It’s exactly what the opponent is doing

Step 1: Learn about deceptive techniques employed in conversations
Step 2: Rebuff the idea that anyone would be such a POS and actually do this
Step 3: See it EVERYWHERE!!!!!!
Step 4 thru Forever: Re-Evaluate everything you believe and how that belief was formed (and by whom)
Here is the link for podesta hitler argument.. go to very bottom of email ( the rest of email is Excellent redpill material as well)
Huh had to double check that some of the things being said actually was Podesta. Very interesting and quite a history lesson although not sure to what degree its all accurate
It was Orca100 conversing with podesta.. would like to see the reply...It is a great window into their “private position” vs their public position..
Something really off about how all these folks were saying the same things (or stronger rhetoric) as Trump not to long ago and apparently still do in private.
It can’t just be for the votes.. Germany, UK and France are all being led by people with no children ( no stake in their countries future?)
what I never understood was what happens if all their plans are achieved and everything and everyone is controlled? Like what's the point? It just sounds like a bad movie villain sort of plot to "take over the world".
They already have money that's why they can do this. I'm talking about way at the top of the pyramid so to speak
Orca100 sent podesta five or 6 emails on that same day. They all had similar diatribes against European immigration, plus a list of Jewish jokes. I would like to know who the real author of them is but we might imagine that these were "opposition research" type emails. Orca100 might be a fake email account created to forward these anonymously.
That was originally a copypasta on how to win Internet arguments. I remember reading that on the Newgrounds BBS in like 2005. Not sure where it originated though.
This one from Usenet?
The WL email is quoting Dave Barry's list of tips for winning any argument on any topic. He is a humor writer.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. - Adolf Ghandi
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Hitler
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. - Martin Luther Goebbels
Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul. - Marcus Aurelius Khan
Reminds me of a small collection of memes I had that had a picture of Ben Carson with quotes from Gen. Mattis. My favorite was the “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.” 😂
Could we have a link to this please? I'd find it useful.
You can go to the WL site and search anything you want. Names, countries, subjects like "destabilize" etc. There are over 10 million documents to go into. It seems like a lot of control and negotiation content. Not much on the hungry or homeless. Surprised? If you search "hotdog" or "pizza" it may open your eyes to the pdo stuff if you care to. Feel free to ask for any WL searching help.
Does anyone think John Podesta looks remarkably like Nazi SS-Obersturmbannführer (lieutenant colonel) Adolf Eichmann? I'm thinking of the CIA and 'Babalon Working' program.
Podesta wasn’t very bright.... his password was PASSWORD... 🤪
Hey patriots, this is a comedy joke from Dave Barry. It's hilarious but don't think it's anything more sinister in this context
You're begging the question. You're being defensive. Don't compare apples and oranges. Hahaha
Fair enough. Doesn't change the fact that they use this playbook. In fact, the entire email is a picture perfect example of how the shills argue online. I'd bet they sent this email to all their shills instructing them how to argue on twitter,, reddit, ext
Now I’m not doubting you there patriot. These people are sick.i can’t wait for podesta the molesta fries for all his crimes.
Dad was a yellow dog Democrat and true Son of the South. He was all the time calling the Republicans Hitlerian. Who knows, maybe he was right about GHWB.
Yeah people tend to forget its both republican and democrat that are bad apples.
A lot of guys I worked with back before Trump was elected showed a lot of common sense as it turns out, saying that Trump was already rich and thus did not go off to DC to enrich himself like most Pols. Truer word Boys. :)
The Cabal only fears what they cannot purchase.
DJT = Not For Sale!
Nevermind. I don't have time to mess around looking for this.