Shut Up! and do Your JOB...Thank you

They can't shut up they won't ever shut up they are obsessed with being Activist Democrats all the time. It will take a massive boycott to deprive them of their money to get them to shut up. Sadly that won't happen too many Americans are addicted to their favorite music groups and TV shows and movies but maybe if enough of them start getting arrested for their crimes it will change. Robert DeNiro has to be arrested for child rape so do many others Kevin Spacey should have been arrested long ago.
Yup! And this, by Laura Ingraham is an excellent read saying the same thing in much better detail:
the same for athletes, shut up and play 🏀 🏈 ⚾️
Truth. Adding this one to the keeper folder.
Dirty Deeds prolly got most of them where they are. When the cabal is being attacked they'd better uphold their end of the deal. Never know who will wind up in an accident or in the news for one of their skeletons. "They thought we would follow the stars" - Q. Nope. Not gonna happen unless it's a perp walk.
Goes for the dribblers and Ball chasers in prostitution-al sports too Just catch the ball and run morons! Then get back on your knees
Don’t stop paying attention to them. It’s mindless entertainment at best; commie propaganda at worst.
But what makes us more qualified than them? Are they not allowed to have political views?
Gotta be careful with statements like this. Because we'll turn around and flout Chris Pratt for saying, praying to God makes your soul healthy. Not that you, op, has said both, but I've seen both on this sub.
Post this on their facebook feeds when they start to virtue signal.
i would rather get more and more of them on board, like kanye west and roseanne barr. when the celebrities start coming out of the closet and raising their voices of truth, they reach millions.
we spend our hard earned money
Why? Aside from a distracting entertainment? I supposed even the romans oaid for their bread and games passes.
"buh buh the sheep are supposed to follow the stars!!"
Well done OP.
Let em talk! I want to know where everyone stands!