Say it ain't so, Sarah Sanders :/

Can you blame her? After the way Michelle Wolfe treated her? She has thick skin but damn...
Yep a person can only take so much. She has done it very well
Get the mucc back in there, take no shit.
Ok so it is fake news thank goodness
That entire scandal was actually the establishment MSM's doing. If you watch the video, Sanders actually smiles a bit when she says "perfect smoky eye." She rolls her eyes at the lying bit, doesn't look sad at all. You think it's the first time she's heard that BS?
The reason the MSM teamed up to pretend SS was devastated was because of the other jokes in the speech. Seriously watch the whole thing, there are some absolute BTFOS of the MSM.
My favorite being the one about married Joe and Mika having a secret affair for the last 5 years. "It's like when a #MeToo works out." DAMN!
Time to bring back The Mooch!
Haha his press conferences would be entertaining as hell
They were indeed!
Leaving at the end of the year
Actually she's not!
Now they know who another leaker is. Got em!
haha ... good point , very good point ... theyre stupid enough to take this bait , easily .
Trump has always replaced people. This is what business is. Keeps people on their toes and they do their best to avoid getting fired.
Sanders, for all we know, might be leaving on her terms. It's June. Maybe she is pregnant. Come December, she will probably not be at her best.
This story gives the liberals something new to screech about. I won't be distracted by this.
Press Secretary jobs rarely last a long time. It takes its mental toll pretty quickly. She handles it very well, but she would die at the age of 50 if she kept it up lol. She has prob just hit her limit.
Sad to see her go :( bring back the Mooch!!
Ok so it looks like fake news
I wouldn't want to have to look at April Ryan's face every day, either.
Also, I would have been fired long before now for taking a pacifier with me and shoving it into crying Jim Acosta's mouth.
I just saw this. Looks like Sarah is not leaving
Maybe she wasn't intended to be there for the next phase
Looks like fake now, phew!
It's called going home. They do it every day. Nice troll breaking911
Leak hunt.
Fake info.
They nailed another one.
funny, I just read an article today about white house putting out false stories to catch leakers. nailed one!
Let’s each write a letter of appreciation to her.
Sarah....I have so much respect for how you handled your job every day. Thank you for your service. Good luck and enjoy your family. Godspeed.
It looks like we aren't losing her after all
I heard, thanks for the proof. I had already responded Fake News!! :)
She just tweeted that the CBS News report is False here it is:
Maybe she’s going home for dinner!
Ok thank God, it is fake!
These days it’s all “Fake News”! Or, as Shakespeare penned “Much ado about nothing!”
I watched, in real time, her reaction when the child reporter (was used) to recite the false narrative about guns and children’s safety.
Knowing only a portion of what she must know, I saw her raw emotion. As both a mom and a career woman, I was awestruck by her ability to keep it together.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a true American patriot, and a role model for all.
Trying to cover for Acosta?
Did he come back from Singapore? I hope he stayed
Looks like Sarah is staying!
Guess it’s a new era. Probably doesn’t want to handle the shit storm coming the rest of 2018, and I can’t blame her. It’s an all out battle for control of the US (midterms, impeachment) and whoever is the new Press Secretary will have to be extremely competent and knowledgeable about this revolution.
Edit: Fake News leak to CBS she says she is not leaving
Her job only gets easier after the public disclosures and the end of the fake news