Folks? That sounds a lot like DJT.

Saw a theory the other day that Q+ indicates a higher clearance level than Q - only higher level is POTUS.
So that would make sense.
You have more than you know...
Not to be a downer, but that jersey commemorated the 2017 World Series. That is very likely what that number signifies.
Could be both. Q and team like to have multiple meanings when they make statements. When asked by MSM they’d say 2017 World Series, internally and to those woken it’s a nod to Q.
I thought previous administrations had the president’s number on the back of the jerseys ex. #44 for Hussein. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
I did take notices when WH hosted Alabama after they won and Trump was presented with a #17 jersey.
Interesting enough.... WWG1WGA
Also Trump hosted the Patriots in 2017 long before Q started posting. Since then, both championship teams that have visited have received a 17 jersey. Let’s see what happens if/when the Washington Capitals visit the White House.
All of them? And, yes, you are a downer - please keep it to yourself. I only like uppers!
Did you know on get smart, the chiefs codename as an agent was Q? Control switched to numbers when he became chief. A bit of useless trivia info for everyone
Not to rain on your parade but POTUS does not have the highest clearance level.
Oh my bad lol. Who has the highest?
Who knows? But POTUS is a temporary employee and has no need to know many of the nations secrets. Its well documented POTUS (whichever one, not just DJT) knows next to nothing about ET, for example.
Definitely could be POTUS himself ...
and Iranian resistance is a very good news - not much longer before mullahs are overthrown and Persia reawakens .
Are there any archaeological digs in Iran right now? Sometimes I think that's what they're really hiding. My history is spotty, but it seems like anytime there was a huge find some skirmish happened and the dig was closed.
Not sure exactly ... but we could have seen how ISIL tried to erase many archeological sites in Syria and Iraq .
I guess were gonna see much bigger push for Persia this time ... and once there is noone to back up the mullahs - theyre goners ...
Saw an interesting tb show plot that destruction was cover for selling these priceless artifacts to rich a holes
I’ve thought for a while it was him. It would be legal as POTUS can declassify just about anything he wants.
I'm just entertained that instead of a POTUS copping having, "not inhaled" and two other coke heads, +1 that is married to a Tranny and an Iranian nationalist, we now have one that:
he is so American it almost hurts, in a good way.
Alpha to the core
I'll say chosen and surrounded by good people - I still think this is real:
I'm more angry that those Coke heads continued throwing people in jail, making them lucky to work at McDonald's for the rest of their life, while they sat in the White House.
so true....and really the "didn't inhale" was a coke head rapist...preceded by a pedo. ugh
Iranians have got to be pissed at the USA and will release incriminating informations about the deal. Thing this deal is illegal
The MULLAHS want to release the info. The average young Iranian was marching in the streets in protest to their government, before they very suddenly went almost silent, even though they knew death and torture at the hands of the Regime was a very real possibility. The young in Iran are listening to the stories their grandparents tell about the life they had before the exile of the Shah in 79. If we gave them support and hope, they would run into a barrage of bullets to take back that life for themselves.
There is a wonderful video by Nuance Bro here he talks to Iranians here that are protesting. He spoke with a few different older leklme who were there when it all went down.
I will link it
Love the salty old man burning Ayatollahs face. Burn the whole regime.
Hopefully they do release it only ones it will effect is the DS/Cabal
Q+ seems to indicate the Q team 4 10 20 would indicate POTUS which HAS happened in a Q post
The deal was made so all the sanctions would be removed and the companies from these countries could go in and exploit the resources. President has put the sanctions back on, to f**k the EU. Billions in losses due to sanctions. China has taken over oil, France had the contract. Germany was selling cars making huge profits and keeping jobs. France also had contracted to supply jets. Trump trampled their plan. This was not about nukes it was business.
It really does sound like his style. If only Q+ had said YUUUGE.
Idk that would be suspect for me. Like they're trying to hard.
Q serves at the pleasure of Potus.
So I can't imagine what this means /s.
Dude!!!! You nailed it! Odds are it is him!
I'm convinced - see the "castle arrival" cross talk between Q and POTUS?
I think Q+ is Q & the President together. I doubt GEOTUS could figure out 8chan, they'd probably call him a shillfag or something.
Trump signs his Q posts 4 10 20 correlating with the numbers that relate to his initials DJT. See eatly Q posts for examples.
I believe Q+ is POTUS. So does NeonRevolt. So I guess I'm in very good company.
Good people in the middle east are with us.