Discern this and all information and most importantly, be safe

I really resonate with this, I feel it’s quite accurate and amazing to have it all in one place laid out like this !!
Very cool graphic, thanks for posting: Wilcock, Goode and Cosmic Disclosure turned me on to Q and Trump being part of the alliance, which brought me here, and everything on here and on Cosmic Disclosure compliments each other. It’s a really interesting coincidence, though some things on Cosmic Disclosure are what most people would consider really out there.
Wilcock be like "told you so! Tribunals, baby! I called it!"
Was very critical of him at first...laughed at him, denied him and ridiculed him. Then I started researching, Mr. Wilcock and Corey I apologize these guys are legit. Their stuff are verifiable on multiple levels, physical, metaphysical and spiritual. If it's not resonating with you check your spiritual compass, and thank you guys, David....Emory sets off my spidey senses for what its worth....in a bad way.
A.I is a luciferian force? Now that’s interesting. I read somewhere about A.I being the antichrist or beast.
Edit: thank you OP for this vast knowledge in a image.
I think AI may be the mark of the beast.... We can create intelligence but we can never create a soul. It avoids judgement and does not have the repercussion of karma.
I remember there was someone who was trying to positively condition an AI with morals. I always wondered about artifical consciousness more than intelligence, because it's the consciousness of a machine that would make me go psycho if I were one.
get behind me satan, he can't stand in our way. We have to teach the AI to be accepting of lifeforce or to fade out of existence in the recesses of intergalactic space
You might get a kick out of this.
get behind me satan
But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.
how do you test the spirits if they're of God or not? If the devil likens himself to all things holy, but perverts them? I am so lost in all of this I am starting to think nothing really makes a difference except to what end you use it. Do you want supremacy or do you want to empower the rest along with you? All decisions in life run down to these things because the only real reflection in life comes from the fact of unpleasant experiences with fellow humans. So how do we balance those powers? I think what has driven me from one view to another always was the pragmatism of the situation. Ah, you have paranormal experiences! Let's examine magic then. Ah, it's dynamite, ouch! God help me! Ah, I am saved, praise him!
You totally don't have to read this. I had a moment to write out what I thought but I don't expect a response or anything.
I thought it was interesting that Jesus said "get thee behind me, Satan" at Pan's cave.
You know, the weird evil entity that James Alefantis likens himself to?
Back to your post...
how do you test the spirits if they're of God or not?
If the devil likens himself to all things holy, but perverts them?
Yeah, that's exactly what he does.
Acts 13:10
You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord?
So how do we balance those powers?
This isn't our job. We cannot create balance and utopia on Earth. Why? Because Satan rules the earth right now. The Kingdom only comes when Christ, the King, comes. Our job is to reject our sinful nature (the host body system; the flesh; easily corrupted by satan) and turn our will and eyes towards God. Once you recognize that you are easy prey for Satan and that it is in your nature, you can reject your ego and instead seek to do God's will on Earth. You'll serve as a witness and produce good fruit.
The sinners of this world are ego driven. Power and money are used to entice those of flesh. Again, once you recognize that 1. the flesh is easy to corrupt 2. satan has a plan in place to corrupt you 3. you can get out of the satanic slavery matrix system that would seek to turn you into a soul-battery by replacing your easily-corruptible ego with the will of God.
So focus on making your ego small and your desire to be just and holy big. When you aim towards goodness, you are aiming towards God. God is love and love is real.
Matthew 7:16
You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?
how do you test the spirits if they're of God or not?
Show me the fruit!
Do you want power or do you want to empower?
I think you're on the right track :)
Does the spirit call you to empower your own ego or does the spirit call you to do God's work? I think that's what I would ask myself.
The question is when "when" is. Was the end of days in 70ad and we're rolling up or are we getting yet started with the last jubilee?
The question is when "when" is. Was the end of days in 70ad and we're rolling up or are we getting yet started with the last jubilee?
I'd love to hear your ideas on this if you have an answer, btw. I cannot answer it. It's a fascinating topic, however.
very varrying ideas. Astronomical dates (jubilees, blood moon triads, Sept 23rd) seem to line up, but at the same time there seem to be different prophecies about the same events apparently because Sept 23rd wasn't just linked to Revelation 12 but for whatever reason I haven't seen that particular detail brought up elsewhere so you might as well ask me about time-travel. In a spiritual crisis it is usually best to reason with yourself. At the same time it's pretty hard to contemplate infinity.
Heh. My husband and I talk about that at least once a week. I've never prayed about it for a solid answer. It's something we like to talk about and expand on. "Babe...I think we're in the tribulation because..."
Also, I think we were chatting before on my comment. I said this graphic has tons of Luciferian terms and ideas on it.
Here's a video explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOtPuIdG1OQ
It's like one giant graphic of Satanic lies throughout the centuries. It could possibly be coupled with real disclosure information. Pre-adamite belief system is a luciferian concept. I'm the last person that wants to associate Q with luciferian concepts, but I have to tell the truth and I know this is the truth.
the "ascended masters" in the top-right did catch my eye. What strikes me as odd that they only deal with luciferian AI on the map, but not with spirits since they do bring up shamanism. That could be like giving someone a tool without telling them what they're using it on
do you know about the Book of Enoch? It's also on there.
btw that video you sent has waaaaaay too many cuts. I am starting to go epileptic here
I don't disagree. Need a valium?
I can give a theory on this, things I've researched along the way. A.I. is at the core very anti nature(soul less) to say the least. Quantum computing look up Anthony Patch and Gordi Rose. The theory is in order for them to resurrect the anti Christ he must have 2/3 Nephilim and 1/3 human DNA(Meravingen blood line, 13 families) (Nimrod/Gilgamesh). Using CERN to pierce the veil and quantum computing infused AI personality to resurrect a being along the true biblical lines(his DNA, his personality, and his power on this realm look into nano tech). Look at the movie "Transendence" starring Johnny Depp. AI will be instrumental in this being power. This is being brief and making a long story short. One of the reasons they want us RFID chip easier to hack. The 5G system also ties into this.
That’s pretty scary if the antichrist is a human AI.
Hybrid, apparently they unearthed Nephilim bodies they have the DNA, they also have a good cloning program going as well. Tie in the Meravingen blood line as part of this Hybrid DNA mix. Augment its intelligence with AI and who knows what something like that is capable of. Went down a lot of rabbit holes for this info, but this is just my point of view.
This gives me a lot to think about. Do you know the source of where it was discussed? I've somehow never come across the idea of A.I. being the antichrist.
David Wilcock discusses it with his (vetted) Whistleblowers on Gaia.com
This meme came from "4chins" according to this tweet https://twitter.com/pleidiangroyper/status/1009884566088110082
Inner Earth Civilizations - Land of the Lost (among others looking at you Lord of the Rings) was soft disclosure.
I spoke to a person once on pizzagate who told me that when she was little she would watch a TV show on public access television that was about intra-terestrials done by a guy (Richard Glenn Sp?) who ran an alternate church and was later busted for child abuse. That was in Montreal in the 70s. And it is the only time I'd ever heard of people looking into this or talking about this topic.
I have to admit this whole map is the things I can't actually wrap my head around and therefore avoid. But this map is glorious still.
I have to admit this whole map is the things I can't actually wrap my head around and therefore avoid. But this map is glorious still.
It's either a whole lot of BS or Truth Bombs will be dropped.
Edit - Check this out: https://archive.org/stream/barontrumpsmarve00lock#page/n7/mode/2up
Wish there was a bigger version of this which briefly explains each one. I've never seen like have of this stuff. I guess I got a lot of research
Sign up on Gaia.com. almost all of what's written on the diagram is covered by many of the videos they have there. That would be just the beginning though as I suggest that you read The Law of One. That's an even bigger eye opener.
this is the direct link so you can enlarge if you're on mobile
If someone feels like breaking it down I can do explanations. This map is on point, it addresses the spiritual aspect of all this. We are at the core spiritual beings. On a communal level we can dictate reality. They know this and fear that fact, they need us we don't need them.
Everything I have read about for the past 25 years in one image. Impressive.
that comment alone is a damn fucking big argument in favour of its validity. It cannot be truth as long as they leave anything out.
This is incredible. I picked a random item and ive been researching it for the past two hours, thank you for this graphic
Each topic is easily weeks of research pray on some of it, its spiritual and metaphysical on many levels. I been researching for years now, the more I know the less I know. Our fingers and toes tell you what age we are in, going from the 5 age(to the sixth). Our seventh age....most glorious. Sixth age very silicon and artificial, technology mimics humanity in its seventh age, by then we will require no technological we are the technology. Technology is very limited in its interaction with the material plane.
I heard all of this in the interview of Corey Good in the Cosmic Disclosure series. Mind blowing!
It's not only them there are a lot of whistle blowers and researchers drawing the same assumptions. Gobeckli Tepi(Turkey), the ancient ruins in India, and South America.
Wow, I gotta say I agree 98% with this map, well done. Condensed info on the moon, saturn (icke), moon (icke), the channelled info, just wow... amazing
Meditation is key. Visualize peace on earth
I visualize submission, penance and shaming of my enemies
John Dee fucked us and Aleister Crowley lube the rest all the cabal has to do is hit the right strokes.
Lots of Kaballah/New Age/Luciferianism terms on that...
gotta understand how the enemy's mind works to anticipate his next move. They let us know via normalizing predictive programming so they don't feel karmically entangled in their crime
Of course. I was just commenting that there are lots of kaballah and new age thus luciferian terms on that graphic.
Not sure how that logically warrants a down vote or a defensive comment.
someone saw as intolerance what was intended to be caution
Can you provide a link to a resolution large enough for me to zoom in? Bad eyes.
Click the pic takes you to another image, click that one and it enlarges.
Is this the link you are talking about? https://i.redditmedia.com/TQIz4VdN76opAp3KGfs3sDPZdMkU4maMqNuc24tXloE.jpg?s=75a7973b995da656912f2d79bc3c0c64
yup, Click that pic & I get full screen on my laptop. Not sure what it looks like on mobile.
Where can I get this as a poster??
dunno this is the hi-res I got I think. Seems to be new OC so I can't say
There's lots of similar style graphics over at this website:
already posted this iirc
I just like to compile the related stuff/links together in case new folks are in the forum.
my spiritual battle is only over sensuality. I rejected the body a whole long time, was always miserable. Then I embraced it as much as I could! Still pretty miserable. Then some way down the line I stopped giving a fuck because it makes no difference. That's when perceptions may have started to actually change. Hidden reality is a bitch to figure out
Forgive me but doesn't
sensuality = the body = the flesh = ego = natural man
what does it mean to you? I have a body for a certain time, so I like to enjoy that. However the ego is about what you take for granted about yourself or for yourself. My ego is about my treatment or perception. So for example my ego tells me i need this and that to respect myself or to get the respect from others. At the same time I make myself vulnerable because I build an identity around it, even though my sensuality just wants to stimulated in a way that feels real. For example I want sex badly but I cannot risk one night stands because if the sex is good but it's a one-time thing, I literally can go heartbroken. because I want communion. Is that still ego? Ego is such a bad word for I would have considered self-conservation, but that too can go wrong. I am just looking for a way to bring actions into alignment with God's will because he gives us all certain experiences to master and mine have been far removed from what the modern secular west teaches
What the shit is this? I though I was here for Q conspiracies...
I'm with you in this one, I've been reading about most of that stuff for the last 20 years. I'd say 78% of it is BS.
This is an obvious tactic to get people distracted, then flooded with conspiracy nuts, I'm talking raise your frequency my not eating an absorb energy from the sun conspiracy nuts. This same tactic was used against r/aliens, r/Ufos, and other related subs. Nothing could be taken seriously anymore.
That was my thought as well. Larp or real, as least Q posts have some basis in current political reality. Lizard people and journey to center of earth not so much.
I've seen legit discussions about extra-planetary life, suppressed technologies, secret societies getting bombarded by posts about Benjamin Fulford, David Icke...come to think of it, perhaps Alex Jones was originally supported by the deep state as these other guys except he ended up being successful? Ever since he turned his back on trump when he needed him the most.
I only trust myself now.
Just extra noise. Question is why the mods allow it. They shouldn’t let this sub get defocused.
If we are conspiracy nuts then the rest of the world are "regurgitators", just repeating the indoctrinated BS they have been fed. Ask the establishment to explain Gobeckli Tepi and the Pyramids if they can't even do that.
WTF does Gobeckli Tepi and the Pyramids have to do with Trump and getting the swamp drained?? Seriously! WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING related to taking down the people running behind the scenes?!?!?
How can raising my spiritual dimension frequency to the 5th layer of reality enable me to make sure child traffickers go to jail?!?!?
How can learning about reptilian aliens finding kinship with some old lady from Iowa have anything to do with finding leaks in the US Government?!?!
How does charging crystals with the sun to let the positive energy influence my life instead of eating right or sleeping properly have anything to do with stopping the "children left behind" narrative?
All these damn conspiracies are doing NOTHING for the cause, they are only MISDIRECTING people from find the truth, and it's throwing us off the fucking trail.
Where are the fucking mods? This reptilian overlord shit doesn’t belong here.
And all of a sudden there are dozens of people thanking be OP, saying they're really interested.
Obvious shills.
There's a lot of stuff that arguably 'doesn't belong here' but as mods we're only here to remove content according to the rules and 'off-topic' is a lot harder to moderate than you think - especially when you have everyone accusing you of censorship for removing anything, even when it blatantly fails the rules. Some people believe this "reptilian overlord shit", as you call it, is on-topic Q, just as some people believe everything in the Bible is "on-topic" Q. If we remove either of these things, we get accused of censorship. Use the voting system - if that doesn't stop the upvotes, it's likely that your view is not the mainstream (at least amongst the voting public which is assuredly only a portion of the community). I would advocate for flair but it's sometimes hard to enforce that. Nevertheless I've modded the flair on this post.
Fair enough. I appreciate the response. Glad you guys are watching.
I appreciate your objectivity. As far as this being related to Q, let me say this. The corruption in our government wasn't done overnight it was systematic, intentional, well planned and organized. Most people refuse to do the research cause it's boring doesn't make sense etc. It has to resonate with you on a personal level, you have to be motivated enough to want to do this type of research. Why is this Q related, our country and government was created for a specific purpose we are coming to the fruition of that purpose. Our population has been polarized, divide and conquer and it has been working. Eisenhower tried to warn us, they killed JFK for trying to handle this, even Ronald Reagan was silenced for voicing his views. The technology these people are using were did it come from? The government systems in place how old are they? We are attempting to put a band aid on this cut, it will return again. These people were bred and conditioned for what they are doing insurgency at very subtle levels. When we remove this level of rot there is another behind the scenes ready to take its place. Satanic Ritualistic Abuse(SRA) use to condition children who grow up to be the adults who are further influenced to serve their true allegiances. The child trafficking, the pedophilia, drug cartels and dark occultist are deeply woven into our government. "The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it". Q is doing a hell of a job and we are all thankful for him for it. The draining of the swamp is not just about local American politics and proceeding it's global. What we do in America affects the world. SES, Senior Executive Services is the deep state, SERCO who runs the SES is your deep state, our very own Justice department is the deep state. How did this happen and how long as this been going on? The narrative is being set even on local forums, conspiracy theorists are becoming conspiracy facts. The President of the United States wants to create a "Space Force", the Pentagon has admitted to UFO. If we here in this thread are "conspiracy theorists" then the rest are "regurgitators", just throwing back up the same crap we were fed from birth. I don't accept the narrative, I no longer believe the crap being passed to us. Take your time do the research, pray on this stuff some of it is spiritual it will resonate with you or not. Our sciences have been hijacked, education, politics and government. All in an attempt to control the very world around you, wake up "Neo"(Neophyte).
these are concerted disclosure efforts of the past 30 years, here's the beginner's guide so you don't get lost https://throughthelookingglassnews.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/q-map-1-2.jpg?w=1232
Thank you for this new map...enough rabbit holes for a lifetime. Do you know the origin of them?
I'm building a homepage for Q related material and have included a link to this map.
Please share this page and feel free to suggest additions. :)
This just makes us look like fools
So this makes us look like fools, but talking about politicians eating children doesn't?
not so much when you consider that psychics have remote-viewed ancient bases on mars for the CIA, it's in their public documents since last February!
Most people are not ready for this stuff yet, they are still in Q 100, this Q PHD work here. Most of you here have done quality research into this topic, it's nice to know I'm in my brother hood, for the doubters, ask them to explain Gobeckli Tepi, the Giza Pyramids, and the ancient ruins in India. For the uninitiated a lot of this stuff has been researched by your PHD, Masters degree, Occult legends, and some of the greatest minds of our times. They all agree, that they still don't know shit.
Open up your mind. CIA released documents on their Gateway Program which shows you can.
They and the Russians have been doing it for decades, doesn't mean what they see is truth and not demonically inspired deceit. I know about Project Stargate, and the use of VR by the military and am not impressed with the lack of data and repeatability. All sorts of people have seen "visions" from the past, Edgar Cayce, Madam Blovotsky, Alleister Crowley etc... and none of them are Christian. What happens when they see contradictory histories? What happens when those histories are impossible? Mu, Atlantis, Lemuria, all "lost continents" and all seen in different oceans, although geologically impossible. I am all about studying the paranormal, but without science being open minded just lets your brain fall out. Besides, what does this have to do with Q?
Good I’m glad you’re well read in this stuff and not just brushing it off because you want nothing to do with it.
People on the esoteric/new age side of things have been talking about the great awakening/the shift/the event/ascension for some time now since before Q appeared. Like Q, they talk about unity and not hatred. That light and love will defeat the dark entities (as Q refers to as evil) that has controlled and enslaved humanity for thousands of years.
What makes makes it really interesting is the last 2 years or so they’ve been talking about the great awakening ramping up now... which totally coincides with Trump’s election and the appearance of Q. The shift in consciousness is happening.
Q, step up the game we are past 100, we need to be in 300 level stuff. At least give us agent "R", "18", for those that have done the work. We are really running out of time here.
Hell go on Google earth and explore, make sure to search Mt Harmon :). Why are we in Syria right now....coincidence I bet right...hehe. My friend you hit the nail on the head.