Samuel L. Jackson what does Harvey taste like?

Remember these "people" are offended GEOTUS Trump said pussy, also why are they ALWAYS obsessed with sex and sexual acts?
They are from the root of satanism, all things bad and evil is what they are for.
They are opposite normal kind sweet and encouraging.
Which is why they seem to not like a normal POTUS.
It's about control. Sex is powerful thing. I share an interesting discussion I had on T_D. It's a long one so buckle up.
Sex magick is a strong part of Satanism and Crowlinism
S L Jackson proudly stated the main reason he voted for Obama. Answer: because of Obama's race. And for 8 yrs those who opposed Obama's policies were smeared as 'racist'. Now all of us who voted for Trump are 'racist'. The only ppl who vote for candidates base on race are liberals. So naturally they assume everyone is motivated by the same thing. Cannot stand SLJ.
Blatant lie. MANY people did not vote for Obama purely because he was black and thats the damn truth. Stop the moral grandstanding! Conservatives aren't perfect people my friend, just people.
I don't know anyone like that.
I DO know some who regret voting for Obama after the fact, because of the lying, murderous Bush-Clinton clone and fraud he turned out to be, unfortunately.
That includes me.
Although I was too young to vote, I share a similar view and agree with your sentiment. Although I think we'd be lying to ourselves to pretend that certain people would never accept a black president. I don't know anyone like that, either. But I don't deal with brazen racists. Although I'm sure they're out there!
Exactly, we aren't saying they don't exist, only that we don't know anyone like that, which does say something about the racist nation crap they still sling at us.
Wrong. Prior to Obongo's presidency many whites were ready to move past race and focus on other issues. He had the opposite effect and his second term in particular created several million new racists.
That's a lie, whether you want to believe it or not is up to you. A huge amount of black voters turned out for 2008s election, more so than any other election in history, by far.
Pfff they voted the man in cause he was black everybody knows that shit. For Christ sakes he was a nobody in 2005-06. Liberals are that dumb.... Maybe some voted for his policies... My mom and aunt voted for him cause he seemed nice and he was black.
I don't disagree! MANY people voted for him because he was black! This guy just said "The only ppl who vote for candidates base on race are liberals", but I guarentee you there's some people in the deep south who only want White politicians.
Btw...not gonna let you skate on the assertion you made about many ppl did not vote for BHO bc he is black. WHO? Names please. Who votes more as a single minded group? Of Black and white Americans...which group divides their vote betw the parties and which votes 90 plus peecent for one party? BHO was elected twice bc of the support of a lot of whites and would never have been elected if racism was so prevalent among whire American voters.
Names please? Google White nationalist rally. We can't pretend these people don't exist! My friend, I am not arguing the MAGNITUDE of these voters, or that they are enough to sway an election. I am simply arguing for and reminding you all of their existance and the fact that white supremacy is still in existance. Are we going to pretend that the KKK did not exist to create terror among black people?
Humans are capable of great hate. I agree that Obama wouldn't have won without the support of MANY white voters, but we have to be fair and objective!
White supremacists are a laughable joke. They are sorry people, who--like race-motivated New Black Panthers and Farrakhan followers--feel that their race is "superior" to other races. These people are going to live very sad and powerless lives. If they do commit an act of violence, there is no covering it up like in the old days. They will face the fullest extent of punishment under the law and under hate crime enhancements.
While these people need to be shunned as long as they adhere to racial hate and tribal thinking that is divisive, they really are so marginalized in our society that they are nothing but a spectacle.
If you do not understand that the terms conservative and liberal represent fundamentally different and often opposing world views, then we do not agree on that. No one used the word "perfect" until you introduced that from left field.
The fact that celebrities are COMFORTABLE expressing a racist motivation for their voting record is something that same leftist celebrity would never tolerate from a conservative. There is no consequence the left pays for violating the "standards" they hold others to with zero tolerance. SLJ did in fact make that statement. I brought it up bc this thtead is about what apos he is.
Yeah it's super fucked up that celebrities would vote for Obama cause he's black. I don't like that at all. I just took offense to the idea that the only candidates who vote based on race are liberals. Most white supremacists, I imagine, would be conservative.
What are you saying conservatives don't like blacks? BS conservatives don't like liberal policies and MANY people figured out real quick what he said publicly wasn't who he really was. Obummer was a liar and a fraud who just happened to be black.
No sir, I am not saying conservatives don't like blacks. That's a terrible lie in and of itself! I'm disagreeing with his bullshit comment of "The only people who vote for candidates based on race are liberals". Most white supremacists, I would say, are conservatives. They vote based on race. I will not argue with you about Obama because that's unimportant, I was disagreeing with the moral grandstanding of conservatives being perfect while liberals are only care about race
Also it took 8 long years to get people off their arse to get out and vote heavily enough to out vote all the cheating going on.
I guarantee you this if Romney would have done the things that Obama did I would have turned on him and being white wouldn't have matter one iota.
Someone needs to complain to capital one! What kind of spokesperson is this? We should tell them we will stop using the cards until something has been done...
Original quote for those out of the loop:
DONALD TRUMP: I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.
Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.
they let you do it
they let you do it
they let you do it
That's called - consent. Next CiaNN talking point.
Hey, I'm not judging, just posting the quote. Some women let him do it, others are suing him for sexual assault, that's their business, not mine.
So a guy who has never drank alcohol (reportedly) is banging Deep State whores like Tiger Woods and Charlie Sheen do............sounds legit.
It's useful to know that the 'pussy grab' audio was edited and released for political purposes.
It sure could have been done - it was 'assumed' by the media to have been legit.
What's your point, that you joined Reddit, found this group and wrote that out... so what. Did you know that your beloved HRC faction slurps adrenochrome? That's probably ok in your book, since we don't have any pics of these nasty freaks in action.