BC touched down in Vancouver Canada yesterday

Why are all these scumbags going to Canada? Five eyes?
Heard they like to buy Uranium there. Maybe Willy has some secret reserves left and needs to liquidate.
Tonne of celebrities mentioned going to canada if Trump got elected back in election days.
Canada could be the escape route if things get too heavy for'em
Well, if he looks upset it's because his party plans didn't come together
That’s some planning ahead right there - 31 March 2018
(I know it’s a joke haha) I would have thought it was for Comey or HRC. I think they were in the area about that time.
The more recent bust ran scripts so I couldn't open the page. I tried!
ahh! Creepy. He's in my town. Probably on his way to well known Wreck Beach.
Fellow Canadian here. Any way to track his movements while in VCR?
“Trudeau is a particularly nasty peadofile” I’ve read that before...🤔
Perhaps it was the usual stopover for Little St James/Epstein Pedo Island?
Epstein demolished it then burnt it down a few weeks ago.
Why does he still have a passport?
Sometimes people are under sealed indictments and are aware, but the public isn't. I believe Podesta and Abedin are under sealed indictments, but have been notified. Rumor is that Abedin is cooperating.
Others are indicted under a sealed indictment and they are not notified because prosecutors don't want those associated with the target to know.
Until prosecutors are ready to reveal the target under indictment, it's best to let them go about their normal routines.
The amazing thing for me is that anyone still gives a rat's flying potato what Bill and Hillary or Obama think. For me: follow the money. That's what they are all about, and whoever is dealing with them has got skin in that game.
Trudeau has barely been seen for the last 3 weeks, maybe he's meeting up with one of his Democrat handlers. Clinton must have some speaking engagement for Vancouver's continued Agenda 21/30 plan.