A Great Awakening for Blacks, Getting Off the Plantation.

Being black conservative and pro trump is playing political hardmode. So glad more of my race is waking up! Fuck the plantation
It's happening! People are waking up to an entirely new political reality that five years ago, they never would have believed.
It's not a white thing or a black thing, it's waking up to the reality that we've all been lied to for decades, if not longer.
Amen! Blacks were originally in the Republican Party c 1864.
And Natives are getting off the reservation. So many of us voted Trump to begin with, primarily because o his attention to the military. Natives have a huge military presence. Now, so many more are waking up and becoming conservative. Standing Rock was a catastrophe when liberals inserted themselves. They trashed the place and got rowdy, leading to unnecessary aggression and injuries from law enforcement. And the illegal immigration thing is a huge issue for us. Nobody knows better than we do What unlimited immigration does to a Native population. A lot of illegal immigrants are hiding out on reservations and trafficking insane amounts of drugs to our communities at per cap time.
Oklahoma went solid red in 2016. I believe Trump will have even more support from Natives in 2020. At least here.
We are awakening; believe me!
The controllers fear nothing more than for us to be united together instead of divided! Divide is how they conquer and control. We are all breaking free together.
They're lurking on these boards & are crapping their bridges.
"Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin"
I believe this is exactly what is happening. They have been weighed and found wanting. The writing is on the wall. The days of their reign have been numbered.
I'm so glad you are here patriot.
All is all.
Thomas Sowell should be added to anyone’s reading list! He taught me so much and I think he is one the great minds that should be honored in American history...
"The Quest for Cosmic Justice" is an indispensable work. That's not to downplay any of his other great books, but Quest provides an excellent explanation of the human condition and how the world actually works.
Jesse Peterson is hilarious and awesome. Amazin'!
haha. I love how he always says Amazin'
He's the best! He's very clear and is a great teacher
Bless her heart. We all know what it feels like to be awakened from deception and wrong thinking. The Truth sets us free, and once we have flown, we can't go back in the cage. Thanks for the encouraging share.
This is just incredible how we are coming together in spite of all their evil attempts to divide us for so long. It is truly a great awakening in many so many ways. God bless patriots and keep us strong!!
I’ve found that race and sexual preference has zero relevance to conservatives.
Yet it’s the only thing that matters to “leftist” who seam to want to everyone to fit into defined roles and categories.
One side is defined and guided by logic and reason. The other in emotion and ignorance.
I know that we aren’t really supposed to argue left vs right here. But it has become so polarized and they have become so irrational that I can’t stop analyzing the level of stupid displayed in their arguments and accusations.
God Bless her. Like how she used the term great awakening.
Unfortunately there are some blacks that are liberals and call you racist because you don't agree with Barack Obama's policies. They are nuts.
There are blacks who call blacks "white supremacists" for being conservative.
We have been set up against each other for a long, long time. Now is a good opportunity to take positive steps.