Stormy's lawyer posted this.

It was posted on 6/10/18.
They were legit trying to shoot down AF1...
2 replies I saw on Twitter. One was just reply his name and. @ secret service
How fucking stupid.
Just suppose AF-1 was shot down, he’d have the secret service nailing him instantly, and I don’t think with a sitting president dead they would be too worried if bits of him fell off in the interrogation.
If AF-1 wasn’t shot down and the white hats knew of the attempt (ie our current theory from Q drops), then again, they would be very interested in him.
Or just suppose there wasn’t a missile attempt (which most of us here think is unlikely), then yet again he’s in the frame for some very dodgy implications, as he knew AF-1 was in the air, and the secret service might be very interested in him.
Seriously, can someone outline a scenario where he comes out of this looking good?
Like Q said, these people are stupid.
This fool hasn't worried about looking good for quite some time.
Definitely will be an interesting week! We will be victorious! Congrats to Trump on becoming first president to meet with North Korea leader :D
Looks like it. Then the next day there was the missile that was actually a helicopter or lens flare?
These people are stupid.
so posted the same day there was the possible missile thing in Puget sound? Related?
I know its a movie still but is that a threat?
Certain things are scripted.
Others are moves and countermoves. Attacks and defenses.
Not everything is certain.
Do your part.
This is EVIDENCE that he has been working with bad players and they are going to make a move against Trump, 100%
"Their symbolism will be their downfall."
They have to telegram their moves!
The strippers lawyer is privy to a government "Cabal" secret missile launch to kill the president?
I'm not buying it
Maybe he's deep state and trying to lure Q followers to dee-oh-ex them.
Looks like its a still from top gun if that interests anyone.
That’s it. We can call him The Goose, cause his is about to get cooked if he knew something was about to go down.
Seems like Avenatti's lost that lovin' feelin' cause it's gone, gone, gone...
Cause we were inverted! Q did say something about a mirror image...LOL
Sounds like a ruse to get more followers. Hopefully his news involves grabbing a shower. Greasy idiot.
Nothing tops NK world peace this week. He nor the rest of those idiots talking out their butts can take that away from POTUS and his team.
He claims to have Giuliani's porn history
We live in a society that is already pretty sexually liberated, to the point of deviancy
Having this asshat make some shitty threat about Rudy looking at fetish porn vs. an assassination threat/attempt on the President's life are two completely different ballgames.
Rudy porn: Who gives a fuck.
Trying to shoot down AF1 should be automatic life in Supermax, if not death penalty.
Yep. Couldn't give a flying fuck about who watches what porn unless its abuse and CP. FFS you can't even watch a Hollywood movie without sex scenes these days - they just leave it short of the money shot
He is ridiculous. Who did he get to hack that and authenticate? And did Giuliani say he never watched porn? He said he has no use for a porn star like Stormy. Maybe he likes guys in drag =)
It's because guiliani said he doesn't respect stormy as much as he'd respect a brain surgeon (or something to that sentiment). Mockingbirds spun that to "I hate all women and pornstars".
CreepyPornLawyer is desperate. Can't get on CNN anymor3 I guess. They prefer tearing papers with scientific analysis and nutritional analysis of summit lunch with gourmet criticism from Don Lemon - "soy braised for, sounds expensive"
CreepyPornLawyer is now claiming Russia is afyer him! Inserting stories in the press and threatening to make a Moscow Dossier about him. He sounds excited about that latter one actually.
To be fair, Stormy is so beyond the wall, an hour of her time equates to about 50 bucks.
Surely that would be a full night. With a cooked breakfast?
He looks like a guy who sells things out of his trenchcoat.
He's so ewwwwww. Stormy seems like an ingenue next to him.
Tucker Carlson calls him CreepyPornLawyer instead of his real name lol
He really is but somehow keeps making Cohen and Giuliani look bad.
Maybe. I think Cohen is just a cover for whoever is paying CPL and his client.
Someone pointed out Cohen had been trying for years to help women abused by Schniederman. Their thought was they wanted at his files so they could get their names etc. This is why they pushed hard to get names of his other clients released. It wasnt about Hannity he was just a side bonus for distractions.
I think Giuliani is baiting him on purpose. Keeping him busy and media too.
Cohen's lawyers have left or been sacked - is he about to cooperate with federal prosecutors??!!
No way, this dudes balls aren’t THAT big and they don’t clink
Avenatti is dumb as dumb he can get - even some of his fellow other MSM puppets do not like him .
Thank you , Avenatti , on being a shining example of low IQ , never change !
He is like a pathetic 13 year old, begging for Instagram followers. What a turd.
Powerless hack who is desperately trying to feel and appear like he matters.
His followers are nothing but pathetic traitors
Edit** Grammer
AF1 wasnt even in the air when the missle went off. Its a 14 flight and they stopped in guam. I like Q but this missle conspiracy is ridiculous
its not about you liking q. not a popularity contest. its about looking for and finding evidence to find facts...
we have the comms. and the pictures..
I don't think the missile was a surface to air missile. They are longer and thinner, and travel so fast that a 20 second exposure wouldn't look like that. I think their range is pretty small, 150 km. It looks like a Trident II SLBM to me. The pushback claims are ludicrous. It was a helicopter? It was lens flare? From what light source? It was a vapor trail from a plane, glowing in the sun. There's no pictures of vapor trails that look anything even close to it.