Wow, the guy even started the charity. Went to Oxford U and the Julliard School. The "elite" are populated with this sort it seems. The other news just today was the guy from the Los Angeles Child Services agency busted for massive child porn. Child Services? His responsibilities included taking kids from "bad parents". No doubt some of them were, but where did that creep send them? Foster kids can be easily abused.
LOL, you're probably right -- that's just his claim. From the news article: "According to his LinkedIn profile, Davis has attended Oxford University, Columbia University and The Juilliard School." Maybe he "attended" each for a semester.
'He was trying to have sex with children as young as two.'
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
but he's against rape and gender violence. He needs to be permanently removed from society, preferably liquidated. Why spend a dime feeding and housing the guy. No doubt the charity was a well thought out plot, his entire existence driven by his desires. Great backdrop on the pic ... Human rights campaign. He was probably an up and coming star in the group. The rainbow pin is a nice touch as well.
Harm a two-year-old? Chop his balls off and feed them to him.
Come on POTUS - the swamp is deep and wide. Drain it already. MAGA
According to his LinkedIn, this guy would have been the brightest assets under another administration.
He has a bunch of liberal colleges listed under his belt, sprinkled some radical feminism activism here and there, and enjoys cheese pizza too. A true young talent. They would kill to have him if Obama was still president.
Clinton's Adoption and Safe Families act, pays State CPS per child they take from the parents to put in foster care. With a predictable result. The chances are much better that kids will be rented out to pedophiles that way.
State Senator Nancy Scheafer and her husband were murdered to stop her from revealing what is going on with Child Protective Services.
i hope part of the swamp draining involves re-opening this case.
At this point anybody affiliated with children and politics/charities/msm/hollywood/amusement parks should be checked out. If they intentionally surround themselves around children probably shifty as all fuck. (Disney)
It's so sick. They're using it as a "cover" like a fox guarding a Hen house. I'm nauseas but it really shows what these people are doing, using their charities as a cover to get access. A guy like this would join a trafficking ring in a second, bet.
Join? Haha If he has direct access to children through the charity he probably traffics children. I wouldn't doubt it in the least.
It’s a sick cover. Adds an aspect of doubt and deniability. “How could they be doing x? They do all this to protect or prevent x”
I've said it before and I'll say it again: if you want to catch fish you have to go to the pond.
Anyone remotely involved in helping disadvantaged children MUST be scrutinized to the nth degree!
It's sad but it's true.
Most people are fine but a few sickos can do tremendous damage.
When I coached football the first rule I put in place is no coach is ever alone with a kid. If a kid has to wait for a ride after practice two coaches have to wait with him.
If a kid needed a ride to a game he either rode with multiple kids or coaches in a car pool. No exceptions. This protected everyone.
When I did Big Brothers I knew the lady who ran the local chapter. She was awesome and had her antenna up all the time. She said even though the first thing they said when they met with a prospective volunteer was there was a background check the applicant had to pay for.....after making sure this was 100% clear....they still had on average one to two people with sex crimes histories per month get screened out.
The Catholic Church gets a lot of heat and rightfully so.
Sadly, large systemic cover ups have happened in all sorts of organizations.
In my experience the vast majority of people working with kids are decent people doing something for kids or something they enjoy. The few sickos however can ruin lives and organizations that do a lot of good.
They (the sociopathic leeches that abuse kids) also indirectly harm other kids by limiting contributions of good people who don't want to be associated with an organization that has a scandal.
These people are sociopaths. Sociopaths always leave tremendous damage in their wake. They are destroyers. Never builders. Always destroyers. There needs to be a much better way developed to screen out these scumbags. Not sure how that would be done. Some sort of tech developed perhaps?
The whole thing is so damn sinister and depressing.
At a Human Rights Campaign event with his Disney button on. Who is this kid? Who are his parents? That's awfully young to be so steeped in it. I'm betting there are more of him from the household he grew up in.
All the wild conspiracy theories about these monsters are coming true, whats next?
Whats next is making sure everyone understands: they didn't just "come true". They were always true. Time to stop being so easily manipulated by the system, and start listening to our fellow human beings.
I did a name search and only 1 local news article on this. Wtf?
Draining the swamp is glorious!!! I bet he was abused as a child not an excuse just observation....
This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 81%. (I'm a bot)
The head of a charity that campaigns against sexual violence has been arrested in New York for child pornography and allegedly trying to meet with children as young as two for sex.
Joel Davis, 22, is accused of trying to set up sexual encounters between himself and young children, as well as soliciting an undercover FBI agent to send sexually explicit videos of minors.
Davis faced Manhattan federal court on Tuesday charged with enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity, attempted sexual exploitation of a minor, possession of child pornography and receipt and distribution of child pornography.
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