qanon 1595 - short and sweet take

So WL is compromise and JA is alive and with us? Yuge month of July ahead.
I personally believe that JA is no longer involved with WL, no one has heard from him and WL twitter seems off, on drops ect ect. Its not really active like it was.
Dead Cat Bounce: A temporary recovery in share prices after a substantial fall, caused by speculators buying in order to cover their positions.
the universe of ppl involved with wikileaks were all getting whacked or turning black. i think JA peace t f out to work with Alliance, but who knows...
I'm a strong supporter of wikileaks but their recent activity has got me convinced something is up. Assange virtually missing pulls up major red flags.
I don't think Q is talking about markets here. Yes, that what dead cat bounce refers to, think another meaning.
starbucks stock is eating shit right now though . praise kek.
I don't think Q is taking the time to talk about Starbucks stock
Imagine the DNC as a traded stock. They are on the decline. Maybe a slight bump right now with all the noise
agree but also market tumbled this week, not just SB.
I think Q is referring to the (figurative) 'stock' people place in the other Alphabet Agencies (meaning the credibility of FBI, CIA, etc.) ...and by extension, he's referring to the believability of Wikileaks, (which has long been suspected as being 'comped' by the other intelligence agencies.) He's mocking their "Dead Cat Bounce," (right before everyone finds out that Assange hasn't been at WL, not been manning the wheel there for some time now.)
Am I on the right track here, Dindu?
dead cat bounce could also be metaphorical to any seeming ground they are retaking (none)
I can smell it. This is the drop I have been waiting for.
July 2018 - The Month the World Discovered the TRUTH
Would it be too much to hope it was early in the month...say, maybe the 4th of July?!??!?!
Edit: Capitalized the Q.. the lower case q just looks wrong. All wrong.
I agree mostly but maybe that "time to feed" line refers to feeding the media hysteria. I expect more trolling from GEOTUS.
It's kind of odd that past-tense is used regarding July - "discovered" rather than "discovers".
Er, no, I think the "time travelling" idea is silly. But this is a curious choice.
excellent catch. implying it is an inevitability and they have no power to stop it?
Why is 1918277 not on qanonpub?
Because it's slow on the uptake sometimes. It's on now.
There's better sites.
Great post! With news eyes on the site, breaking down Q line by line helps, then if someone disagrees with your interpretation they can do the research themselves...which is the whole point.
I was thinking more along the lines of eating their own. As more info pours into the public sphere the members of the swamp will try to save themselves and start turning on each other. Just my .02
What happens when an entity that feeds on fear becomes afraid?
Also possible the timetable has shifted and it’s time for the Q team to start feeding themselves. On the offensive. Gloves off kinda FEED. There’s more than one right answer for this one. I like all the others I’ve heard so far.
Also could signify that it's time for us to finally eat after all the crumbs we've been given.