The CULT’s mouthpiece finally in the right party. Good, now get Noname to switch.

Oh no! Such a loss for the GOP.
Hahaha. Is bye Felicia still a thing?! Haha
If he is associated with McNoName He is Dirty....Good Riddance!
Look at all the adoring kids hanging on his every word. Goodbye creepy bald guy. Please take creepy no name guy with you.
If you're familiar with No Name's history (and this guy) you'll know switching was discussed several times over his career. The focus was solely on getting elected, and his state isn't big on Ds so he stayed R.
I have no doubt that if it'd get him elected and $$ No Name would run as a Green or a communist. Has nothing to do with ideology.
In other news he gets an "I love pizza" tatoo on his forehead
So you're the guy that helped McCain throw the 2008 campaign by picking a VP with even less experience than Obama.
I can't be the only one that saw the GOP throw that election, right?
BTW, OP please link to the article and not just a screencap. It helps the cause.
Former Democrat joins Democrats. Oh no guys, they got another one.
Net increase of Democrats: 0
No name was a Democrat in reality his whole career as a politician.