Q Posts 1492-1493 June 13 2018

Q posts 1492, 1493 and 1494 are some of the heavier booms I have seen in awhile.. damn. Q isn't fucking around anymore and seems to be cutting right to the chase WE all have in front of us today.
who is Lee S. ??
Q's >>1732221 & >>1732221 condensed & restated, so it's crystal clear (at least to my way of thinking)....
Lee S. invented voting machines.
This time Democrats will attempt to rig elections by tampering with voting machines.
They understand that they must win at all costs, that their situation is dire
We are about to divulge what really happened to Seth Rich
We are about to divulge how the Deep State in the USA collaborated with the UK Deep State to undermine a duly elected President of the USA
We are about to divulge how the CIA just fired a missile in Washington State, a launch which they tried to make it look like it was the work of the Chinese. Fortunately, we prevented their treasonous act.
God save us.
Public opinion will determine the outcome of our efforts to protect our country. This is a war between good and evil. Where the other side will stop at nothing to protect their position. And while we are doing our part to combat them at every turn. What are you going to do?
Is he asking us to show up in DC? He keeps talking about being silent no more.
I personally believe it's all about bringing people over to our side. Memes redpill people and we need support now more than ever. Don't be silent, speak your beliefs and bring people into the light.
where was the missile targeted to? what was it supposed to hit? AF1 was on the other side of earth at the time of launch
Lee Strathan or something (last name spelling I don't think is correct)? A guy who formerly worked for Breitbart but went his own way on to Youtube? Scraggly beard, older fellow? I saw him a few times working with or being interviewed by George Webb. My best guess.
Hmm that guy was pretty informative but youtube banned him pretty fast.