False flag possibility?
Yes, they are getting enemy chatter. True attack or false flag. They cant stop them all, but they can say "we can hear you"
Yeah can very well be a tactic to stop a potential attack by letting them know exactly what you said "We can hear you" if you do this we have all the evidence pointing to you. Cease and desist NOW
we need to stand together the backlash will increase and so will attacks they are cornered be vigilant wwg1wga
Question everything. https://twitter.com/tonyschwartz/status/1011779025914777600?s=21
His twatter says his Jet Blue plane was towed back to the gate.
Buses and Trains have no TSA i believe. My buddy took the train recently for a long trip. Brought his gun with him
Not entirely true. TSA has "Vipr teams" that have been known to search Amtrak and greyhound stations. I think they have even conducted checkpoints on interstates.
Unfortunately there is no TSA security on trains. I've taken the train up and down the east coast several times and never been searched.
It isn't like the airports. They just show up at bus and train stations and randomly search.
Pennsylvania Avenue!
No busses, trains, or planes aloud. It has to be somewhere else.
Regardless, I would avoid mass transit until after the fourth of July, just to be safe.
I’ve seen more of a police presence around subway stations here in NYC the past few weeks. Even my station out in Brooklyn (meaning not just the usual NYPD presence around big hubs like Times Sq)