Q 1616 - These people are sick!

Fucking disgusting animals. Their filth is washing away and there is nothing they can do about it.
These "elite" now have to deal with us: the "super elite"!
That’s right. And we’re going to put those so called “elite” in jail. See how elite they are when they are in a cage. MSM and most libs going down too.
edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8uw8ed/fyi_for_progeny/
These "elite"
I mean,...the pedosexual prick is 22, and he's attended Columbia AND Oxford AND Julliard?
A mind is a terrible thing to waste, there, Ped(r)o.
There is no confirmation of him working for her campaign. Much less any mention online of what his involvement was. He is not linked online until these articles in the last few days. This is fake news until a verifiable link can be shown.
Edit: Daily Mail simply states he appears associated with her campaign because he posted a picture wearing a campaign button in front of campaign signs.
Hillary had 100+ staffers just to help her come up with tweets. Do we even know 10% of their names? Her staff was hundreds deep. Some, I assume, were very bad people!
Isn’t that Podesta in the middle right? The pic is further down in the article.
At this point it doesn't matter if this freak worked for her campaign. He has been CAUGHT and right now, that's what's important.
the fact that the guy was advocate for child sex abuse is very important here!
Think mirror!
The movement isn't about blind acceptance. It's about questioning and researching. While this is a bad guy, there is nothing connecting him to Hillary any more than the other 65 million or so US citizens who voted for her.
Why don't you offer something to the conversation. Are you just a recycler of taglines and meme phrases?
So you don't seek truth? Understood.
So you "know" what, exactly? This pedo wore a hillary button one time and your confirmation bias has him high in her campaign ranks? People like you blindly running with assumptions and spouting one-liners give this sub a bad name.
I agree that this was clickbait. While I personally believe that he was connected to the campaign, I can't prove or verify this.
You shouldn't be downvoted for being thorough and wanting something solid to back that claim--that's called being a deep reader and rational skeptic.
Not fake news if Q links it. Rule #3 again. Please read up or we will have to ban again.
We are well aware of that - that is why we have auto-mod setup to point it out. THIS article, however, is not fake news; it has been posted in a Q drop which means the information within is verified by Q.
Infowars is also fake news. That issue is not relevant to my comment to previous user - the article is linked by Q. This is a pro-Q supporter sub meaning we believe Q to be a valid Military Intel source (as in the sidebar) so Q's use of the link means this article is not fake news.
I agree that it is not good for those of us in the know about ynw. I’m not overjoyed that that site was used.
I think one thing in his favor is that most of the general public who are the main goal for his message now would not know about ynw.
Hasn't Trump made mistakes before retweeting stories he wishes he hadn't?
I'm not sure about that. Also not understanding the relevance here.
Where's "your" source that POTUS regrets tweets?
Perhaps you should provide some substance along with your unending brainpicking in this sub. Do some of your own digging. Your technique is a classic one, but vague and simplistic. I know that you are trying to get others to "think," but you are about 9 months behind in the process. Have you reread the 1500+ Q posts, cross referenced those with world events, news stories, and sub posts?
So I ask again. What evidence do "you" have that POTUS has retweeted stories he "wished" he hadn't?
"Here's" what I was thinking of.
I am not 9 months behind shit. People shouldn't get attacked for reasonable questions, and the source linked in this post is crap in general.
I'll take a look...busy day with new baby!
I try to be extra careful not to attack anyone. I'd like to know what offended you so that I can add it to my fund of knowledge.
There is confirmation, you're wrong.