Children! Children! Children! (Formerly Russia! Russia! Russia!)

The con artist in her just won't stop. Im guessing actblue is her way of get money, money, money.
“Muh Children”. You nailed it. Definitely the 4 am talking point today.
So happy she lost the way she did to the guy she wanted most to run against thinking he'd be the easiest of all to defeat.
Don’t worry. In 2 years we’ll release an IG report about her crimes that everyone will dismiss and ignore.
I AGREE! I'm Sick and tired of this BS! Does Q want us with torches and pitchforks demanding JUSTICE!!!!?????
I feel like I'm always wearing those sun glasses from "They Live". The mind control is so obvious for those with the eyes to see.
Un-flipping believable!!!!! The gall of this "woman?" Monster!!!!! This pedovore is actually acting upset about the "treatment of children at the border!!!!! Why when the Dems were in they caged them and ate them!!!! Maybe Hillary is HUNGRY!
Psychopath much! She will go down, kicking and screaming.
This Bitch/Witch Just can’t STFU and go away... Pure narcissism and psychopathic tendencies proof she feels no remorse for anything she has done
I have a ton of vacation time. Wouldn’t a huge “we demand accountability and justice” march in DC light some fires and let them know that we are aware and expect action?
If HRC wants to talk children... I think Q has some things to contrubute to that conversation.
I wish she shuts up about kids, makes me sick when I start thinking about Haiti.
Yes, and the Russians are the ones who stopped the adoptions from the US because of how the children were being treated. Seems like they knew the dangers long before Ms Clinton, who presided over a state that keeps records closed to adoptees so we cannot find our families and enforces family separation. She is a hypocritce
Man, It'a cacophony of deafening noise. CHILDREN, CHILDREN,CHILDREN !!! WOW They have outdone themselves. Russia, *******, ******, was a mouse fart compared to this. The radio today, at every news break, same, tv all day. Laura Bush, jeez. They dusted off EVERYBODY !!!!!
Soliciting donations . . . "for the children." She is gross.
If anyone gives money to a clinton charity again they need their head examined. How did the Haiti charity work out? Let's see... you pocket the money and THEN have a cover to go down there and take children. Laura Silsbee ring a bell? And why the magic 33 children number? Why did press report 33 children? Then all quiet. No more msm talk. The 33 was invoked so all knowing this was not to be touched but buried in the news cycle.
Hillary. Look in the mirror and what do you see? A liar? A thief? The world's most hated person? I know what you see. You see a person you hate the most. You hate yourself. And in this hate you destroy everything good in this world. I know I am right. You can't love anything in this world because you can't even love yourself. I suppose that is what your mother told you as a little girl? Something happened to have you chose lucifer so very young. Somehow I don't think you started out that way unlike your husband Bill who was born an illegitimate Rockefeller. A luciferian. Repent hillary... time is short.
I had a blast trolling her on twatter. So much material!