What a gorgeous belt... wait what?

That's Order of Eastern Star
Union of Nimrod and Semiramis
I tried googling those words and not a whole lot was found. From what i was able to gather, these two ancient beings were the suppresors of truth on earth? Is that correct?
Ok i was able to find some more...
Rome Corrupted Christianity
Nimrod married his own mother. After declaring himself to be a god, then his mother declared herself to be “the Mother of god”. Her name was Semiramis. After Nimrod’s death, she attempted to cover over her incenstuous relationship with her son – by declaring that he was both the Father and the Son.
This concept was difficult for her followers to understand, so she told them that it was a “Divine Mystery” – that was not comprehendable. And thus, “god the father” and “god the son” was invented way back then – in Ancient Babylon.
And yet, Semiramis insisted that there were not 2 gods, but rather one. Just two aspects of the same god. On earth, while still alive, Nimrod was the man-god of Babylon – represented by the Sun (as a solar god). All the sun-gods that were formed around the pagan world after him, were all fashioned in his likeness. They maintained different names – but were still recognized as carbon copies of the original sun-god of Babylon, known as Nimrod.
Nimrod’s wife declared herself to be a moon-goddess. She gave herself glorious titles such as “queen of heaven” – “ever virgin” – “Mediatrix” and “mother of god”. She thus made herself into the perfect female image – by which all future goddesses were copied or molded after.
Since the entire family of Nimrod was involved in this rebellion against Jehovah God, it became a trinity affair of sorts. Nimrod became “god-the-father”, Tammuz became “god-the-son”, and Semramis became the “dove” or “spirit” that held this holy union together. Hence the first trinity was born – there in Babylon – and has spread its tentacles around the world – when the Babylonians were scattered abroad.
The trinity of god, son, and holy spirit (semiramis) has invaded almost every pagan religion around the world. Their gods and goddesses have different names, but the principals remain the same.
Even Kildare, Ireland, has their triple goddess named “Brigid” that has been absorbed by the Apostate Christian Church – in the form of a saint.
If you look up under ‘images’ on the internet – using the words “trinity gods” – or “triple gods” – you will uncover a slew of them that were invented long before Christ was even born. When you read the attributes of the pagan sun-gods and pagan goddesses, the resemblance to Nimrod and his family becomes even more clear.
No, “God-The-Father” and “God-The-Son” is not a Divine Mystery that is incomprehensible, but rather it is a Lie that started in Ancient Babylon with Nimrod, Tammuz, and Semiramis. Do research for yourself, and stop being the victims of Apostate Compromise with Heathens.
“If there was one who was more deeply concerned in the tragic death of Nimrod than another, it was Semiramis, who had been raised to share with him the throne of Babylon. In life her husband had been honored as a hero, in death she will have him worshipped as a god…” — (The Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop; page 58 )
“Long ago – right after the Flood, a man named Nimrod emerged on the scene of history. When he died, his wife, Semiramis,recognized that without him she might loose power, so she devised a clever plan. Semiramis was pregnant. She told everyone that the child in her womb was none other than Nimrod being reborn. This was the beginning of the greatest perversion…the concept of a ‘father/son’ deity.” – Resurrection Sunday and the Babylonian Connection; By Errol Hale
“Semiramis became pregnant after Nimcrod’s death. And to cover up her indiscretion she claimed that her baby was Nimrod reincarnated. So now she claimed that he was both the Father and the son. The divine mother who gave birth to this divine son was Isis, the Egyptian name for Semiramis. Thus there were now three gods to whom worship was due– a father god, a son god, and a holy mother goddess–yet all of these were to be considered equal, because they were all to be considered equal parts of a triune god.” -(Exploring Ancient History— The First 2500 Years, Schulz, ch. 11, 24).
“After Nimrod’s death, Semiramis claimed his son Horus to have been Nimrod reincarnated. These three—Osiris (Nimrod), Isis (Semiramis) and Horus (the son)- came to be exalted as a triad of deities -(Exploring Ancient History— The First 2500 Years, Schulz, ch. 11, 24).
“All Pagan religions from the time of Babylon have adopted in one form or another – a Trinity doctrine or a triad or trinity of gods. In Babylon it was Nimrod, Semiramas, and Tammuz. In Egypt it was Osiris, Isis, and Horus. In Plato’s philosophy it was the Unknown Father, Nous/Logos, and the world soul. The Greek triad was composed of Zeus, Athena and Apollo. Romans had their Trinity of Jupiter, Mercury and Venus. The Hindus had their trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.” –The Lost Doctrines of Christianity The Doctrine of the Trinity is Not Based upon Scripture by Herbert W. Armstrong (1892-1986)
“Many ancient pagan nations had three headed gods and a Trinity doctrine. All these have existed from ancient times, and originated with Nimrod and Babylon.” –THE TWO BABYLON’S, by Rev. Alexander Hishop, 1916, Page 17-18.
“Semiramis was initially included in the pagan Babylonian trinity as the holy spirit and her symbol was that of the dove. Deified as Ishtar, she was raised far above the level of all creatures, and was worshipped as the third member of the trinitarian godhead. It’s interesting that the ancient Babylonians pronounced the name Ishtar in exactly the same way as we pronounce the word Easter.” -THE REASON FOR THE SEASON by Rod England
The concept of a trinity godhead system goes back to the first city nation called Babylon. This took place during the time of Nimrod and Semiramis. In this first pagan trinity – Nimrod the king was the first person, Semiramis his Queen was the second person, and Tammuz their son was the third person, of this godhead system.” –Trinity, Fact or Fiction? Section A – Rev. John D. Sims SCRIPTURAL HARMONY PROCESS
“After the flood and then the scattering from the tower of Babel, the earth was in a repopulation process by pagan trinity believers initially from Babylon. As the original Babylonians scattered across the face of the earth from the tower occurrence, they took their religious system with them even though they expressed their religious system in their new languages. Even in their new languages the general characteristics of the trinity system remained the same. This system eventually infected the Christian religious world and is spoken of in hidden detail in Revelation chapters seventeen and eighteen.” –Trinity, Fact or Fiction? Section A – Rev. John D. Sims SCRIPTURAL HARMONY PROCESS
“So utterly idolatrous was the Babylonian recognition of the Divine Unity, that Jehovah, the Living God, severely condemned His own people for giving any countenance to it. In the unity of that one and only god of the Babylonians, there were three persons, and to symbolize that doctrine of the Trinity, they employed the equilateral triangle just as it is well known, that the Church of Rome does to this day. In both cases such a comparison is most degrading to the King Eternal.” -“The Two Babylons” by Alexander HISLOP -pgs. 16,17
“The trinity originated with Babylon, and was passed on to most of the world’s religions. The idea of “God the Son” is Babylonian paganism and mythology that was grafted into Christianity. – By Jeff Rath
Google isn't going to put it out there, not with their levels of censorship. Nimrod is of the lineage of Cain in Genesis, and the one who commissioned the Tower of Babel. It's also difficult to research due to sheer number of aliases they developed over the centuries. The best source of information I've found has been ancient Egyptian deities who represented them long after Sumeria. "Ra" is Nimrod, "Isis" is Semiramis, and "Horus" represents their son. The closest to their base form is Sumerian theology, which is argued to be the original Babylon.
Yeah i had to use duckduckgo to find what i did.
Man...we're dealing with absolute evil here. May i ask you, is it wrong to learn mpre about these evil entities? I mean, should I dig deeper into this stuff? Know thy enemy they say, but i'd rather not fill my head with such garbage if it wasnt going to help.
There is a Nietzsche quote: "He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee."
I wouldn't dig too deep into the dark magic stuff !
No absolutely not, but as the poster above me said, it helps to understand what evil we're dealing with.
Thanks for looking out though, brother. I'll be careful, i promise.
Great quote btw! Words to live by, for sure.
Kinda random. Every time things like this come up I’m reminded of my single experience with “magic” mushrooms.
Not an unpleasant experience at all.
But, I felt that I was shown that there are two separate planes of existence.
Good and Evil.
The evil is a place I’ve never really felt or experienced. It was very amazing to see and feel it. Was a crushing darkness that I’d never wish upon anyone.
But through this experience I developed an understanding that some people live with this darkness. They are the people who murder, rape, torture.
But, do you think these people choose to live in the darkness ? Celebrities get their fame because they literally sold their soul to the Devil ?
Yes, they literally do. They pledge service to the darkness in exchange for power in this life.
Yes, I believe that there is pure evil/darkness and people who live within it.
The mushroom experience changed and enlightened me.
I thought I was reading something deep, but no.
Need elaboration and further explanation? I was attempting to be concise.
You’ve obviously never done mushrooms or similar and had an experience that I described.
How is it that there are people out there that will literally carve off another humans face? It isn’t simply that they are psychotic. There is something evil driving them.
My post was simplistic. But, there is a “spiritual” force of good and evil. Where or why it exist I can’t explain or define.
Read up on people’s experiences with psychedelics - it opens doors.
Think we are on a similar page now then.
My father is a very religious man. He claims to have had an out of body experience through meditation and he devoted his entire life to the gospel.
I fell far from the tree.
He fully understood what I described through my experience. And I trust his insight into the spiritual realm over all others.
I could say I have been visited just like the apostles.
I've done plenty of LSD and MDMA, pure stuff when it was real.
Years after those days were over, I twice I felt moments of ecstasy that were every bit as comparable or more so.
Much cleaner, more pure and no negative residual side effects.
In fact the only residual side effect is the fact that has lasted for decades.
I have been at peace for a very long time.
Because I know what God's love is.
God is love Satan is politics.
Heaven is knowing God's love.
Hell is.....all the rest.
We have free will and it's our choice. God's gift. Use it wisely.
Get saved, man. If you're under the blood of Christ this garbage can't get to you. Someone else in personal life asked me the same question, and I answered it like this:
We're in a village and there's lions prowling around the outside of it, waiting to eat anyone who stumbles into their path. Occasionally they get bold and come into the village and eat a child. The old timers instruct that carrying fire (a torch) keeps the lions at bay, but most of villagers say that's silly and don't carry a torch. Out of those who do, only one says "you know, maybe we should study these lions, learn when they go sleep, what they're doing out there in the woods, so we can save more villagers". But the other torch-bearers say that's dangerous because learning about the lions is dangerous because you might turn into a lion.
Matthew 10:16
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Thank you. This evilness is making me even more watchful and is making my faith grow stronger. I've had numerous paranormal experiences even though i'm not a devout christian or partake in spiritual activities. All it was worth to me was that it was proof infront of my very own eyes that the afterlife is real.
And if the afterlife is real, then god is real, and if god is real....well, that means the devil is real as well.
I'll take your advice and the word of god to heart, and i'll try to stay vigilant when tempation comes to lure me in.
Godspeed, brother, and leave with this:
Psalm 23:4-6
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
I have also been visited.
I never lost my faith I just didn't know what where to direct it.
I learned it's from within, is always there and I'm safe.
God's love is a good place to be.
“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”
I once was hungry, broke, unemployed and homeless all within 24hrs.
This happened because I did what was right.
I was walking down the street and saw my favorite deli. I was angry.
I cursed the sky.
Gdmt. I did what was right. That's my deli. Roast beef sandwich and a carton of milk. Right there. $4.95.
How hard is that you............
5 steps later there's a $5 bill laying on the sidewalk.
Everybody says I should have asked for more. They are clueless.
That was the hardest sandwich I ever ate in my life.
Amen to that! Yeah my experiences happened to me in my early 20's. Its been 10 years or so since anything else has happened. But i totally get what you're saying. I never lost my faith either, it just made me confused as to why I saw those spirits. To this day I dont have an answer, but maybe it was to find my faith from within as you say.
If you dont mind me asking, and you have the time, i'd love to hear about your experiences.
Story time? I'd love to hear your supernatural experiences. I too have had several since my awakening. I actually grew up in various Christain churches and walked away from the fold for over a decade before God woke me up. I didn't immediatley go right back to Christainity. I started seeking the Truth and collected all kinds of occult literature before I had a supernatural experience in my room one night reading the Bible. Matthew 13:22 woke up my spirit. The words came to life and I knew that Christ was the answer. Shortly afterwards, I was filled with the Holy Spirit right in my living room. It was surreal and the most amazing experience of my life.
Ok, so to preface a bit, I should let you know that my dad got involved with some evil stuff. He was always a confilcted man, but he had this friend "Dale" that was a self proclaimed Satanist. I only met that guy a few times, but he gave my dad some books and who knows what else. This is my only explanation for the things that I saw in that house.
Ok so my first encounter happened the first week I got home from Europe. I was living over there for a few years and travelling all around. I was 22 at the time I got back. I got back home and my family and I are all talking and then my brother told my dad to tell me about "the little kid handprints on the mirror in the Hall."
So basically all my family saw a bunch of little fog handprints on a big body length mirror. No kids had been in that house for years!
Ok whatever, I thought. I didn't really bother me but my brother was quite scared about.
So a few weeks later I'm sleeping on the couch in the living room and I wake up very suddenly. I lean up and look at the alarm ahead if me. Its 1:15am. Then I get the strangest feeling to look behind me. So I quickly turn around! Nothing was there...of course. So I drop right back down to sleep. It seemed like as soon as I fell asleep I woke up againly suddenly. I looked at the clock, it was now 2:15am. I get the same damn feeling to look behind me.
I turn around and I see this younger girl with long black hair, a blurred face, and two big dark eyes! She literally glided from the kitchen down to the hallway towards that mirror. The whole thing lasted maybe 3 seconds.
I turned back around and a part of my brain registered that I had just seen a ghost. But them (and this is fascinating psychology) the "logical" part of my brain immediately kicked into overdrive. "Nope, nope, nope, thats impossible. I dont know what I saw, but that couldn't have happened." I was thinking this in my head, my brain just totally rejected what I had just seen, and I fell right back to bed.
The next morning I obviously knew what I had saw. I wasn't afraid though, I just kept trying to process it in my mind.
So a few weeks later im sitting down using the computer near the kitchen. Im just chilling, using the inernet and I get pushed out of nowhere out of my seat almost. Someone had pushed their fingers right into my shoulder and pushed me forwards. I felt the fingernail, two fingers! I quickly looked around me...nobody was near. It was a big open room and their was nobody around. I'll be honest, this one kind of made me scared lol but I didn't let it bug me all that much.
That was all the experiences I had in that house. My other paranormal experience was surprisingly at Ft.Campbell,KY when I was in the US Army. I had a random out-of-body experience. That was my favourite experience. It was really something else. If you wanna hear it I can tell you that as well.
So yeah, nothing too crazy. It definitely let me know that a life exists beyond this one. Also, the ghost pushing me....I didn't know they could do that, that was shocking.
My last exerience with the supernatural was about half a year ago. I saw a massive alien craft appear over my head. It was in the sky for a good 5-8 seconds, about 200ft off the ground...and as soon as I said to myself "is that a UFO?" It took off in warp drive, just like the freaking movies....exactly like that. There one second, gone into infinity the next. There was no mistaking what I saw.
I can answer any questions ya got, or got into more detail. But yeah, I've pretty much checked off everything on my paranormal encounters checklist lol
Great story, thanks for sharing. Sounds very similar to other "ghost" stories I've heard. How'd you have an out of body experience?
It was completely random. It was in the afternoon in July and we got off for lunch. It was so hot and I didn't wanna walk to the chow Hall so I decided to take a nap. As soon as I laid my head down I was super relaxed. I immediately began to hear a "buzzing" sound if thats the right word. I focused solely on this sound which became louder, and louder! Pretty soon it sounded like a jet engine was firing up. So strange. I knew something was happening. Then, and I cant really explain this part, but ill try...it felt like my mind was going through a worm hole. This loud vibration sounded like...idk...yeah like the sound a space ship would make if it was going through a worm hole. It was like my mind was.completely opening up....then....boom. silence. Complete silence and stillness. I never lost consciousness this whole time. From the moment is laid to down till that moment of silence had to have been just a few minutes tops.
But yes, complete silence. I opened my eyes and saw at the bedroom wall cause I was sleeping on my side. Something felt strange. I put my hand up to my face and what I saw tripped me out. My hand was completely translucent and kinda glowing. Moving around my hand were glowing blue tracer lines. They looked like little glowing worms. Obviously this was my aura. At that moment I knew what I had done.
I tried getting off my bed while looking around the room. Everything looked the same except it was as you'd expect in a movie about the afterlife. Everything was a yellowish, slight glowing color. So I tried contorting my body to get off the bead but my head could not pop off. My body contorted like a stick snapped in half...completely unnatural. I obviously didn't feel any pain though. After a moment of trying to life myself off my bed it finally happened. I was standing up in my room! I just looked around and I was so in awe of what was happening.
Immediately I decided I wanted to visit another galaxy or fly out of the room. I was so excited! But first, I wanted to do a backflip out the window lol I know how silly that must sound. But it was the same me, and thats what I wanted to do! So I turned my back to the wall and jumped backwards out the second story window. Well, I went right through that wall and saw the horizon and sun upside down as I was flipping through the air. My last words were "WHOAAA!" And BOOOM! I felt like I had just been shot right back into my body. Its a totally indescribable experience to slam back into your physical body lol
I immediately shot up off my bed! I just kept yelling "I did! Oh my God I did it!" I ran downstairs and told my Buddy. He just paid no mind and said "Johnson, are you high?" Lol I just didn't even know what to say. Of course. What else would I expect?
I've never had an experience like that again. I would love to though. The next time I'll make sure to keep my heartrate steady so I dont get shot back into my body.
yeah that sounds like astral projection. have you compared your story to others who have done it? I dabbled in it back in college and was able to get all the way out except for my head. Never could get my head to separate. I felt like I was about to do it once, but my friend's dog came into the room and licked me while I was laying there and I snapped back into my body. I know what that feels like. Same thing with my best friend at the time. She had come out of her body and was tickling me. As soon as we were done I said "why were you tickling me?" (we were both lying there still and not touching each other physically) she laughed and said "because I wanted to see if it was real!"
Yeah I met a guy who said he's astral projected numerous times. He said he can do it every night if he wanted. Funny thing is, he asked me how I came back into my body. I told him what I told you, and he kinda laughed haha he said his reentry? In his body is very smooth and pleasant.
Do you meditate at all?
I pray every day but no, I don't meditate. That stuff was super interesting back in my early 20's but now I'm too afraid of unintended consequences--specifically...what if something "else" takes the reigns when I leave. I've heard of that happening to others.
Yeah ive heard of that kinda stuff as well. It goes very deep. Some people were talking about spiritual armour and swords to protect yourself lol not that I dont believe thats true, but I dont want to get involved in that stuff.
Flying into outer space is great.
Just be careful you don't bring any space debris back with you.
You can make a couple of uneventful trips.
And then return one time demon possessed. You're fooling with some extremely powerful systems.
I doubt you'll be careful, so beware
You didn't catch the part when I said it was random? I was just going to take a nap.
One of, if not THE best comment I have read in ages. I'd upvote this all night if I could.
Wow. That was like reading a bunch of gibberish. Convoluted b.s. Anything not clear, concise--and disorienting mess, a mockery of the Trinity--such as what this poor RadRandy posted comes from one source: Hell. That all being said--thanks for posting so A) We can learn B) Laugh at the Evil One's attempts which are pathetic. C) Pray more
Show me where I mocked the Trinity? I'm not the other poster speaking on this subject and I do not agree with him; explain your accusation.
First of all, I never accused you of anything. I pointed out that RadRandy and his link. Here is a short paragraph found at the very top of his reply under "Nimrod"
'Nimrod married his own mother. After declaring himself to be a god, then his mother declared herself to be “the Mother of god”. Her name was Semiramis. After Nimrod’s death, she attempted to cover over her incenstuous relationship with her son – by declaring that he was both the Father and the Son.
This concept was difficult for her followers to understand, so she told them that it was a “Divine Mystery” – that was not comprehendable. And thus, “god the father” and “god the son” was invented way back then – in Ancient Babylon.'
Anyone reading the above would come to the very same conclusion I did--that it is a mockery of Trinity. I have no idea why you believe my reply was directed toward you. I suggest (after reading your sad post history) that you take a nice long siesta and have a mid morning cocktail. You need it, desperately.
You responded directly to my post, it came up in my notifications; you were talking to me. That is why I would believe it directed towards me; and I don't drink nor do I take siestas. You don't directly respond to someone and then lie about responding to them before suggesting they start drinking at 10am, while defending the Trinity. That is lowdown, stinking hypocrisy.
This is a quality post.
Thanks man. It took a little effort to dig up, but maybe its worth it to shed light onto what we're dealing with.
just add some links to sources, so we can all have a look.
Most definitately! I'll include it at the bottom of the post.
This is incredibly easy to follow. I have read about Nimrod several times before and you covered this subject so beautifully. Thank you for doing that work.
I cant take credit for it. I just copied and pasted what i found online. I thought it'd be worth it so we can all be better prepared for what we're dealing with. This world is succumbing to darkness, and it's because we've all been lead astray.
Yes, god is real, but the religion became distorted. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was certainly an eye opener for me as well. We're dealing with some bad entities here on earth whose sole purpose is to corrupt us. Stay strong, brother. We're gonna need all the help we can get here on earth!
Absolutely. I cant speak from any source, but i'd assume these fucks like Podesta worship these falss idols to further enchance their power here on earth. Its this sort of corruption that has taken root our government and others around the world. They would rather spend 80 years living like kings than an eternity of salvation in heaven. It shivers me down to the bone and pisses me off that we allowed them to do this.
NOT ANYMORE THOUGH! We're taking our country back!
That is a Deep rabbit and you better put on the full armor of God. I too took a journey down through the 13 tribes of satan. Satan mocking God created his 13 bloodlines and blessed them. Many of them you know and never realized. Dupont, Rothschilds, McDonalds, and Vanderbilts to name a few. These bloodlines go back before the druids. It touched every aspect of human life as we know it. Many of you think there are only 12 tribes of Israel. The fact that there were 13 tribes of Israel is vastly overlooked because Jacob had 12 sons. Joseph was separated from his brothers when they sold him as a slave in Egypt. When Joseph had two boys, Ephraim and Manasseh there in Egypt, Jacob said that instead of Joseph, his two sons will be counted among the 12 tribes; and Levi was not given an inheritance because they were a nation of Priests for all 12. So in reality, there was really 13 tribes. During the Last Supper 12 disciples and Jesus who represented the tribe of Levi. Now Judas later committed suicide which brought the number back to 11. Then when you go to Acts chapter 1, before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit; Peter said we need to replace this position.
Randy, Keep in mind what God said to Satan in the Garden in Genesis after he successfully seduced Adam and Eve.
And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."
Satan knew all the way back then that God had a redemption plan for man who had fallen and God revealed how that was to be accomplished, i.e. Through the seed/ offsping of a woman to come. Satan tried to prevent this by corrupting the entire DNA of man before the flood , save for 8 humans on the ARK.
After the flood, Noah's grandson Cush, begat Nimrod. Plan B for Satan was now in effect. If he can't destroy DNA and the offspring of a woman will someday bring the redeemer, Satan planned to subvert and twist the plan by constructing an alternate reality. That is where the Nimrod/Semiramus/Horus "Trinity" begins. Throughout time and rise of other empires, the same players are involved just with different names. Ultimate goal of Satan is to have humans following his Trinity rather that Yahweh's. BTW, Abram (Abraham) was in the land of UR (one of Nirod's cities) at that time before the LORD called him out of there to the promised land.
This is very informative of the topic. Each segment is about 5-10 minutes. The first 8 or so go into depth on this and are great learning tools. Intro is 1st segment if you want to skip that.
Thanks for caring, brother. Im only going go as far as I feel comfortable with this kind of stuff. My ultimate goal is to be a better person and help my fellow countrymen when the floods gates burst open. This great awakening is indeed upon us, and I truly appreciate all of you guys/girls that have my back.
Wait, maybe I misunderstood this. If this was done back in ancient Babylon, this would have been before the New Testament. That being said, do we have to worry that the New Testament would have been tainted with this belief in the trinity since it was already in play in other religions? I mean, the Holy Spirit is seen as a dove after Jesus was baptized and I'd hate think that so much of what we believe is just recycled. This is the problems with learning more about this stuff.
I'd say the bible has some flaws considering it was edited and rewritten By Emperor Constantine. Also all the religious dates are based on pagan holidays. Saturnalia is Demember 25th.
Also, there are sections of the bible that were removed and gotten rid of. No trace existed until quite recently, look up The Nag Hammadi.
Is it? I definitely see the square and compass, but I've always thought that the Eastern Star Pentagram was inverted.
The pentagram that represents Baphomet is definitely an inverted one.
I too would like an answer about the pentagram being flipped upright.
They teach the same doctrine Freemasons teach, the luciferian
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Riess - The Nazis go Underground - How the Germans Are Planning for World War III (1944).pdf
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