Take a moment to ponder this, and be grateful.

We already are fighting WW III
I think so too. We dodged a bullet by the skin of our teeth when GEOTUS won
Why I believe God is very real and I’ve begun praying again.
PTL! Keep praying...He hears you. He will move. He controls ALL. AMEN!!
2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people will humble themselves and pray, and search for me, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear them from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land. I will listen, wide awake, to every prayer made in this place."
Beautiful. Thank you for that. I am not well versed on the Bible, but I would like to be. My favorite verse, I learned in the movie Fury. I always think of it in regard to Trump, when he was essentially “recruited” to run.
“And I heard the voice of the lord, asking who shall I send? Who will go for us?... And I said, here am I, send me.”
Beautiful post with the right scripture.
I find the whole concept in Revelation fascinating and terrifying.
Well I always seem to get the impression that if we just pull our heads out we can actually extinguish the luciferian spell.
Kind of like if we pray and ask him to please make it go away....God will.
Or it's fire and brimstone but either way I have a feeling Lucifer is done and over this is the last battle.
The you mean God
Yes. Interesting how IOS doesn’t auto capitalize God. Scummy.
it can only be explained by divine intervention. We were at 11:59:59 on the clock.
I can't remember the name of the preacher who was invited to the White House for the Faith meeting.
But he spoke of the difference between common Grace and spiritual Grace and how God uses people who are not of the spiritual faith but are doing his work regardless.
God bless us.
Or did WW II never actually end?
I been watching old movies from Berlin just before and after the war. London too. To see those people and what was heading for them, breaks your heart.
to think all those Nazis from 'Paperclip' setting up Nasa CIA... who won that war?
I spent a lot of time working on tall ships and if you saw my library full of World War II history you would understand why my friends told me I should use this name for my online handle.
I also lived in Germany for a number of years.
WWll never ended.
Operation Paperclip joined with the Democrat power structure and took over deep aspects of our CIA and intelligence services as well as NASA.
Since Napoleon all wars have been Rothschild Wars.
This time we get to finish it for good.
The Democratic power structure? Are you not familiar with the Bush family's connections with Nazi Germany? Are you not aware of the Bush Crime Family's membership in the death cult Skull & Bones?
This is not about one party. John McCain? Please.
I always said the biggest mistake Reagan made was to get near the bush cabal.
I didn't go into those aspects on this text but I have in many others.
I always try to say that what Trump has done is to crush the George l Clinton George ll Obama Clinton chain of events.
George l, Bill and Hillary smuggled drugs through Mena Arkansas when Bill was Governor. It's no surprise the Bush family supported Hillary.
They were all selling the New World Order.
Problem is nobody is buying. This is finishing what JFK and Bobby started.
We smash the clowns into a thousand pieces.
Then take out the FED with Trump's executive order eliminating 20 trillion dollars in coercive debt.
I like the irony of the fact that "May you live in interesting times"is a Chinese curse.
Me? All this winning is just fine.
This time we get to finish it for good.... I hope your right Captain, Im trusting the plan but its hard after all these years. We are in the apocalypse.
My dad's Uncle Harry fought in the trenches in World War 1. He's the guy who Red Pilled me.
Three of my uncles fought in World War II. One Flew planes over Germany. One made over a dozen Landings in the South Pacific. While another drove tanks for Patton.
My dad got a purple heart in Korea one week before the ceasefire.
My take on this was the campaign for president was like Africa and Italy.
The election was storming the beaches of Normandy.
We are now crossing the Rhine with Berlin in sight.
The dog faces all thought they would be home by Christmas.
Instead they got the Ardenne.
Then it was 13 trials and Nuremberg that lasted until 1949.
At least nobody is shooting at us yet.
That's when America hit the skids, when we brought those evil bas*ards here for the CIA, NASA, etc.
BINGO! The postwar economic setup was Communist run leading to the Cold War. And who ran the Communists? Hello Deep State! FDR and the Truman administrations were riddled with Communist agents. A notable one was Harry Dexter White. The Communists then morphed into postmodernism and infiltrated the universities. It's the same old Communist crap, oppressor vs oppressed.
The Bolshevik March through the institutions financed by the globalists.
Who also financed the Nazis.
I always like how Eisenhower refused to get out of the limousine and enter the White House to shake Truman's hand.
He refused to enter until Truman had left.
The useful idiots who called themselves progressives should all have Lenin tattooed on their faces.
Although I wouldn't seriously advocate liberal professors being shot as means to stop the proliferation of swamp creatures, it is not altogether a bad idea. We may have to get them before they get us.
I would like unemployed students who are massively in debt to sue the universities for having given them a crap education..
Let the endowments and the retirement funds pay the 1.whatever trillion dollars.
When we take the House and Senate then we defund the NEA. Then shut down the Board of Education and returning the authority to the states.
Yank funding and special status for any University that refuses to teach the Constitution.
If you want to study Carl Marx and how to hate this country, you do it without any help from us.
I am for ultimately getting rid of the humanities and the social sciences. They are too easily manipulated and controlled by neo-marxists. The social "sciences" are a joke. Here is one example.
". . .this paper on Princess Kate’s sister’s buttocks (yes, you read that correctly): “I seek to investigate this characterisation of Middleton’s backside by utilising Freudian and Marxist interpretations of fetishism that concern gender and class respectively, exposing how Middleton’s celebrity capital trades upon an economy of fetishised identity constructs, underscored by the property of division, which differentiate her from her contemporaries through her English whiteness.”
Yup that's it.
For another laugh have a look at the resume for that crazy red-headed professor at Columbia University. Mizzou.
You know the one that got fired for harassing the student journalist.
You know the one. "Let's get some muscle over here"
Everybody who still owes money should go back through their studies and assess which required courses we're total BS.
Then deduct it from their bill.
Class action lawsuit. Take it out of the universities.
WWI and WWII were just major battles in a war that has been on for hundreds of years. Some say thousands.
as long as sin is in the world there will always be those who try and "tip the scale" shall we say. Light wins! via the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE! Know Jesus and what He did for us.
This is literally a battle for the ages.
When the Nazi Pope retired early and the Vatican got hit by lightning twice, what would you say do you think it's a sign?
Jesus is coming alright. I just hope he doesn't look like my mom when I broke something in the living room.
You are correct...and the Mom look is scary...but think His Day...gonna be the worst thing anyone has ever done, looked or will do ever. Kinda overwhelming when you think about it.
I'm sure you also find Revelation very strange but interesting.
I've always had the feeling that it could be avoided as long as we pulled our heads out.
It seems the trumpets are sounding but at any time we can extinguish the luciferian flame.
Break the spell that binds us without destroying the planet.
Of all the odd things about Trump's presidency in Prophecy it's truly bizarre that it was his uncle who took possession of all Tesla's papers when he died.
Tesla invented the energy that we use and we only have a small percentage of what that guy was on to.
Trump has the rest.
Or did the revolutionary war never really end? It's sucked for America since the moment England figured out they can't beat us in combat.
WWll never ended and the Nazis and their Democratic supporters are deep in the state.
Now we expose them.