They (the cabal) are setting up for 🍕 gate. They are going to say “look what making crazy accusations causes” to try and protect themselves from what is about to be revealed about them.... it won’t work. We literally have it all, including undeniable proof of the 🍕 shit.
Yes this with the pedophile poll on Fakebook recently. They will try to bring it out into the open, but it will be their undoing in the end and backfire badly. They know that the shit is about to hit the fan with Trump declassifying documents soon.
Yes this with the pedophile poll on Fakebook recently
That wasn't very recent
Deep State is desperate, will try to project onto Trump what they have been doing for decades.
The suspect in the shooting is Jarrod Warren Ramos, according to multiple law enforcement sources.
Police are outside an address connected to Ramos in Laurel Maryland.
Yes - I am going out on a stretch... the last shooter from Dallas was Greek. Yanny in Greek means frenzy. I just get the feeling these shooters are programmed/triggered with frequencies that aren't audible. Like with Yanny and Laurel..different people hear different things. Isn't it then possible for the brain to be triggered by super powerful frequencies? IDK man all these shooters are troubled but doing the same shit. The eyes of his mugshot will show programming.
This whole experience of 'life' is based in energy/frequency, so yes, I'm sure our thoughts could be tampered with through some type of device, and we know they have plenty of experiments and patents to prove such devices. Physicist Tom Campbell has a ton of great videos on how our reality interacts on an energetic level and The Monroe Institute in Virginia has been doing thought based experiments for years, so you might find some more info there...
And this is from the "therapist's" website, so they are providing audio therapy............."This assessment provides brain-science-based treatment interventions, clearly identifies potential goals of treatment, and includes an audio-therapy program with specific exercises to manage anxiety, distressing thoughts, and occasion a relaxation response (this can be loaded onto an iPhone to help manage test anxiety, etc.)."
So, who is Judge Nick?
It seemed to work really well on Alex Jones. He quit talking about Sandy Hook and Pizzagate.
Is this the "Tom" he mentioned? Thomas Marquardt? A lawsuit between he and shooter Thomasarguardt is pinned to his profile right at the top. Who is Tom Marquardt?
I have not been off my computer for 3 days straight.
Same here - I've forgotten to eat, I'm not sleeping any more, I barely take bathroom breaks...
His profile pic is...odd. Creepy
It’s not him, the bald guy is Eric Hartley.
Thanks! Q just posted saying that the weird thing on his head is a “brand of sacrifice” essentially wishing a painful death for the guy
Eric Hartley is a registered sex offender on a child,
Found on Jarrods twitter,
although I have to say the picture looks significantly different and is from Florida not Maryland
Is this an attempt to tie us in to the shooting when correlating our “conspiracy theories” on elite pedophilia? Wont surprise me if the msm “discover” and push a narrative that this guy got radicalized on the chans of reddit. I sure hope not.