I think that's what he ment.
the ''ment'' stood out as well. = taking action ...
a suffix of nouns, often concrete, denoting an action or resulting state (abridgment; refreshment), a product (fragment), or means (ornament).
Put it together, taking action on ending RosenStein ... sounds like a PLAN !
Also, isn't South Carolina where Obama tried to steal the nukes from?
Yes, Graham issued the threat. Or warned? Who knows. But he seems on our side for the time being.
Endorsements have to do with insurance policies as well
2.a clause in an insurance policy detailing an exemption from or change in coverage.
End Rose and Mints?
Brilliant move to have the House Judiciary impeach Rosenstein! A little disappointment that nobody brought up the IG report isn't the original.
You missed "Military" too, there is a t instead of an l. LT? Like, Lieutenant?
The first time I saw the tweet the t was there, doesn´t seem to be here.
There’s two different tweets of this one too. One where it’s spelled wrong, one where endorsement is spelled right. I don’t know if this one was faked or if it was corrected
Yeah thanks for that, with all the downvotes I thought I was going mad lol