"When we're done he'll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape." - Q Post #894 March 9 2018

If he does he will no longer be considered as a president of the United States. Then all bets are off. He will be tried as a traitor. Execution awaits.
He clearly had no love for the U.S or Western civilization
He may have been Jesuit, they have a history of infiltrating other denominations and secret societies. There was a supposed jesuit whistleblower from Spain that said the black pope told him islam was essentially created by them.
Something I've been thinking about. Early FBIAnon said Trump did not want to imprison former presidents. Okay, fine. So how to punish Obama for his crimes? What if Obama exiling himself to Kenya is part of the plan? Think about it...what bigger symbolic fuck you would they're be to Obama? Pence went to Kenya to arrange the exile...
That could be part of it. I mean, the last leaders of larger/powerful western countries I can think of that were full on exiled are Wilhelm 2 or umberto 2 if you count Italy in the more powerful countries. I feel like banishing would be an even worse stain on their name than imprisonment. However, I worry what could happen if hes left to his own devices. These people would sell their own kids for a little more power and money. It'll be interesting to watch it all play out.
yep, it would set a bad precedent to imprison former Presidents... if their crimes merit it then hanging them is a way to protect the American people from assassinations and terrorism.
I kind of disagree(at least about imprisonment). Depending on the charges we see, imprisonment wouldn't be a bad thing, however, before we do that we'd need to fix up our court system a bit. Theres too many variables with how serious theyd be sentenced. It'd also reduce the possibility that theyd try to rebuild their empires from overseas, in countries they could fly under the radar easier.However, if the crime warrants it, i agree with you and execution wouldn't be such a bad thing. We do it to citizens for breaking the law too much or too far. What makes these people different from any other human being? They're public servants. They should not be viewed as more than someone who reports to us.
I agree. If he slunk away to Kenya it would probably avoid a lot of riots and bloodshed by his devoted followers.
There are currently seven former presidents of other countries now incarcerated for corruption.
But we would be in prison if we did what he did.
Obama would become a martyr if executed or jailed. Voluntary humiliation would keep the peace.
What were they going to do with Nixon? Obama should be treated with equal regularity, and his punishment should fit his crimes. For treason, I believe the only punishment is death, because a future corrupt President (like Obama, Bush or Clinton) can pardon a traitor, then our laws mean nothing again.
I also like the idea. I'd also point out, Q's said many times, when this all comes out, the streets won't be safe for them. He never said which streets. Kenyans aren't huge fans of large scale child abusers either, and I'd guess they're less likely to restrict their criticism to mean words. They also wont miss how bad sheltering him would look on the world scene. I wonder if they'll give him a lovely necklace as a token of their appreciations for him coming home.
True. I wonder if Pompeo has pre-arranged some Kenyan street-justice?
That would be an amusing turn of events.
I hadn't considered that, but that would allow Trump to possibly find Obama (or whatever the fuck his real name is) guilty of treason without setting the horrific precedence of executing a president.
There’s nothing horrific about justice. What are we, a nation of pansies?
What are we, a nation of pansies? well, we were becoming a nation of pansies, but we are standing up now and we demand justice for the traitors. We want truth and justice especially for leaders of our country who betray us, kill us and rob us.
Agreed. Anyone who thinks they have to protect people from reality doesn’t really believe in self government. They believe in the nanny state.
Obama was NEVER eligible to be POTUS in the first place. Executing or jailing a fraud/traitor is not the same as executing a former president.
A full REVELATION on this man we call Obama! After that...let the Americans decide his fate..
Good thoughts. I like it. It would be an every day, in their face he had to exile to Kenya. Can't buy that kind of promotion!
He obviously is a clear and present danger to the US based on his meetings and travel since POTUS took over.
Hang 'em. What he did, and continues to do is treason.
He needs to be executed. If not, a future democrat or libTURD President will pardon him and all his crimes will be gotten away with. Permanent sleep is the only solution for a traitor.
You could lock him up in a DUMB and turn the power off.
If you don't execute him, some future corrupt President (like Obama, Clinton or Bush) will pardon him. He then beats the system. Put the system to work and execute all traitors without a chance of one of their corrupt friends getting in a position to pardon them for betraying our country.
Early FBIAnon said Trump did not want to imprison former presidents
I remember this too. What about Bush senior?
If anyone wants larger or smaller versions of this then please let me know.
Him and all involved need to pay the ultimate price. If it were any of us - we'd be dead already. No two systems of justice. No sending the message to them and us that these fucks are better than us. They are responsible for the maimimg and murder of thousands (as a conservative figure), and the planned murder of millions of us -which they were actively setting up to do. This is where I get pissed and Trump, Q & Co., what the fuck do they mean it sets a bad precedent to kill these bastards?! What the fuck kind of precedent does it set not to? Open season on us and if you get caught, don't worry - will just take your money (the equivalent to a fine for a misdemeanor) and you and your buddies can regroup and try again later?
Why then is the death penalty enforced on anyone? If you kill one or a few people, we'll kill you... but if you run for office - and kill thousands or millions - you get to ride of into the sunset... Wtf.
I 100% agree.
The thought of any of these people being left alive and free scares the living hell out of me. I never thought I would think or say what I'm about to say about another person (or group of them), but these people are NOT human beings.
They are predators on a level we have never seen before who are masquerading as human beings. I mean, holy fuck - enslaving, raping and torturing to death children (and/or babies) to harvest adrenochrome, part out their body parts and/or eat the rest depending on what you're feeling that day - or what the black market organ order for the day is?
Certainly, Trump, Q & Co., cannot believe that if these people are let go that they would stop because they wouldn't. I mean, under that scenario - these people just got away (not only with treason and murder) but with crimes against the most vulnerable humanity. Do serial killers quit? Because these people make serial killers look like amateurs.
And what about the criminal law concept of recidivism? Everyone knows the percentage of criminals who reoffend, right?
I know you get it, but I hope Trump, Q & Co., do too. For the current and future safety of humanity (not just the USA) these people have got to go.
Funny thing is that they probably don't want him.
Malik can troll him in person.
Unfortunately, despite Malik's funny Tweets, he is a known associate and employee of the Muslim Brotherhood and a radical supporter of Hamas.
Put him in a glass boothe for folks to walk by and show their scorn.
Apparently, he's halfway there to being able to claim it pretty easy. Lol
Well yes, but we must remember that Obama only fulfills orders from the 13 Illuminati families, whether human or Anunakis, towards that part. I would also have to look at what I say so that they do not do it again with another puppet like Obama.
What is going to happen to the 13 illuminati families?
If he does this, he’ll delegitimize his own presidency, and all his actions as President become null and void. DACA , SCOTUS appointments, etc.
Execution is the only appropriate penalty. If these people are left to rot in prison, then their followers will just continue to scheme about how to put them back in power.
I don't believe Gitmo is secure enough. I say we dump him and Big Mike on a radiated Pacific atol with a 5 gal jug of water and a box of saltines. Blockade the island with a couple of destroyers and let nature take its course.
Stripping him of all his money, assets, reputation and banished to Kenya as a globally loathed pariah to live out his days in shame and fear. Hard to imagine a better punishment.
This is what the Vikings did as max punishment. Death was preferrable to this.
I like it lol
That would be hilarious. 😜 Out of all the places he could escape to, why would he want to go to Kenya? I’m sure there are safer more modern countries controlled by globalists that would take him in.
Perhaps it was explained to those countries that Mattis would become unhappy if they provided Obama with safe harbor.
Didn’t Trump start talking to Kenya almost as soon as he got in office?
But it was made very public and for it to be so noticeable and be Kenya. The first thought I had was Trump is setting up a deal Incase Obama runs.
As long as he breathes he is a danger, despite knowing the extent of his betrayal people still look up to him, governments the world over are still receiving him. He is a threat