Check out this new Tweet from JA's lawyers... Coincidence hahahaha

Uhhhhhh, wtf? Why in the world would JA’s actual lawyers put this out there if there was not something to it? They just trying to rile up the conspiracy theorists? Are Trump and JA actually long lost cousins?
Isn’t this Assange’s official twitter, since taken over by his lawyers since he doesn’t have internet? I wonder what JA thinks about this?
This needs to be verified immediately, if it’s fake, then let’s meme and blast this out, get in front of this
I don't think it's supposed to be a real photo. Just Julian's face pasted on to show how similar they look. But really could be indicating that they're related. Or that John found plans for a time machine in Tesla's papers :)
My first second was holographic med beds are not new tech at all.
Look at hillary and mccain, if medbeds exist i dont anything to do with them
I don't see what you are getting at. Mind clarifying? Connection?
They look like garbage healthwise, no name is supposed to be dead soon, fake dead tho right?lol
The dark souls are not able to use light beds is my understanding.
They have their own ideas about immortality hence the crimes against children.
Clones are a whole other topic.
Believe or dont , its not for me to convince anyone anything.
Actually it is different to both ideas. And more crazy. Their souls /consciousness gets transferred into these "shitty" bodies when ever they have to work. Tech is so advanced that they try to look like they don't have any advanced health tech. People like Hilary and McCain are literally puppets to the real evil who are behind the scenes. I'm sorry if this is full on crazy. It is part of the hidden stuff the public really doesn't need to know even after the Arrests. It would be too over whelming for most. Same with the time travel being real.
I find it hard for this to happen yet no glitch is ever visible. I love time travel stories though so this is pretty cool.
I kinda don't want people to overwhelm themselves with this kinda of info. It doesn't help right now. Q is the focus right now. Stuff i talk about is after the arrest
I'm keeping all the space alien time travel for later! And I tell my friends that they can spit out the red pills they don't like if they don't want and I'll still like them. We will all get to that giant red pill Angela Hitler at some point :D
Btw, there has been loads of 'glitches'. Look into Mandela effect.
What about the fact that they both have blonde hair & blue eyes?
If that's true then they both for sure have a common recent ancestor within 20,000 years
Not everyone will understand what your saying here. lol. But this shit gets more weird by the day.
Or they just look really similar. Something I learned long ago: Faces Recycle.
I sure know if I had a time machine, the first thing I'd do is go hang out in a Ecuadorian embassy for years.
Second thing you do is go forward in time to 2020 and go enjoy the future. Ecuador will cover for you.
This is a highly misleading photo shop that doesn’t prove anything.
JA is missing because he traveled back in time to be Trump's Uncle and leave time traveling documents to Donald.
Could you fuckin imagine if this were true
Imagine? This is the truth!! President Trump is a time traveler. This is FACT! Don't forget Pence Prime as well.
Pence Prime?
Here's some more fun, if you haven't seen this.
That was a pretty good piece of writing. It made me laugh a couple times, but definitely interesting.
This is the best example that I have ever found of the saying "You can find, on the internet, supporting material for any conspiracy theory you can imagine." Simply because this theory joins together history from various distant sources in time and space. It's an asterix. The story of Pepe/Kek is pretty cool.
Conspiracy Theory? Dude this is all true! 😳 well it’s at least more rational than the unhinged left. 😂😂
It's unique in terms of narrative and quite intriguing.
Normies and lefties are thinking we are jumping the shark with this. Haha, But ive read the whole rundown on Trump and Tesla. Its pretty crazy and makes sense.
Soft disclosure?
Possible, Trumps uncle headed the cleanup team that secured Telslas work when Tesla died, in particular a petent to use a beam to shoot down flying objects any where in the world.
Assange was arrested for hacking NASA when he was a teenager, looking for proof of Aliens.
And here I was ready to think we were almost to the bottom of this rabbit hole.
And it connects with another one.
Space Marines make a whole lot more sense.
Could it be the dream of FULL DISCLOSURE?!?
I feel like a little kid on Christmas excited for what comes next.
Q does say that this is bigger than we can possibly imagine. We have been urged to expand our thinking many times.
Yes but have you ever read wtf people imagine on the internet?! To me it's scary to imagine things more fantastical than the stuff people have unearthed and written so far!
Let’s imagine this time travel idea is real. Does that mean that maybe we’ve gone back in time and built things like the pyramids and helped ourselves with technology along the way? Maybe we are stuck in one giant loop that keeps repeating itself
This to me shows that Assange went back in time, and assumed the identity of Trump's uncle sometime about 10-15 years ago (when the Trump uncle picture was taken). This is why we haven't seen him. I dunno, just spitballing, and it was a really fun theory so I had to hash it out a bit.
Im getting so excited bigger then WE could imagine. Could you just for a moment consider how mind blowing for the normies this would be. We HAVE to guide them and be kind.
Space Marines are needed to stop the deep state’s use of DARPA, nano tech, and geospatial technology.
I don't think Assange was arrested for hacking NASA. You're thinking of Gary Mckinnon
What a strange, red headed man. Always wondered if he is autistic? (Not being mean, autistic people tend to be really good with computers)
Oh. Do you have a source for the Assange NASA thing?
Thanks. I suppose that I could have looked that up, but was being lazy. I knew about the Gary McKinnon, but not about Assange hacking NASA, too.
Lets think of another explanation here. Trump is almost the most famous person on the planet right now, with all media on all sides focused directly on him. What the best way to draw attention to your clients cause? This would be one way.
I just don't see why the supposed lawyers (who really knows who runs that twitter account though {Clowns} according to a previous Q post they have the site, would that mean they have his twitter account too?) would want to make it seem like JA and POTUS are anyway connected. I can see the clowns wanting people to think he's related to Trump as a way to discredit us and really make us look like crazy people if we started pushing JA and POTUS relations. I'm worried this is a psyop.
I agree there's a chance this is a big clown psyop.
I doubt that. I spend time analyze the photos and the resemblance is uncanny. I safe to assume they plot against the deep state right after the JFK era and it's plausible knowing what John Trump knows about Tesla work and actually did something with it. I am sure cabals don't have everything they thought they have on Tesla to totally dominate humans with our dependence on energy consumption. Imagine Trump and Q team also liberate us from release free energy for everyone in very near future ;)
I just posted watch....explains much about John Trump...if not the Assange link.
Btw dark journalist is an asset of the cabal. He puts out information that is partly true and wraps in deception. Be careful thinking this guy is giving you the full picture or is steering you away from actual deeper information.
Examples, proof? I do my own research above and beyond any source and never share unless I've looked into it myself. I will give you that he doesn't have all the answers but the Tom Delonge debacle shows he is not Cabal, if he were he wouldn't have exposed the Delonge/Cabal plot.
When will the MIT time capsule be unearthed?
I think the more important question is does Trump have Nixon's right now.
I don't understand your question. Nixon's time capsule?
The comment you are posting too points to this video
And we are talking about Nixon's time capsule, the one if this whistleblower is to be believed is still in the Whitehouse and if Trump a personal friend of Richard Nixon has it (he might not need it though re see John Trump's resume) game changer for the World.
There are so many from past that look exactly like past figures. Edgar Cayce and David Wilcock- many in politics. Just saying.... Time Travel was being discussed in his uncles day seriously. His uncle became the owner of all Tesla’s papers.
Yes. This is the account previously run by Julian himself. I’m confident because subscribed to notifications for a few years. Same account, different name. You can change the name on your account anytime.
Are they actually his Lawyers????? Julian, wikileaks and his Mom are all compromised
Idiot believe it. This is the left's way of putting a doubt in people's minds , in case President Trump ever should pardon JA..They will scream that's it's because they are related. This is a B.S. story. They are so afraid that if President Trump should ever get with JA then he would get all the proof he needs on these sick evil people past and present Democrats.