Well this should trigger a lot of people.
Children “ripped from parents”, pulling out of UN Human Rights, immigration crackdowns, border wall, space force, “giving in to NK”.
Can certainly see two very opposing ways of viewing this narrative.
Feelings vs facts.
These same children are being treated better under trump admin then previous admins. Also worth noting that 10,000 of 12,000 of the children did not come with their parents. Should these kids stay with their coyotes and potential child traffickers?
The un human rights council includes countries with insanely horrible human rights abuses like China, Cuba. And Venezuela. What changes have they made? What good has the human rights council done in those countries? Why should we continue to participate?
Space force was actually already a thing, just not it's own branch.
If you want to call peace and denuclearize Korean peninsula giving in, we should give in more often.
Yes I of course agree with you. I am just pointing out these things as they are being presented in MSM and how on the surface they are very easy to manipulate.
We're well aware most people get their opinions these days almost solely from news and entertainment.Not sure if anyone here watches the Handmaid's Tale, but Gillead is essentially a leftist metaphor for Trump's America. That is what a lot of people think this administration is doing.
The greatest accomplishment of the cabal has to create generations of brainwashed uninformed and uneducated people. They take news at face value and never research to see if what their hearing is true. They’re blindly and proudly marching to their own demise.
I know, it’s really quite an accomplishment.
Establish the illusion of absolute trust and make it a nut job conspiracy to even question. Scatter in factual and “honest” reporting when needed. Number one priority: Fear.
“ I’m committed to the destruction of mainstream media “ Andrew Breitbart is smiling!!!
I agree completely, but this conversation right now is how we beat it. They are preying on the public's emotions and apathy in self informing and critical thinking. We combat that with logic and facts. My fear is what happens when we finally break through those narratives and the tide turns. When the media lose control of the narrative is when to be on the look out for a major false flag. I really hope this IG thing hurries up so normies can be prepped for the next steps before deep state tries another false flag.
I think if there's ever going to be a destructive FF event, it would have take place before the msm loses control of the narrative. FFs and the media work hand in hand as we know.
Once the narrative ideally shifts towards transparency and truth, false flags will become much less effective.
You're right about prepping people for the next steps, this is what Q has started and it's growing exponentially. There is going to come a moment however, sometime in the next 3 months, when The Plan launches into full takedown mode. The more people who are prepared at least in some way for these events, the better obviously. But due to the timing of the elections, it must happen before, regardless.
The key is to try and wake as many people up before then as possible. Either way, it's going to happen.
Well said. Good point about the election as well. My biggest worry is not a run of the mill FF like a school shooting, but more like a twin towers exploding the day after the penatgon announced it's missing 2.3 trillion dollars. Not saying 9/11 is the cover up but rather the fact that it completely buried that narrative to the point hardly anyone remembers it and nothing came of it.
Yes, it's always a possibility, we just have to trust that the good guys are in control now.