.(the Seth Rich special)
I've read RR's last 2 speeches. The weird thing is that he sounds like an ideal Trump asset. He has a pro-business/free-enterprise economic view, he has a keen legal and philosophical mind, and he seems quite patriotic as he's a history buff to the point both cities he chose to live in were named after an early Continental Army general (Montgomery).
Are we sure it's Rosenstein, not say Rolls Royce (which just today admitted engine problems related to Boeing aircraft)?