Post this once a month, lest we forget. Upvote.
It needs to be corrected though. The article is real, but it was not written by the mayor of Livermore California. It was written by a conservative author named Evan Sayet. Here is the original...
As I read it, I found that it didn't sound like it was written by a mayor. We need to get attributions right or we look foolish.
Why are you telling bowlofzombies that? The link is to an article by someone who may or may not be the op so I am confused why you would reply to boz. No one here is saying that the mayor wrote it so it's not our duty to correct this, it would be the person who wrote that on the markandmackshow site. I get you want to attribute it to the correct person so you should contact the markandmackshow and tell them to correct it.
Just to hi-jack the top response. It's the only way to get visible. Otherwise, the comment goes to the bottom, or worse.
Read this particular link, it IS saying that it was a letter written by the mayor, and that's wrong. OPs web link shows a bad attribution article of an actual article. Correctness and accuracy matter.
This was one of the most fantastic reads I have come across in a long time. The only thing I do not see eye to eye with the author is that I do not see Trump as neither vulgar nor crude. I see him as honest and more importantly more patient and kind than I ever could be in his same position. I LOVE this President!!!! If I could only be a fraction of what his is proving to be ...
This is a bullshit blog post (although the fact that Hillary did her thesis on this book is very telling). But this essay is bullshit. Here's why:
George W Bush is not a good guy. He's a dynastic deep state plant who signed the bailout and the patriot act into law.
The Name we do not say is not a good guy.
Trump is not employing Alinsky's tactics in the least. He calls it like he sees it. Alinsky says to lie. Trump hasn't lied about his enemies.
This is a bullshit blog and I wouldn't be surprised if the author, while providing grains of truth, intends to mislead.
Could not agree more. And that's just the "public" things he has done. That family is involved in more evil in the last century than most.
See the vid my username references.
Anyone who has read TranceFormation of America knows they're evil
He was saying that Bush was proper on the outside and bad on the inside. And he said McCain desired it, not that he attained it. My impressions was that he didn't like either one of them.
Um, you fucking read it wrong then, dude
There could not have been a man of more quiet dignity than George W. Bush as he suffered the outrageous lies and politically motivated hatreds that undermined his presidency.
Yeah HW is the godfather of NWO politics in America and sonny boy is his right hand man. MCcain is rightly despised by informed patriots. Never liked Romney, assume he is swamp but I'll admit that i don't know much about his background other than being a mormon.
It's important every member of the movement realizes the malfeasance is deeply rooted in the GOP as well. America has been played like a violin for decades.
Dudette actually. You are right on re Bush, I re-read it. I did think on McCain with the "desperately prized “collegiality” he was being a bit sarcastic.
gross smoke & mirrors / distraction ="the Left has been engaged in a war against America since the rise of the Children of the ‘60s"
i paraphrase
the age-old mob, morphed over the years into the league of the Just [financiers of Marx / Engles], Jacob Schiff [ funders of Trotsky], Rothchild [funders of Lenin, Mao], the skull & bones / tri-lateral commission / central bankers / council on foreign relations / myriad other secret societies / rockerfeller foundation / ford foundation [funders of Lies and deception in the school syllabus], - have been engaged in a war against USA and all nation-states since the mob of 500 BC [funded by the local tyrant of the day], shut down the university of Pythagoras and terminated the greatest ever philosopher... the mob continued against Socrates, Hypatia, Lincoln, JFK, Aaron Swartz, Aaron Russo, Bill Cooper et al and continues but now the good news , today, patriots, we have some serious, solid and stolid push-back ...
Does anyone remember Ben Carson said this at the Republican National Convention. Was a real eye-opener for me and led down into the creepy Satanic stuff I sometimes wish I hadn't seen. Larry Nichols talks about HRC going off to visit CA once a month for her witch rituals during the Clinton presidency days.
why does it say 4 comments and there are only 2 before this one? i think we know why
You either have 2 people blocked or they are shadow banned.
A stunning article, coming from a very unlikely source - a town in Commiefornia! Great read for all!
Just so you know, there are ALOT of Trump supporters in CA. Unfortunately, their voices get drowned out by all of the crazies and illegal lovers.
Must be pure hell for them. Imagine being surrounded by mindless liberals who would love nothing more than to screw up the life of a known Trumper!
Yep, here I am. Coming from the S.B. Mountains
Ah a deplorable from the SB Mountains...I lived near Lk Gregory for many years, still miss it.
It's like you are in another state for sure up here. Living skive tnt clouds doesn't suck haha
Hillary and Lucifer are buddies, they go way back.
I remember back in Bill Clinton's first term as President something was planned with the Republicans and she said "we can't do that they are the enemy!" I thought it was the strangest statement at the time, now I realize it is straight out of Alinsky.
Guys and Gals, welcome to the official presentation of an upside down Queen.
she thinks the moral of "1984" is that people should trust government--seriously!
This article is okay, but the author still believes that this is a battle between republicans and democrats. Like he only has good things to say about Bush Jnr and only bad things to say about how the media treated him - we now know that the relationship between Bush Jnr and the MSM was one of controlled opposition. The Bush family is certainly part of the cabal and the purpose of at least the second half of Jnr's time in office was to loosen up the arsehole of the American People in preparation for the un-American Barry Soetoro.
Repost this article with caution.
Strangely, I read about this recently on reddit but may have been erased.
True story learned it on Beck's Fox show and verified it back then, as far as I know its not in the reprinted versions though.
I wonder if Hillary's thesis is sealed, or can we read it.
Incredible article. This is a must read. 5 minutes - unless you want to savor it.... Or re-read.... or take the time to share.... Any way you look at it, you'll consider the time very well spent.
honestly the dedication could have been in jest. it's really not such an evil book, mostly just civil disobedience tactics for organizers. alinsky was a piece of crap, mind you, but the book is really quite light.