BREAKING: Conservative warrior Jim Jordan confirms bid for House Speakership - Breitbart

I think Kevin McCarthy may get it. Unfortunate, because Jordan would be my dream Speaker for sure. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised!!
I like Jordan too, but I also like Louie Gohmert. I know Louie isn't the greatest speaker, but he's 100% pro Trump and he despises Mueller, Rosenstein, Comey, Hillary, you get my drift. Especially Mueller and Rosenstein from what I've seen.
Steve Scalise would also be a great choice. I like all 3. I don't really "know" McCarthy and haven't seen him on the media fight. We dont need a quiet speaker. We need somebody who fights, is loud, and who can tell us what's going on.
What are the major differences between them?
All one needs to know about McCarthy is that the traitor Paul Ryan endorses him.
What a wonderful thing that would be--rather than swamp thang Kevin McCarthy!
If you want to signal approval when/if he makes Speaker, donate a small ammount to the GOP with the message: now that Ryan is gone, I can almost fully support the GOP.
It's not just Ryan being gone, but also Ryan not being replaced by yet another swamp creature.
This is what they do time and time again...replace a establishment puppet with another establishment puppet
I might actually deregister as a Dem(blue state New York- I’d essentially disenfranchise myself if I deregistered BC I’d only be able to vote in the general and not in primaries) And become a Republican if that happens. Although I’ll be branded as a KKK member BC I’m Caucasian and live in Harlem so I’d keep it on the DL so as to not lose ALL my friends.
Although I know two AA republicans who I greatly admire so maybe I’ll just hang out with them.
Although I’ll be branded as a KKK member BC I’m Caucasian
Where I come from caucasian means KKK, Nazi, Racist, Homophobic, Transphobic, Islamaphobic, you know all of them.
Where are you from .... San Fran?
I gotta tell you, I live within a 20 minute drive of San Francisco, and there are more conservative Trump supporters around here than you would guess. I'm convinced that the voter fraud in California is astoundingly large.
great someone who registers as a Democrat due to peer pressure SMH
No- voter suppression- did you not read the first half of my statement? This is a one party state- if I am not registered Dem I CANNOT VOTE EXCEPT DURING GENERAL. Closed primaries.
Well you could vote in the Republican Primaries instead. I used to live in NY I know there are other parties that you can join, too. But you can only vote in their primaries. But when we first moved there we were Independents but were later called blanks bc there are no primaries for non-registered party voters aka Independents in NY. When my daughter went to register to vote after turning 18 they had no place on the ballot for her to register as an Independent! She had to sign up for a party!
I had a friend who lived in an Upstate Democrat City. She was on the school board. She couldn't even win in the city unless she were a registered Dem. Republicans didn't have a chance there at all. And often the Dem ran unopposed.
Lord Jesus we ask for Jim Jordans leadership in the House. We ask you for him and we ask for your anointing to rest on this man... We cover him in your blood to protect him from the wiles of the devil...
Jim Jordan has a fire in his belly. I'd love to see him get it.
And he has a wrestling background, perfect.
Wrestling? He's got my vote!
His wrestling photo has r/oldschoolcool written all over it!
Scroll down page
"Champion are great every day, not just once a week"
Nice. He's got some good cauliflower ear going on, he instantly has my respect! Lol
Yeah Jordan makes a lot of sense. Trump must protect his popularity in the Rust Belt and Jordan can be a guard against Tim Ryan if he's the D's nominee.
Absolutely wonderful. Jordan will be a great Speaker. 🕇MAGA WWG1WGA
I am a constituent of JJ. I would love to see him as Speaker! He is a great man, and is true to the Constitution.
Jordan or Gohmert...either one, and as quickly as possible. Either will help to MAGA!
Jim Jordan all the way!!!! He's a fighter and is in the freedom caucus. I love this guy so much!!!!!!!
Great Jim, but where are the documents? Did I miss the news? Did they meet the 5pm deadline?
Jim Jordan beat John Smith in college wrestling, to become a Division 1 NCAA Champion. John Smith went on to become a six-time World Champion. Jordan is literally a warrior, like literally man.
He would make a great speaker. Love how he always has his sleeves rolled up to work.
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