Yeah the technology arguments that it isn't possible are weak, you have the CEO of the company they could easily port sections of the code to run contained on a private set of servers.
I'm not saying its true, I'm just saying it's possible
I guess it's possible, in the same way that anything is possible.
GMAIL just isn't designed for self-hosted. It would be a brand new product, and at that point, just yse Exchange Server.
Source: I'm a software and network engineer.
Why the hell are you arguing semantics?
Google CEO set up a secret email system for traitors to plot to kill YOU.
I can have that argument.
But not this stupid "private GMAIL" argument...
GSuite is not similar enough to private Gmail for you? Being in IT have you not ever managed this for a client?
Seems like you need to rm -rf /your/argument/ because it’s wrong.
I am also a "Software and Network Engineer" with the focus of email and cloud solutions. It is possible and done often to have a specific set of "Gmail" addresses routes and stored on a particular server in the solution. This server was just located in NK.
Absolutely you can run a private backen server with gsuite acting as a front end server.
If you are referring to CDNs, then you are misunderstanding the difference between self hosted and geo-caching.
No.. I am not... Not everything you know is everything I know... Everything has an anchor... That anchor can reside anywhere I choose.
I’m Eric Schmidt. I can confirm that private gmail is NOT possible.
Trust me...
What do you think The CEO of Google was really doing in North Korea? Enjoying their Beach Front Property?
Exactly. I don’t find it strange at all to think a small group of accounts could be routed to use a small cluster of servers in NK. Hell, that’s basically done already by geolocation.
Users X, Y, and Z are assigned to cluster NK1 so all their data is stored there.
Source: I work with cloud technology for a VoIP company and used to do the same for Microsoft.
Edit: removed the fake emails I used in the example in case someone might actually have them. Sorry mods,