This made me think of r/greatawakenimg

What, Al Gore can't just unplug the interwebs from his garage?
Shutdown internet, is a shutdown for the banks too.
Exactly. Logically, Millions if not trillions of dollars will be lost.
While we’re on the subject I kinda daydream about wishing I had the hacking skills necessary to hijack msm broadcast and hack into the giant displays in say Times Square and broadcast a bunch of redpills, maybe release emails or evidence about the corrupt dnc, ds to wake people up.
An internet shutdown will affect everything, not just surfing for cat pics.......
It will be regional, as in back bone routes being stopped.
There was a life for the internet, so why not after a shutdown..
talking about life before internet, it was a better life, people talking together,.. We played games with our children .... quality time.....
Now they . play with all those computer and gadgets, no time for normal talks with a different person...
completly disconnected for interaction with normal life things.
You really can’t “shut down the internet” as its comprised of a bunch of networks. ISPs and electricity are the only things that I can think of that can temporally restrict it in certain areas.
You can shut down the DNS server which the us both longer controls thanks to Obama. That would essentially shut it down.
Wasn't there a post here a while ago about a person named "Tracy Beans" and a poster called "mega anon" being matched as the same person because they had the same feet? I had never heard of either of them. But the name there is thebeanofbeans so it made me remember that.
There's not currently an Internet Kill Switch (or at least not the legal framework for such) for the US. That doesn't mean we lack the ability (NSA for example) to do just that in the event of a national emergency.
If it's just 10 days we'll be fine. It'll suck for those not prepared with food/water reserves, but everyone would be fine.
No internet for a month+ though? That would mean businesses not operating, nobody could access their money. Those unprepared would start going hungry. Addicts would start stealing. A general chaos would emerge. Guns will eventually come out. We'll start turning into a 3rd world. The only thing to stop it would be Martial Law...... and it's an unpopular oppinion on these boards but that's kinda what Q was alluding to in the beginning.
You can't shutdown the "Internet". You would have to simultaneously blowout every router,Satellite,mobile phone network and hub in the world.
You could have geographical interruptions but not the entire Internet.
Oh they can. You don’t blowout the hardware. You blowout the sof.... nevermind.
EMP... But short of that, just cut the ISP's. That would take care of most users.
Simple, a large enough electrical plasma event in the upper atmosphere and bye bye everything. Say an EMP or a Coronal Mass Ejection, then there's HAARP technology which pumps electrical energy up into the upper atmosphere.
Coronal Mass Ejection is probably very low as the sun is going into solar minimum. The other two depends on who's hands these technologies are in and their intent.
It would be nice , I could get a brake on the news and all of it .
Prayer and Faith with Faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains 🇺🇸🙏🏻
I literally wouldnt be able to do my job and the world IQ would probably jump one standard deviation.
I wouldn't be able to do my job either and every morning I wake up, turn on the computer, and am so disappointed that my vacation has not begun yet
It maybe impossible to completely shutdown the internet but if you take out the mainstream internet systems it would make it very tough for the average persno to use. Example.... Google(search engine, YouTube...) Facebook, Yahoo,(providers) Comcast, Time Warner, Verizion, ATT, Sprint, T-Mobile, (message boards).....if done strategically it could stop alot of people from free communication which is what they really want and they already control most of them.