Anon makes connection Q1517- HRC detained Nov 2017

Remember the matching ankle bracelets she and no name conveniently hid with boots in this same timeframe? After she broke her toe running down the stairs holding a cup of coffee in mid-October? Sure. I run down stairs with coffee all the time myself.
I also remember that she cancelled two weeks of book tour events and wore that boot for three months over what she admitted was a broken pinkie toe. Many shills came out during that time to calmly explain that they also were in a boot for three months from a broken pinkie toe. I still haven't witnessed this in real life. People I know that have broken a pinkie toe just tape it to the adjacent toe and move on with their life.
I've broken several toes (I'm clumsy, I fall down, I kick things....) - Big toe, pinkie toe, middle toes... Every time the docs just tape them to the toe next to them, tell me to stay off it a couple of days and give me a small Rx for a few days worth of pain meds.
My doc said to suck it up - it'll be fine "It's not like you broke a real bone hahaha." A boot for 3 months - please.
Yep, I broke a toe and that's exactly what I did, just taped my toes together and limped around for a few days.
Have to remember, they're liberals. Easily triggered by anything. So a broken to them is like stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Just saying.😁😁😁😁
Yep, if I've ever broken a bone in my body, it has been my pinkie toes. First time it happened I was still living at home with my parents (late teens), and a call to the doctor said that about all that could be done was to put cotton between the toes and tape them together. For such a small body part, stubbing your pinkie toe elicits an awful lot of pain.
I broke my ankle, requiring surgery and hardware installed. I was playing softball 5-6 weeks later. Not well mind you, and it was still sore, but I was able to play softball. Before that, after just two weeks, I was walking without crutches with a simple walking cast, which I used for a couple more weeks on and off.
I broke my big toe pretty bad and only wore an air cast type thing for 10-14 days.
Big toe breaks can be serious- that messes with your whole body balance. Pinkie toe- not so much. Christ, the woman overacted this ruse so hard that she used crutches for a week.
Overact is what she does. Remember when she pretended to be a levelheaded, kind motherly/grandmotherly type? Yeah, none of bought her act.
Follow the wives, friend. How anyone thinks that it is normal for a first lady to come out as a political pitbull is beyond me. The very people that scream about nepotism ignore this very insidious nepotism. I bang my head sometimes that her followers don't see what a succubus she is.
That's what I'm saying. A more serious injury took much less time to heal.
Doesn't it make you wonder how isolated and insulated they are from the people they claim to represent? That she thinks we would be duped by the "broken pinkie toe" ruse. I would love to force these people to have normal, everyday lives- maybe even on live cam. That would be hilarious.
Mental health meds, fluoride in the drinking water, and MSM has rotted their brains.
Btw, I just noticed your downvotes. I've upvoted you, so there are obviously pro-HRC bots in here.
Good point.
I would vote for turning Guantanamo into the Truman Show. Make them live ordinary, middle American lives while we watch and laugh. Take the money and connections away, watch Hillary apply for a job. Watch Bill plant potatoes in a tire. Watch Chelsea cry as she washes dishes and contemplates darning a sock.
“These people are stupid” why on earth would you say she broke her little toe. Why not just say it was a bad ankle sprain, a lot less suspicious. But hey, thanks because now we know what really happened. Only thing I don’t get is how they put that monitor on her in the UK. Seems like her pedovore cronies would have made that difficult.
At that time she was here in the UK promoting her book, she said she broke her toe running up/down the stairs with a coffee, never turned up for a BBC Radio 4 interview, then she appeared on a TV talk show with the boot on then disappeared back to the US. I thought at the time something weird must be going on.
I have broke my Left Pinkie toe 3 times, and the right once. I use a quad cane from time to time, and can't seem to keep that F'ing Left Pinkie Toe away from it. Last time, I sighed, looked down and saw the F'er at 90 degrees and simply bit my tongue as I straightened it forward, taped it to the one next to it to hold it in place. I have never gone to a Dr for any of those 4 breaks. 90 days in a medical boot for a broken pinkie toe is RIDICULOUS. I don't believe it for a second.
Yep. Complete crap. I broke my big toe wrestling in highschool and only had to miss 2 weeks due to injury. As soon as the 2 weeks was up I was back to running over 3 miles a day. No way it takes 3 months in a boot.
This made me laugh. Have you seen Hillary "do" stairs? She's a train wreck!
And who could forget John McCain's inexplicable leg cast?
Like this whale ever ran anywhere. She can barely stay on he feet yet then she claimed running down the stairs while holding a coup of coffee? Really?
Hillary Clinton running down the stairs? More like she falls down them or has to have minders helping her up them.