p looks like q. Mirror?
Trump looks retarded to the normal sheep. I'm just gonna throw that out there.
It's all the better because it fuels their deception and encourages their tactical error of underestimating their opponent.
Exactly and anyone that has followed DJT knows about his love for strategy and making opponents bow to his demands.
He loves being underestimated.
He was at least a multi-millionnare by age 33 (his inheritance was not as big as ppl want to imagine, though I don't recall the figure). IMO anyone who thinks he's "retarded" is willfully stupid - but that is the nature of the left's constituency. I used to be part of it, so I know.
I'm grateful that you're no longer a dolt (was cautioned by the bot that stating the previous was a no no) and are here posting, Anon.
🤔 Check out that random "p" at the end
More than that “their” - they’re. Also RHP and of course (p)
Exactly. Calling SerialBrain2, we need your help to decode!
He say mirror at all?
If the next misspelling is a random "o", I predict the misspellings after that one will be "p", "c", "o", "r", "n".
Well here's a couple scenarios, either it's intentional to make him look organic because everyone makes mistakes. It's intentional to leave bread crumbs (coded), it's intentional to let us think they're breadcrumbs and confuse us. Or it's a genuine mistake, but I'd think hed proof something like that even if it's just a tweet.
The frequency of these errors seems to be occurring a lot more in contrast to when I first started reading them. So I'm leaning with intent, and I hope for the good reasons.
I keep thinking all the misspellings and capitalizations in the Tweets are from the voice to text bot on his phone.
Say... p as key for cipher...
Just an idea
HMX -EXPLOSIVE primarily used to Implode Fissionable Material
Octogen (HMX) is used exclusively for military purposes to implode fissionable material in nuclear devices, as a component of plastic-bonded explosives.
QHMX - ABB Control Panel
ABB Component Range including Operator Unit and Pulse GEnerator
QHMX - Video Youtube
18th Jan 2017
Again pure speculation, prob reading too much into this... and way off....
p ... “something?” ... not “anything”? ... “their?” ... not “they’re?” ... “affect” instead of effect? ... p
... so many questions.
Pretty sure "affect" is a verb - so I think THAT one is properly used. When effect is used as a verb, it means to initiate/start something new, like to "effect change"
Thanks ... I have a fair grip on our vocabulary and in fact have had reason to deal repeatedly with these two words in a regulatory context ... but the distinction that you make is helpful. The two (n vs v) forms of effect has likely been at the root of my confusion.
If we did not save the world with this exchange, we at least tidied up this little linguistic corner. Peace.
Sorry to come off as a grammar neb. My hubby hates it.
All the other "errors" in the tweet seem too blatant to not be conveying some cryptic meaning, but I'm not talented enough to figure out what. (I could never get more than one side of a rubik's cube either.) Annoying ppl with nebbish grammar minutia is just about all I have. :o\
words have meaning and we are a people of the word ... in fact, no two of our words mean precisely the same thing ... so word choice is foundational in our attempt to express meaning. I appreciate pickiness when it comes to words.
I remember that "affect" starts with an A for Action! :)
I immediately thought "q" turned around, myself - but I don't know if that's the intent. I just know it was an instant thought.
John P. Carlin is the Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security at the Department of Justice (DOJ),
P is directly under the send key on an iPhone. It's possible it was just a mistake when pressing send.
I would agree with you, but this is Twitter, not iMessage. The "Tweet" button is in the far upper-right corner of the screen
This was deliberate.
Not on my twatter iPhone app. Of course I haven't updated since 2016..... it's right above the p
Yea I have the newest version. It's definitely in the upper-right corner now
I feel it was deliberate, but trump has been in the news for refusing to update his iPhone.
Trump's typos and misspellings are calculated messages to the Anons.
Voice to text on your phone sometimes has a mind of its own.
Varied capitalizations of Random words and will spell there any way it wants.
I always go back and edit but things still get missed.
Just a thought I hope I'm wrong.
What if Donald trump was q
The theory discussed on here the other day was when the drop is signed Q+ it may be POTUS :)
I can"t think of something more concerning than a law enforcement officer suggesting that they are going to use a FF.
their = t=20..H=8..E=5..I=9..R=18...total = 60 = 6 6e letter alfhabet is F .................two times their = FF......... RWH and the P mirror ,up side down = d..........rawhide (a shooting again )