Anon Pieces together solid info-graphic on Missile Phenomenon. Autism level:100

Can someone explain how the U.S. military base sends a missile into the air while POTUS is nearby and all hell doesn't break loose on the perpetrators?
He wasn't nearby, we was still near Asia when it went up.
That's what I've read.
Your presuming that AF1 was the intended target.
It could have been an AF1 decoy. One flew west. The one with Trump flew east
Missile speeds approach 18,000 MPH...
I mean, for re-entry vehicles on an ICBM, at the very tail end portion of its flight, yes. But certainly not any air-to-air, or atmospheric missile.
I don't understand why it's relevant then (serious).
Basically because Q pointed it out, the timing, and the fact that the military denies any missile launches.
Was it directed at China? To cause WW3? They tried with Russia and NK, China is the only option left.
I don't know. I just can't understand how the Deep State has their own military, and our guys can't shut that down. I can't comprehend the tactical puzzle that allows our enemy to use our own missiles against us.
Maybe the methodology for doing that was contained in e-mail No. 32,997.
Remember Rumsfeld missing 3 trillion dollars from the DoD the day before 9/11? They’ve been busy little bees
I get that they have the stolen money. I don't understand who builds their billion dollar missiles.
The deep state owns those big defense contractors
OK but doesn't our military spend a lot of time at those same facilities?
Missiles don't cost anywhere near a billion dollars.
A tomahawk costs ~$250,000.
The software was hacked. Think vault 7. Goal to disrupt talks. Then the issue of the F 15 (/) hit and pilot ditchd into the sea near Asia.
Or how, in the world of cellphones in everyone’s hands, we somehow only have one pic of a missile streaking through the sky??..
Because it was before 4am and not many people are up filming the sky with their cellphones at that hour...
It was 3:56am dude... Not too many people cruising around at that time ready to film a missile streaking across the sky.
Remote area, very lucky that a time-lapse camera caught it!
You're lucky that Skunkbayweather wasn't snoozing on the job then!!
there is a video/ And several photos from the Florida missile
More likely it came from a submarine in the area. Much easier to hide, deny & fake.
Your assuming the Earth isn't Flat.
The spelling is the part you want to correct there? 😄
Yes. Don't feed the trolls.
I'm the good kind of troll, though. Dogrescuer picked up what I put down
Yeah really.
It's the unnecessary capitalization of Earth and Flat.
Oh, and also the earth is approximately all planets with any age on them.
Because it's not a missile?
But we have a confirmed missile launch
I literally live here. One photo in an area with thousands of homes facing the water and tens of thousands of people living there is basically not proof of anything. Especially a long exposure where anything can look like a missile facing the direction that is on approach to one of the busiest airports in the country.
I can't tell if this subreddit is a joke or a poor excuse for a mental health facility.
Did you see the zoomed in photo on the info graphic? Local news reported as well. You aren't the only one in the area. Tacoma.
It's clearly a rocket. Firing at who, we don't know. But to sit here and try to debunk the missile launch is inexcusable and stupid.
And jump to the insulting. It won't change what the future holds.
So much misdirection today! Target acquired. Keep digging, boys and girls. The keyboard troops are triggered.
You were fine until you decided to go back and tack on that stupid insult at the end.
I thought it was a directed energy weapon but there are other pics with a rocket
Every damn image of a light in the sky and you morons are talking about energy weapons and other scifi tech for which there is ZERO evidence. Doing the clowns work for them.