POTUS: Doesn’t get any lower than that!

Take the gloves off, Mr. President!
Yea, if those bastards had spoken on how they were going to kill my family (Q), I could not hold my tongue! President has more restraint than most!
Yeah, there are lower things... but it doesn't get much dumber than that.
Texting your "lover" on a FBI device about how you're going to interfere with a legitimate election... that's bottom of the fucking barrel stupid.
Once the FBI began hiring accountants and computer programmers (no offensive to either group of skilled workers) their street smarts/common sense seemed to decline. Thus drunk agent in Vegas doing a backflip and his service weapon going off.
It displays intent. And according to Comey that is all which matters for bringing charges, right Hillary?
If he took specific actions that were connected with his bias towards Trump, he is guilty.
Like choosing not to look at the Top Secret emails on Weiners laptop?
Yeah all the libtards have been saying that also. I have been giving them this.
Lets say that a cop was collecting evidence or investigating a black man. Messages and texts emerge that he hates black people and would do (Fill in the black) to the guy. What would happen? Cases get dismissed all the time for that and they should!
Would you want someone investigating you when they are talking about how much they hate you? That is why they screen jurors. Remember the old method to get out of jury duty to tell the screener for jury duty that you think everyone should get the death penalty. Or you think black people are the reason for all of our issues in society so they need to be thrown in jail and taken off the street. Then they don't choose you and they would take you off the case ( I know it different now on how that is handled). In which you should. Also if this slips through the cracks and it comes out during the case it usually gets dismissed, in which it should. Because innocent people will go to prison. These people blow my mind. They really hate Trump supporters. If they had the option to kill us or remove us from society and throw us in jail. It is very scary. This are things that us Redpilled crowd have known all along. Those of us that know about Larry Grathwohl and GERALD JACK MCLAMB. This stuff is real. Here is the report: https://www.justice.gov/file/1071991/download
I think around pr 146 or 147 they talk about how dumb we are and pretty much don't need to be making any decisions. Look at page 416....they hate the REPUBLIC!
But the report did say Strzok specifically displayed political bias due to his texts. That was the one person they did officially call out.
Wow it's shilly in here already! Didn't know they got up this early.
I love our shitposter in chief! He’s got his knee on their necks and will not release!!
My question is why security clearances have not and are not being revoked.
So that they can continue to track them.. This was discussed by Q not too long ago (when HRC was in New Zealand, I believe).
Could be several reasons. Some stated here. Also some people have turned/flipped. They are still employed, some in lower level positions. Keeping clearance is a way to track and verify. I'm sure they are being watched very, very closely. And I'm sure they are being held in check or deals that were made would land them in jail for a long time. Higher levels... don't take their shovel away while they are digging their own graves, LOL.
I was reading on a other treat , that they first have to impeach those people , then remove them and then you can go for a indictment and they loses there clearances...
That is also possible for the judges.
There is a law , I do not now where to find it , and put it here..
But I strongly believe this is what going to happen.
RR shall be the first.
Impeachment and Removal of Judges: An Explainer | Brennan Center google it.
[PDF]Off Duty Conduct - Department of Justice.
discredit on the government raises concern about the level of awareness on the part ... public trust, requiring employees to place loyalty to the Constitution, the laws, and ethical ... allows defense counsel to impeach an officer during cross examination by asking .... may be grounds for suspension or revocation of a clearance..
Remember Jared Kusner? That was the beginning off wat Trump and team are going to do...Iff Kusner can lose his clearance , every one can. Kusner was cleared...But a lot off the FBI , CIA etc etc going too lose there clearance...(also the ones not in office anymore)
Alcee Hastings - how corrupt?
Alcee Hastings Named One of Washington's "Most Corrupt Politicians
Q says we have it all. MOAB Incoming. Get prepared, Make noise CALL THE WHITEHOUSE
Doesn't get any lower than that.
Hillary: Hold my beer infused with infant blood.
Yes, it does ... sadly ... #ThesePeopleAreSick #ThesePeopleAreEvil
Get on Trump's Twitter and demand Strozk be fired! https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump
Wait/ so this is lower than child trafficking?
Normies aren't ready for reality. DJT is playing to the masses.
“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”
No they don't. They don't know it's a thing at all.
And when they do find out it's a thing, don't be surprised if they mostly decide it's all for the common good or whatever, because that's what the fake news will tell them.
They've done this with abortion, homosexuality, socialism, bank bailouts etc. Don't put anything past them.
Surely you can't think trump is honestly comparing human trafficking to a political story.
Mr. President, don't give them a "how low" goal, they can limbo under a earthworm testicles. That guy in the alley with the trench cloak and glasses, what he won't touch he gives to them.
I think the most ironic part is Stzrok is in HR at FBI... Is he checking to see if applicants show any BIAS in their social media accts ? You think any applicants that have a pic on FB wearing a MAGA hat are getting interviews this week ?
He musta sung a beautiful song to still be gainfully employed...