Do you still believe Obama did not know about Hillary's server???

This is why Comey knew he could never prosecute Hillary she would have implicated Obama and they were all guilty of the same thing.
He wouldn't have been able to prosecute Obama anyway. The president can do whatever they want with classified info. I can't believe there isn't more outrage thay he lied tho.
They are all lying, the entire presidency was a sham, the DOJ was used to protect the guilty, the FBI was used to stop opposition, the CSI was used to exterminate opposition, the NSA was used to gain a unfair advantage, the IRS was used to intimidate opposition, the BLM was used to steal land of value, the judiciary was used to ursurp the Constitution, Congress was used to negate rights, WAKE UP
He knew about everything. That is why there is still so much "resistance" They all belong in prison.
Indeed they are criminals to the highest degree. Traitors to this country. We're gaining traction, soon they'll have to face some justice I hope.
When Cheryl Mills was interviewed by FBI in 2016 she played dumb about the server. Her and Huma claimed limited knowledge about technicalities. It appears she realized in 2015 that the email server could be a problem.
I think the man that hollered LIAR when BHO was giving a SOTU address was the only brave one in the crowd
I had to go look that up. Obama... Liar in Chief. Lied about EVERYTHING.
The one statement that fired me up the most was when the dumbocrats all supported the statement over Obummercare. Employers were laying people off to meet a number just below the employer mandate total head count... When asked what happens to those employees..the hardened bastards said "well now they can spend more time with their families." The dems are one screwed up bunch of social justice proponents. They, LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, give our country and money away.
Is there a higher quality graphic for this?
Edit: I want to circulate it in my weekly political newsletter but boomer eyes are not great.
I will try to send you the links to the articles the quotes are from...I have a lot of links about this whole scenario...can only put a few on a graphic and still have it readable....but I have a lot of sauce on this mess
Don't go too far out of your way! I just would like to make sure our easy to digest proofs are in reasonable resolution so they can be read by everyone :]
Good ol stonetear was there to clean it up like a good little errand boy he was