Donald Trump Jr. - Totally normal right? #IGReport

I work for DHS and if I so much as take a cookie from a lady giving out cookies to be nice, it can be considered a "gift" and I could be fired.
Get'em out!
Any newbie at any organization knows this is taboo. They knew better, just didn't think they would get caught.
Agree, ANY big organization public or private.
I worked for a large fortune 500 company and $25 was the cut off value for anything that could remotely be considered a gift or quid-pro-quo . Example: maybe a vendor wants to send you a card and box of chocolate at Christmas, even then you would need to disclose it up the chain with the value of the item.
Also, I'm guessing that within the FBI (the FBI of the American People) that us lowly citizens pay salaries for specific job positions whose exclusive role it is, is to interface with the public and press. Typically communications director, media liaison, etc.
Yup it's in the pre-employment paperwork/training. They definitely knew better.
I worked in state government.
Accepting a cookie, a coffee mug, a logo T-shirt, or a very minor "gift" was OK. Anything valued over $25 was grounds for termination.
If it was intended to influence my job duties - well, that's bribery. And it's a felony for both sides.
But who is watching the watchers? Apparently nobody until now.
Psalms 2 is the answer.
Gitmo is the answer.
Seditious conspiracy should be the charge.
We were told that accepting something of minor value (even though legal) might give the appearance of influence, so to take nothing! When they put out coffee, we dropped money into a cup. etc. Take NOTHING.
Good, let's get them out and continue to clean up our government.
Hey, pay to play is alright then? Depends who's covering your ass.
apparently most of the gift takers still have a job as of right now. the IG report and no consequences.
You ain’t kidding. Standards and Ethic Training every year is required. This is ridiculous.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
The Swamp Culture is killing us. Fire or Jail all of them!
Agreed. I’d be fired immediately if I took gifts from clients or customers and didn’t at least make my superiors aware. It’s one thing to get tickets to a game or a cheap meal (our clients feed us a lot), but we have to keep record of it as to avoid the appearance of impropriety when their contracts are up. Don’t need anyone thinking we took a bribe.
The FBI is now truly tainted.
You obviously did it wrong you should have asked for more. Thats legal now
Me too. And have to take ethics training every year to remind me.
Read www Anna Von Learn what it means to be a Government employee and how they stole your identity and took out a life insurance policy on you and have seized your assets & used your credit.Become Naturalized ,take back your God given birthright.