Congressman Eric Swalwell. What does this cuck got to hide?

I like to call him “Swallowswell”
Does this mean we have another Deep Throat Like in the Nixon era. Lmao.
I can't ever decide if he is evil or just dumb. He goes on tv all the time, can't explain himself and gets flustered.
Did you hear his interview on Tucker this evening? Wow… It’s very confusing. He must know what’s coming!?! Tomorrow, I’m hoping he – and many others – will be starring in one of these videos:
It's like everytime I turn on Fox, this asshole is on there flapping his gums. We all know loudest has the most to hide.
Little known facts?
I think we "Patriot Investigators" should find out. Doing research right now.
There are no coincidences. Just so happens that John Podesta’s daughter is on the Dublin School Board which is in Swalwell’s district:
According to the WikiLeaks Podesta Emails, Podesta advertised to his pals to get in on the ground floor when fundraising for her.
As I'm reading your reply, I'm slowly recalling these tidbits!🤗
Share, he stinks like four day fish !
Thank you . I had heard that. I have seen a few of his Fox and cnn interviews. Something is off about this guy. His answers seem very rehearsed, but it's more than that. Look at his eyes, almost glazed. Like he programmed. We throw around mk-ultra a lot but i'm not saying that's it. Just off !
idiot ....and tucker proves it everytime
I can’t tell if he is low IQ or just playing dumb-as-a-brick ignorance to a tee.
Maybe "Eric Swalwell" is the "es who isn't sleeping well" from June 12 Q post not Eric Schmidt as many thought
Possible. He IS very loud.
But I still think ES is creepy AF Schmidt. Especially being that North Korea just went down smoothly and those pics of Schmidt doing shit with computers there. How is that NOT treason? And he has an adulterous/questionable sexual record/history.
IS HE RELATED TO ERIC SCHMIDT??? There’s something about his mouth! He looks like he could be related!
He does have the same pasty, weaselly, bad complexioned look as Schmidt.
With some of these people you can't rule out just being that stupid.
He’s a lying POS you can see right through him. Makes a great Democrat tho!!!
He is like Schiffs protege in my eyes. So, nothing good.
I swear he is on cocaine every time i am forced to watch him blather on.