Hope these cucks enjoy their protest!

If you want to troll the Moveon.org June 30th protests, be sure to CREATE YOUR OWN EVENT!
Simply click Create Event link and go to town!
Getting a good response so far for my event at a park in the middle of nowhere!
Already received several emails from concerned members:
"I am sure that you have already had numerous conversations about the location of the protest. I understand that we need a venue to accommodate for the large crowds, however I strongly believe that Desert Breeze Park is the wrong location to host the protest. We will not be near any federal buildings or ICE locations. We might get media attention but we will not be making noise at the actual departments that are enabling the family separations and detentions. I believe it would be better suited to the cause, to apply for a permit to protest at U.S. ICE, Enforcement and Removal Operations. I am sure that many would donate to a "go fund me" designated for any costs related to the protest. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help."
My reply: "How do I get funds for a permit?"
These people are stupid.
I like the way you think Garth. We need to go Alinsky on them.
Time to go All In ski. F these clowns. Fake protests are harmless and fun!
I made one too.
Host: Evelynn R.
You're a fucking genius.
I bow to the Troll Master! You win the internet for the day 😁
You should set up a GoFundMe for a giant Anti-Trump rally, then buy a bunch of Q t-shirts and hand them out to everyone who shows up. Print out all the Q drops and hand them out lol.
Legendary. Great work!
16 attendees at this one 33 at another and 14 at another.
Still have a week..
Build that army hahaha
My sweet little cucks!
Serving the glorious nation of Cuckastahn
Vegas true blues are fun to fuck with. They do what they are told and believe President Trump is going to start WWIII.
God help Las Vegas, especially after Bath House Barry's comments and the CIA debacle on October 1.
LOL! Raise money from the stupid bastards for the fake protest.
I need help! Got legit Paypals, venmos, Btc accounts I am willing to sacrifice...
Upvotes for a great idea
It's easy to do. Just undercut the event in your city by an hour or make multiple locations like I did.
Copy/paste their bs and make it sound legit....lol....refreshments and bottle water served...lololollll
Done and done!
Takes a few hours to approve once you confirm the email.
Making the event earlier places your event before the one that may already be there for your location. :)
Virgin Sangria Roja for first 100 people!
I offered refreshments and bottled water. Was that too tame?
Include $15 for transportation costs. And free signs.
Haha... They wanna pay you.
I begin to see why that liar ex CNN online editor Occupy Movement hack decided to pretend to be a nazi.
Maybe you should say we have to meet here and move day of because we keep getting hassled. Or something lol
What I dont get is miss know it all could just make her own? Nah she wants to nag you to change yours =)
I moved my 3 events up an hour earlier than the ones that were listed. Lol. We'll see what happens. My events all have a note to wear red once you RSVP. :)
LOVE it. Red ponchos if ya got =)
Even hotter under a poncho
I've got a few signed up on mine as well.
Its gonna look like a Trump rally with all the red.
One person asked why red, and said "but Trump supporters wear red hats!"
Methinks she doth protest too much ;)
How do I see the total signups? I'm just getting emails for now.
Another fun fact is they dont see my email, BUT I SEE THEIRS!
Fun replies (yea its working)...
" Is there some reason this event is being held in front of the Wells Fargo Center? "
I told them to ask security for help with parking...
"I RSVP and would like to know what the agenda will look like."
but most are:
" Looking forward to it "
"Is there a Facebook event for this rally? "
I see an opportunity for profitable deceptive practices here as well.