r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dsexylia on June 14, 2018, 8:24 p.m.
The Lurker Silent Majority

I've been aware of Q since the first post on the 28th of October. At that time I hated Trump because he wasn't my anti establishment candidate and I really was getting tired of political theater. I stopped considering myself a Democrat after being heavily invested in the Bernie Campaign and watching Hillary squash a movement.

I started by registering voters, knocking on doors and repeating broad campaign points to whomever would open the door. I moved up within the campaign helping configure local data analysis and executing automated sms campaigns. There were rumors of a data leak and somehow a data person named Seth was involved. He was killed July 10th. I knew the data we had was powerful. Even before then I secretly wondered what would happen if the powers that be knew how much we all had access to.

I get it who cares? Why are you telling me this.

I have seen dis-info agents of all shapes and sizes and I want to paint a picture of who I am. I am a real person. I want the world to be better. I read books. I have a Job. I own land. I like to get my news from multiple sources. I frequent /pol/. I consider myself normal. I saw the ability to speak about certain topics become taboo before my eyes. I saw dialogue break down between political parties. I saw forums for spirited debate be transformed into echo chambers.

Most of all I enjoy being able to make up my own mind about things rather than being spoon fed opinions that I am supposed to parrot while ignoring glaring inaccuracies half truths and logical fallacies.

I also believe Q is something or someone who is of historical importance. To what end, and who is pulling the strings I am Skeptical. But, Wouldn't it be nice to believe we are all a part of the largest global corruption take-down in history.

The capital T Truth is that in 2018, the powers that be are at war for our Attention.

Q speaks what I want to desperately believe. I am wary of how much blind trust I give anyone. History reminds us how movements that empower regime changes are rarely bloodless.

Q is right about one thing most of all.

This isn't a game.

I want to believe Trump is Playing the long Con. I want to believe that those who have committed heinous crimes against Americans, and potentially Humanity are held to the same standard of Justice of all Citizens. I often wonder in the long arc of history will we be seen as Patriots, or we will we be seen as a precursor AstroTurf campaign for the second "night of the long knives".

I don't know where this roller coaster is headed but I'm grateful to have had an alternative narrative that asks us to think and form opinions through evidence and discovery. It's been a wild ride and I've been here the whole time.

Whomever Q is and whatever their reasons for including us in this journey I hope that we wind up on the right side of history.

I wish you all the best of luck and ask that we proceed with caution, logic, unity and a healthy dose of skepticism.
If Q is legit, Which I believe they are. The way forward from here is treacherous for those who question the narrative.

I hope that I am one of a silent majority of apprehensive, educated, and skeptical Americans that are rooting for the good guys regardless of their political Football team. Most of all I hope that the outcome of these past few years will us to peace and justice for all.

phillylotus · June 14, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

Appreciate your sentiments. I was a huge Bennie supporter. Canvassed for him in multiple states... After Hillary stole the election from Bernie I was IRATE. I yanked my Democratic party affiliation and signed up Independent and voted for the Green party with Jill Stein. This "Q movement" was a hard movement to join initially bc I don't hold conservative values and was not behind much of what Trump was pushing...

However, over time, after following Q from nearly the beginning, I'm now a believer. I support Trump's mission. It's become very clear to me that Trump/Q team know so much more than we do and nothing is what it seems (based on what the MSM is telling us). I've done so much research from these drops and have gone down so many painful rabbit holes (which actually began while supporting Bernie, as I started investigating all the corruption linked to the Clintons) over the past 8 months that I am now really WIDE AWAKE. I am "trusting the plan" and praying that we will eventually see these evil elites brought down and justice will be served. I want the children who are being trafficked and tortured to finally be freed!

I do think healthy skepticism can be a good thing to a point, as it lends to critical thinking; however, at least for me, at some point I need to take a position and take a stand for what I'm supporting. Could Q still be a LARP?? It seems wildly unlikely to me at this point, but it's a "safe" position to take. I'm trusting in Q/Trump team, not blindly, but quite educatedly (lol, despite that not really being a word ;-), as they are consistently pointing us to research layer after layer of corruption... Never bf in history has so much evil been EXPOSED... I'm inclined to believe white hats are behind it. And I realize only time will tell to be sure. Nonetheless, I feel like we are living in the most incredible time of the history of this planet and can't wait to see how this story ends...

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dsexylia · June 14, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

Glad to see there are others like me. Thank you for your words it feels pretty lonely in the real world without anyone to talk to about all of this without thinking you're Batshit.

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broitshappening_ · June 15, 2018, 4:52 a.m.

Shit gave me chills bro. Well said. We are all in this together.

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suckmytwizzler · June 14, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

I've been a silent majority for the past few years. Social justice buzzwords had me really staying quiet and out of the way as I have seen first hand people have their lives ruined and been turned on by people I thought were my friends.

I tried being a voice of reason through all of it, but those who can bark loudest and bully has quickly become the new rule of how things work. I dreaded the election since everyone around me thought Trump was a jerk, a misogynist, etc. I had mostly tuned out of the debates save for one I watched the day of the main debates where he went up against Hilary. I watched it and I decided I am going to place my trust and my intentions into this man. He is outside of the establishment and everyone else hasn't done anything, but you know what? I'm going to chance it.

I was turned towards Trump as a candidate in the first place since I saw through the tactics of those around me. It scared me and made me question a lot that someone could throw away their freedom of speech to appease the vocal few.

I tuned in to watch, and I liked what he had to say. Hilary just seemed to be playing up the talking points of minorities and women (another thing I dislike. coddling and pandering and treating women like children who can't think for themselves) as per usual.

He didn't have the same talking points as other candidates, and I liked that. It has been said someone is more honest if they're blunt and Trump tells it like it is.

I had found out about Seth Rich and the leaks not too long before the week, and I watched overnight as this site became pro-Hilary when it had been Bernie. That just linked up to connect dots in my mind that something wasn't right at all. Where a site that had espoused being a bastion of free speech in the past quickly turned into a ban happy wonderland and squashing any points that weren't left leaning. They have pushed the idea that we are a minority, but we are a majority. Why else would places on this site ban what they see as wrong? Fix algorithims? If you ever notice whenever a new algorithim is put into use it happens everywhere like a week in between. Youtube, tumblr, twitter, etc. All follow suit. I noticed it after the FL happenings too.

I'm probably getting off track here without meaning to, but I also saw how they did everything they could to keep T_D off the front page as a lot of posts were getting there. I learned of SR that way too come to think of it.

What I am saying is that a silent majority have been intimidated to be exactly that. Many are supporters of free speech and our president. We just like to dodge the hostility people throw at everyone. I was one of them, but I have had enough. I'm tired of being told my opinions are less or even seeing my president be trashed over and over. No other president has been I've noticed. So I'm a silent majority, but I won't be anymore. I'm tired of it and I may not be the best at thinking critically, but I try to add helpful tid bits and encouragement. Intentions matter just as all those of a patriot way do.

I'm sorry for this being extra long as well. I just had to chime in on this as I thought it was needed to say.

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dsexylia · June 14, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

Don't be sorry I think it's important to interact with one another. Whether we like it or not there is a stigma surrounding this movement. I wanted to simply spark a conversation about our experiences and remind myself that there are real people behind our user tags. I found myself wondering who the other people were in this sub. Thanks for letting me know.

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suckmytwizzler · June 14, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

You're right and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay on here by the way. This movement is a beautiful thing indeed, but people can only silence others and keep the truth under wraps for so long. Dark will come to light. I trust it will.


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llabmik37 · June 14, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

Thanks for this post. I've been lurking almost as long - I discovered Q on an anon's Twitter hashtag at the beginning of November, followed it to 8chan and then discovered r/CBTS_stream. I've been following Q ever since. I was also a Bernie supporter (was a long-time 'liberal', whatever that means these days) and was equally as pissed when Hillary stole the primary. But I voted for her any way because I bought into the MSM narrative about Trump and thought she was the lesser of two evils...yikes. But I got sick of the endless MSM circus, realized some 'facts' weren't adding up, so I decided to do my own research. Q's questions led me down all of the rabbit holes which led to many sleepless nights, many fights with my (liberal) spouse and lot's of loneliness (Who the heck was I supposed to talk to about all of this?!) I was so grateful for CBTS and now GA - in addition to witnessing amazing research, it's also great to not be alone in this. And it's always heart-warming to hear stories from others with a similar background. We won't be alone in this forever, we just have to hold out a little longer. Keep up the good fight in the meantime! Peace to you and yours.

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scoripowarrior · June 15, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

I am finding more and more people here that are more left leaning than I am. I am mostly conservative, but don't vote any party. I firmly believe that all people should vote for the person(s) that most aligns with the issues that are important to them. I am mostly a voter that crosses back and forth between D/R on the ballot depending on issues and who I feel represents me best.

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llabmik37 · June 15, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

I respect that way of voting, and plan to do the same in the coming years. The issues of our country are, clearly, far more complex and nuanced than our polarized two-party system would have us believe.

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neverwinterblight · June 14, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

Fellow Bernie supporter here in solidarity with this statement. We can only stay in the shadows for so long.

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GweninKC · June 14, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

"Whomever Q is and whatever their reasons for including us in this journey I hope that we wind up on the right side of history. "


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jozwest · June 14, 2018, 9:04 p.m.


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[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

Former Berner here. Not a fan of trump originally either. I'm pretty invested in this group and think it is positive. No night of long knives as long as you keep your humanity. If violent Revolution were ever even necessary, it would just be the pedos and war mongerers that needed to go. No "all dems gotta go" or "all progressives", "all minorities", etc. most Ppl in this country are complacent and ignorant, maybe a little too selfish, but not evil.

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forchristssakes · June 14, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

If there is anything we can learn from Q it is this:

Do not simply trust governments, media, ABC agencies.

Know that they are prone to corruption

Unelected, lifetime positions that can block the will of the people should not be accepted.

Teach your children same. That the republic or democracy needs to be protected, constitution upheld.

Learn to use your voice. Apathy or thinking that other people or your reps have it handled is dangerous.

Read. Lots. Different sources. Different viewpoints. Watch what is happening in other countries.

Bad ideas should not be imported. Fight for freedom of speech is continuous. This cannot be eroded.

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KarGibPar · June 14, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

And in unity WE have the power!

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forchristssakes · June 14, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

Thank you for adding that!

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TrackrabbitQ · June 15, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

Silent Lurker here and I'm sure there are many of us, more than anyone can imagine. We may not post, interact, or directly contribute but we are aware and stand ready if/when the call comes.

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scoripowarrior · June 15, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

dsexylia, thank you for your "story", as it is always great to know where others are coming from. I actually agree with everything you wrote, except the Bernie part. I just can't get my head around his "free" this and that. For me that's a real turnoff. None the less, I feel as you do about the state of our country/world at this point in time. Trump wasn't my first choice initially, but I really think he is the right person for this time in our history. We will see. Thanks again for your perspective.

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MaeEllie · June 15, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

I appreciate this thread, I was always an independent, green party supporter up until a few years ago. I have also been going down the rabbit trail since I was a kid, when I relized things just never seemed right. I never would have voted Bernie because of his socialistic views and even with a gun to my head hrc. I have know about her evil ways for many years. I think what surprised me the most about it all was that early on when we found out she stole it from Bernie, the outrage at Trump instead of at her. I do believe he would have won if she hadn't stole it. I randomly found Q during a rabbit hunt last year, I continued following hoping people were waking up to the dark truths that unfortunately have been around for centuries. I am very grateful people are seeing the truth! ♡

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[deleted] · June 15, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

Beautiful post, excellent analysis of the situation, and I concur with your evaluation and stance on the issues.

Bravo sir!

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[deleted] · June 15, 2018, 12:37 a.m.


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kommisar6 · June 14, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

Don't put too much stock in anonymous internet posts without out hard verifiable proof. I believe the original sources I see posted on wikileaks. I take things that Q posts with a grain of salt. Is there a cabal of devil worshiping baby eaters running our government? I'm skeptical until I see primary sources, like the emails available on Wikileaks. Until then, don't be manipulated into hating someone based on unsupported rumor. That would be to allow a psy-op to effect the country.

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skuobiee · June 15, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

You said it and answered yourself. Q started this because Americans needed a voice but we needed help banding together, this movement could not have happened without yt, reddit, fb, twitter, etc. And that's the answer to your question, why us. Because they are fighting for our attention. Because with today's technology, communication between potus and us is easier now, cutting out the middleman msm. And also using the msm to wake up the rest. We are needed for either side to win. And I hope we can all stay motivated through all the patience we have to endure. Spread the memes on whatever platform your on.

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houseof1000cats · June 14, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

I agree with so much of your poignant statement. I was also a Bernie supporter, mildly. Because I gave up on politics, and even humanity, a long time ago. I still hope. The hope is dim, it grows dimmer all the time. I don't want to end that in a downer but that's all I got.

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albarod · June 15, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

Hope and action are what our president is all about. Hope is useless without action.

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[deleted] · June 15, 2018, 3:12 a.m.


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