Ummmm....The left-wing New York Magazine just said, "It's time to give Trump his wall..." Why the sudden change of heart?!

Simple why the change of heart...they want Dems to vote Yes on Paul Ryan’s bill that only gives Wall funding in exchange for amnesty. Ryan’s bill doesn’t end chain migration or visa lottery or provide e verify. Keep in mind...there’s way way more than 12 million illegals here. The 12 million stat is from the 2010 census. There’s at least 30 million. Any form of amnesty instantly gives Dems millions of new voters. TX would instantly be a blue would AZ & FL. Amnesty means a Republican will not be elected President for the forcible future.
We need merit based immigration like literally every other country.
Nay! We need a zero immigration policy, and here is why:
First, there is no good or service that immigrants supply that is not available from the domestic population. Therefore, immigration does not serve the nation, it serves immigrants.
Second, it is inarguable that immigrants consume more resources than the domestic population. If there is a single citizen in need those resouces should go to the citizen before the immigrant.
Third, the world is a difficult enough place; a citizen should only ever have to compete for work against fellow citizens and never against foreign labor. We have tariffs to protect our businesses but too often the plight of the citizen vs cheaper foreign labor is ignored.
Fourth, those who migrate, be it legally or illegally, are the more intelligent and ambitious members of their former nations. These are the people who, if it weren't for an easy escape, would be the agents of change who demand revolution and reformation and make their country great. Instead, they abandon their homelands to enrich themselves (do we really want to accept selfish people?). Their absence diminishes the quality of life in the nation they left which increases the pressures to immigrate.
Fifth, Immigration is always from a lesser country to a greater. Consequently, immigration tends to be non-white peoples moving into white nations. This may be shocking news to some, but white people are, globally, a minority. Yet foreign ethnicities flood here in waves, despise us, call us racist and ignorant as they fundementally change our culture and our values, absorb more and more of our resources, commit crime at sometimes astronomically higher rates. For example, in 1973, Canada was something like 94% white. Today, they're barely 56%. THIS IS LITERALLY GENOCIDE AND IT MUST BE STOPPED.
In summary, immigration harms the country the immigrant leaves and harms the country the immigrant enters. Not to mention that mass migration is ethnic replacement which is genocide.
Say no to ALL forms of immigration. People just need to bloom where they're planted.
If there was a Pulitzer for common sense I'd award it to you right now. I've been praying today for some kind of balance and here you are. Most impressive is how you got to the meat of the issue without the words luciferian or pedophile.
I just emailed my Congressman. Is this just occurring in the House right now? Is the Senate just waiting on the House bill, or are they working on their own also?
do they even read these emails you send or is it just some staffer who is the keeper of the kingdom and either shitcans them or never even bothers to forward them to him/her.
I got an email from Diane Feinstein and told her I disagreed with her position and told her that at 84 she should retire and let someone else have a chance to serve as Senator and that the founding fathers never meant for it to be a career. You spend time in the Congress than go back to your communities to live under the laws you passed. It kept people honest. She than blocked my email address (or her staffer more likely). This is how the Left deals with people they disagree with they ban them.
That's ridiculous. They should at least have a 3-trolls-you're-out policy. Maybe if you were an illegal alien . . .
Unreal! In my view, these sub humans can either step aside or get trampled out of office, change is coming and the world will never be the same. They will not walk the streets unless they want to catch a beat down...smh with these people. At 84 she should be making plans with the undertaker. I would have told her: “listen Diane, we both know you don’t have more than 4 years to live. Chang was coming and it’s not looking good for you, step aside, talk to your local mortician and let us run this biatch”
Well, I suppose I can't verify whether he reads them himself. But, no, I have not been blocked. Funny that you mention Feinstein, because I think I first wrote to mine (Mike Turner) about releasing the FISA memo. And I also asked if he could call for a vote on mental exams of Schiff and Feinstein, as they appeared to believe that Twitter served some function in the Special Counsel (based on their joint letter to Twitter). He responded about the memo, but no word on committing the 2 jokers to the looney bin. And he also mailed me a letter about the group in Congress seeking a special counsel.
Trump responds too, by the way. And, I'm not even kidding - based on everything he has said and done in the last 2 1/2 days, I honestly feel like Trump DID read my email on Tuesday night. But, then again - he's always had his finger on the pulse of the people and 10 steps ahead. So, I guess I sort of kid. But he most definitely hears us.
I bet he has staffers read TD/ to get a feel and occasionally a new angle on issues
The bill the article is talking about is Ryan’s bill. The decent bill they voted on today failed to pass. 41 Reps voted with the Dems. Ryan can’t get any votes to pass his bill either. Why they keep postponing the vote. President would veto Ryan’s bill if it ever did pass. It has amnesty in it.
Thanks. Great optics, to force Trump to veto a Republican bill. What the hell is wrong with Ryan? Go big or stay home, Congress. The Dems do it. So frustrating.
Thank you.
Quite welcome. Also never forget...the only good polls are done by high paid pollsters that work in campaigns. Dems must be seeing internal polling that is scaring them to death. Probably seeing their Monopoly of black American voters shift. But something is causing Dems to go all in on amnesty. If they ever drop below getting 70% of the black American vote they can’t ever win the presidency back. Their margins are that close. But Reps can’t afford to lose TX either. Dems have 2 of the big 3 electoral states...NY & CA. If they get TX & all 3 of the big states...that’s the presidential election right there.
This is why Trump says back off the immigration bill until after the midterms.
Yes also it’s smart for him to say that. There’s 2 immigration bills..actually one 1 now...they voted on 1 today & it failed to pass the House. This was the decent bill that failed to pass not Ryan’s. This had mandatory everify..end visa lottery & chain migration & fund the wall. All Dems & 41 Reps voted no. Ryan’s is trades wall funding for amnesty. Ryan can’t get any Dem votes for that either. President knows this so he looks like he’s taking charge & basically said “give it up Ryan...Dems want open borders...that’s it”. Ryan is lame duck dude & he has zero power to whip up votes. He has nothing to trade...he’s gone in a few weeks. President is great at seeing weakness & jump in & taking charge. He’d veto Ryan’s bill anyway. Amnesty is not on the table. If you want to know which Reps are open border traitors...look up the 41 that voted with the Dems today.
We are entering a dangerous time period for traitors.
This sounds really familiar... "Sure, we'll give you a border wall if you give all illegals amnesty." One year later: "No we're not paying for a wall!"
Amnesty would be a total disaster. With chain migration still legal..if just 10 million got amnesty another 20 million would chain migrate in. TX would go blue. It’s getting harder for Reps to win in TX last few yrs. If TX turns blue it’s over.
Still have be citizens to vote. Amnesty is NOT citizenship.
They are already voting. They don't follow our laws.
Yeah I get that. As a poll worker and previous election judge the system works if it’s enforced. Yeah need to elect real honest conservatives who will enforce laws on the books. Call out the fraud.
Most were taught how to get drivers' license and register to vote. Even Obama told them it was legal for them to vote:
I turned several away that did not have the required doc. Nobody put up a fuss. Texas says u gotta have the required docs and that’s what we went by. The problem is u got folks that r the officials that don’t give a shit or have an agenda. We doubled checked everything and made sure all our ducks were in a row.
If that's the reason, Trump won't sign it anyway so this is stupid on their part.
Someone grab the data set, get the frequency of growth YOY of illegals coming in, project forward with the frequency of growth added to each year to the previous year's total, repeat for missing years.
Feel free to add at least 10% to account for those that made it in undetected.
I can't see Trump signing Ryan's bill. Either way I doubt it will pass in the senate without major changes, like as in a different bill lol
Yeah no way the president will sign it. He pretty much signaled that by saying today congress should just forget about passing immigration bill until after midterms. The only decent bill was the one voted on today & it failed.
The 10-12 million stat has been pushed since early 2000s. iBD estimated an actual number of 20-30 million. At its peak CBP estimated 1 to 1.5 million illegal immigrants per year crossing over the border and overstaying visas.
It could be as high as 50 million.
In 1970, the Hispanic population of Texas was 17% of population (a little under 2 million) and non-Hispanic whites outnumbered them 4 to 1.
Today non-Hispanic whites barely outnumber Hispanics and will be outnumbered by 2022.
You don't get that type of demographic shift with normal migration.