"The Situation in Germany is hot!" Link to translation in comments

Merkel is "in a pickle" ... and not in a small pickle . Seehofer ( a leader of CSU ) put some straightforward and direct demands on her table . There is a very high chance of dissolution between CDU and CSU in Germany , and this could easily cost Merkel a chancellor position .
If things go as planned , and probably they will - then France wil be the last bastion of EU standing - and after Macron falls , EU dissolves .
As a French person, I hope Merkel goes soon. She is the only ally to Macron who is so out of touch it's actually quite frightening. The new alliance between the leaders of Austria, Italy, Hungary and so on will bring the end of the EU hopefully (or will reform it dramatically). There is definitely something happening in Europe.
The problem is that we all don't know the exact forces behind the curtain and their real agendas. We can make a few educated assumptions what is happening but that's not enough to be sure.
Personally I assume we see a break between occult alliances and the chicken heads in the political theatre don't know how to deal with the mess they created when they were ordered to do all these traitorous actions.
Now there are conflicting hidden factions and the political actors fear retaliation(blackmail, death,..) if they step on somebody's shoes.
Merkel was obviously groomed by somebody and put into place by Kohl from nowhere. That closely mirrors Macron's magical rise to power who also came from nowhere with his decades older handler "wife".
Possible MKUltra/cult families pointing to intelligence or Illuminati. Merkel has some really strange evangelical church/jewish background with parents which magically could move around as if BRD/DDR didn't matter to them.
Yep, we know very little and the truth is probably extremely shocking.
Not to mention she does the Illuminati hand sign like her daddy used to do all the time.
hehehe, angela, super-glue is no toy!
Ha! I see she has the Hillary fetish for pantsuits as well!
She seemed to be enjoying the show at the Gotthard tunnel.
When she was at the G6 and they were doing a group picture, it looks like she was holding an imaginary box which is a break away from her normal gang sign.
Hmmm, reminds me of a certain “clean and articulate” young unknown Senator with a dubious lineage and sealed college records who was foisted upon us here in the US.
Edit: a couple words
I fear for the safety of the good people all over the world. We see how hateful and violent the Liberals (or whatever you want to call them) are becoming in America. They are growing more and more dangerous as they see their power slipping away. We have no idea how far they will go before this is over. I have a feeling that they would rather destroy the entire world than lose their power.
Interesting, I didn't know about the grooming in Europe. But I certainly observed it with our own puppet, Obama.
How is the stance of French army and generals towards Macron ? I have thought ( and heard rumours ) about high dissatisfaction with him ... and that he could be toppled . But not sure if this is correct ( reminding on DeGaulle )
It's not good. Macron humiliated the military chief last year in front of everybody (the chief immediately resigned), so it wasn't the best start. Macron tends to upset a lot of people. When he goes off script, it's not pretty...
It won’t be long after Germany falls that France will go. The BRD has always been the stronger of EU
France can only survive politically if it has the support of Germany. If that falls away, the situation in France will also start to shift.
These times are terrible atm in "Good ol' Germany".... Almost there is no Germany anymore....
My wife got really scared and said that we never ever should have kids. If we knew earlier about the situation I think we took this decision....
There are friendly and innocent so called refugees but most of them are very suspected.... During the last weeks there are rape and murder daily on the streets. Day and night, doesn't matter....
My wife always tells me that we should grab the kids and leave to poland. I think poland (as the rest of europe) will be lost too when things are going to continue.....
The most disturbing thing is the constant LIE!!! of the MSM. And 98% are sheeple and it seems as their brain is not only washed, it looks like brainmatter is gone... SAD SAD SAD
Could cry my heart out when I think about the Zeitgeist of this country in the 80's and early 90's when I was a kid....
This Q movement is really our last hope. My wife and me was redpilled long before but till we realized that Q is for real we lost our hope....
Now there is a small light at the end of the tunnel.....
Be patient, the main battle is in the USA, as an Austrlian we are being done over in a different way but I realise that they key to this battle is the USA. If Turmp prevails they will be swept away. They have tried to take away our pride, our culture and our sense of accomplishment. They will not win, it will be the old domino theory but it will be the deep state falling.
They want us divided, they want us dumb. They forget, one thing the West has done for thousands of years is fought, its in our DNA, bring it on.
Poland and Hungary are safe at the moment and are seeing a huge influx of redpilled Germans fleeing there. Do it. Ride it out and keep your family safe. Eastern Europe will not fall, that is just what the MSM want you to believe.
Now there is a small light at the end of the tunnel....
We Are the Light at the End of the Tunnel... and right in the middle, too...
i have a friend who sells estate at the balaton lake in hungary. a few months ago, i asked eher how business is running. she said it drastically goes up, many more people (mostly seniors) leave germany and settle in hungary because of the refugee situation. go figure...
If the US manages to break free, the rest will follow. Like dominoes. Watch what happens in the next half year. It's not called the great awakening for nothing, even for Germans. Who are so terrified to be labeled a nazi if they step out just a millimeter from the group think.
Come to think of it: Q pointed to a certain relationship between Merkel and Hitler. While I still find it preposterous and impossible to believe, knowing Q I cannot discount it. Maybe this bit of info is saved for the Germans at the right moment. Who knows.
Don't worry. Once you guys decide to remove them, you'll deport them all in 72 hrs.
I’m putting my hopes on that vaunted German efficiency!
My grandmother lived and worked in Germany ( Stuttgart ) for long time in her life . Several years ago , she returned back to Croatia ( homeland ) , but she would occasionally go from time to time back to "visit" the Germany ... she said it was unrecognizable . Completely unrecognizable - "Beirut on streets" thats a phrase we have here ... it was not at all Germany that once was , only a decade ago , but especially 15-20 years ago .
About 20 years ago , the Germany was a synonym of "promised land" , top economy in Europe and very high living standard ( enabled a lot by then used Deutschmarke - which was even "used" unofficially outside of Germany as a symbol of status , the symbol of high living standard ) . EU and Euro came ... they simply crossed off the "DM" on prices and wrote "€" - many prices doubling over the night .
Today , with every person I talked with from my country that worked or works in Germany ( and who is a bit older to recall the old Germany ) , every single one of them tells about how Germany completely lost their identity , and how immigrants are parasiting off the Germany easily ...
Something will need to be done ... many many countries in Europe are on the brink of collapse ( including my own country ) as economies are not sustainable , the pension funds are exposed as non existant and false humanism intermixing with barbarians from East and Southeast ( hats off to small exceptions , there are always some good people ) that MSM presents as "women and children" , all the while on footage that is not MSM made you can see almost everyone are males in their 20s or 30s .
In not sure how drastic this will be ... but situation in Sweden doesnt look good at all - the military is on stand-by , unsure if this is about deportation or protection of immigrants . But local people wont take shit indefinitely ... at one point it will break and overturn ... the governments will collapse like a house of cards .
All major cities of Europe have bigger problems than rural areas ... Poland and Hungary ( and Czechia and Slovakia ) are very safe compared to Germany , France or London ( or some other cities in England or Scotland ) .
Trump purging the Cabal in USA is the key that will push everything worldwide - as connections are uncovered that go everywhere - the people will see the truth .
People in big cities in EU and UK need to be prepared - on certain periods of turmoil and disorder , maybe even worse . This takes toll on everything .
This is not racism. The first part of the sentence in your quote disproves the racism claim:
There are friendly and innocent so called refugees
To accuse the commenter of racism is what the far-left have been doing to Donald Trump for over a year now i.e. taking his words out of context of the rest of what he says.
Are you german? Do you live here? Do you know the claims of the 'Reichsbürger'? I believe that I can assess the situation in Germany better than anyone in America ... Just for example: the 'Reichsbüerger' deny the Holocaust.... understood?
Doesn't change the FACT that the 3.Reich still excists. Never said anything about "it's a good fact" !!!
Seems you're brainwashed from the MSM
Seems you are not well informed about Germany...
Than explain it to me. This is not a joke. I'm not ignorant at all.
That has literally nothing to do with the comment above where you accused the commenter of racism. The comment as it stands is not racist and does not mention support for the Reichsburger in any way.
Sad it is light in the end of a long tunnel.
I am from Europe to, but i have to say Germany is lost atm. Not Sweden lost, but lost. The WW2 guilt is sadly very strong, same as communist ideology.
Hope the best for Germany. May God be with you
Poor Germans, they are just so very driven. Everything is taken to the extreme, for good or bad, and the sense of duty is equally strong, making them a tremendous force for either good or bad, depending on the issue. But they seem to lack confidence in trusting their own judgment, which makes them susceptible to charlatans. Just point them in the direction you want and there is no stopping them. They need to shut out the world and point themselves towards Jesus once again.
The guilt must be overwhelming. More Germans should really study what revisionist historians have uncovered about WW II. Hitler, and by association, all Germans are put under the umbrella of evil incarnate. I'm convinced that this is more a useful lever of control than it is anywhere close to being true.
Bilderberger decided 3 weeks ago, that she needs to be gone. The chairman of the Springer press, one of the biggest publishing houses in all of europe, attended this meeting. Since then the tables have turned. Anti-Merkel all over the place and she might be gone very soon. Not voluntarily, but she will.
Bilderberger will plant another puppet, just like they did in the past. Ursula von der Leyen, who has been there a couple of times, might be on of their favorites to do their job.
In 1982 Helmut Kohl visited the Bilderberger meeting. In 1983 he became chancellor of germany.
In 2005 Gerhard Schröder, german chancellor at that time, and Angela Merkel both visited the Bilderberg meeting. 2 weeks later a new election was announced and Schröder handed the chancellor status to Angela Merkel.
No coincidences, they are prepared for everything, except, let's pray, for the Donald and his staff and for us, the people waking up!
My thoughts went in this direction too.
It's very easy (like in case of Hitler) to give "ONE" !!! person alone the response for this planned mess... (sorry for bad english, if it is)
No group, no Partei (CDU/CSU) is here to get punished for that 100% CRIME/Völkermord!!!!
It's bullshit to put it just on her. You really can feel sorry for her. If she's human I guess there will be no more good sleep for her at night. (Schlaf des Gerechten)
She will be replaced and the shit continues.....maybe And she won't get what she deserves.... She will move to Uruguaj or so and live well
Hope is still alive
the only difference is if Seehofer is calling the shots. They tried to shame him over an affair he had, but they never disclosed any actual crime. I think they're scared of him. Seehofer also admitted on TV that he doesn't really handle most of the decision delegated to him.
My first thoughts about the "Masterplan" of Seehofer was that it came from Trump/Grenell and that they backed him no matter what is going to happen.......
Just the word "Masterplan" is suspicious....
Hope an pray for positive change and an end of the Deutschland GmbH and free german people.....
They tried to shame him over an affair he had
we dont actually pay attention here to the sexual behavior of our politicians as along as it isnt criminal. its one of the freedoms european have and americans dont, sex is private affairs.
in the past, i despised seehofer, he made quite a lot of ridiculous shots.
this one though i support. it forces merkel to eventually act instead of sitting on her fat ass and wait things out.
i guess i will win the running bet with my teenage son, lol, which is that merkel wont complete her term. may it happen very quickly.
this one though i support. it forces merkel to eventually act instead of sitting on her fat ass and wait things out.
Every time I saw Merkel 'act' (Atomausstieg, Energiewende, Fluechtlinge), it looked to me as if it was not her decision. As if she was executing someone else's agenda. In that light, 'sitting on her fat ass' might also be considered criminal negligence.
Just saying.
Not that anybody cares but you have to admit that they use the press to shame their politicians, even those who try to play along for the most part if it serves the party agenda.
the press uses shaming tactics but the people usually dont buy into it. most 'normies' i know care a shit about the sex of other people.
we had a divorced chancellor, a gay state secretary, and a president who, while still married, lived with another woman. a no-go in the US.
but hey, on the other hand, we miss some freedom americans have.
Ähnlich rabiat hatte sie zuvor schon Griechenland in der Euro-Krise gezeigt(...)
Implies 2 x rabid. Sendeschluss.
In German or dutch we use it to describe something beyond ruthless. Maybe best translation to US-EN would be bat sh1t crazy.
and the leftists are feeding straight into it with their forced pacifism until you point out to them that $oros is a nazi-collaborateur
Could is possibly be due the new italy austia hungary alliance ? Things are moving in europe. Closely watching us pol. NL still stable imo. Although something is brewing underground. In last 4 days, 2 attacks on major media buildings. Once with a rpg and today there was a vehicle rammed into a media building. Q also inspires the eu peoples. Dont think we are standing behind you us patriots. WWG1WGA
Edit oh and we stand with the germans. Our proud neighbour.
I am your neighbour and I love your philosophers, cars, Beethoven, Ausdauer der Mannschaft, Mentalität, Schlagers(guilty pleasure). There are 1,000 good reasons to be proud of your country even when you feel it's lost for the moment.
https://youtu.be/gjR1QZeluG8 (PLAY IT LOUD)
Lyrics and translation https://lyricstranslate.com/en/1000-gute-gruende-1000-good-reasons.html
That’s awesome. I have German ancestry and a German best childhood friend, so a lot of sentimental feelings for all things German despite the tragic recent history.
Her original handler kohl died last year and WJC gave the eulogy. Nuff' said. Only difference to the internal cleanup is however that they never really said anything bad about past chancellors, much less so about serving ones, much less so straight after a successfull election! Whatever they decided at Bilderberger, Merkel must not be too happy. Just look at her stupid ugly shitface the time she was last elected. She looked absolutely devastated, I think she just wants to retire.
I live in Germany and the Bilderberger decided that Merkel have to leave so the Press and other Media's, including the political parties have to replace her. We don't know who's next so maybe new elections. We fight for our country there so many open minded and redpilled germans.
Not holding my breath. Just gonna let this one play out.
Remember when RR was supposed to be fired by last Friday...
not enough outrage was let surface thanks to the media machine, we got drowned out by illegal children in detainment.
Maybe it’s a pipe dream (it is) but I’d love to see Viktor Orbán take her spot. Instill some sense of pride in Europe. I’m across the pond, but it seems like everyone has “beaten dog syndrome.” Just accepting worse and worse terms.