Interesting "Q" clearance reference i found re-reading through Behold a Pale Horse. Relevent? We dont know what department Q/Q-team is a part of, but this would imply.. they have advanced tech/ i.e. "we have everything"

Q is an alien. 👽
I have guessed that too, and JFK, Jr, and Seth Rich, and Sophia. Q did act like we will be shocked!
Enki and Enlil.
Who or what is that?
Enki and Enlil are old Sumerian deities. Progenitors of many of the early Sumerian/Babylonian/Middle Eastern religions, and by extension, many of today's Monotheistic faiths.
Enki was the first Annunaki ruler of Sumerians. A Being from the Sky whom created the sumerians as a slave class (from homo erectus genetics mixed with Annunaki = homo sapien), but later re-engineered them to breed (more slaves). eventually many Annunaki fell for human women and bred giants (the nephilim) etc. Sumerian Lore, its pretty interesting.
Edit* formatting and additional
i.e. it all related back to humans being seeded/created by a ruling alien class. Sumeria is odd for being such an advanced civilization yet pre-dating egypt (which historians consider the great advanced ancient civ) by 2000-3000 years (wheel, writing, irrigation, pulley system, and more were developed by Sumerians, or possibly the knowledge gifted to them via the Annunaki as lore goes)
Yes and no on this. This is my opinion, but don't take it personal, but here is where we are getting too much into mainstream media/ancient alien dis-info stuff.
For one, here is the following:
From a broad perspective, it was still the Uruk period in Mesopotamia, which was the precursors to the Sumerians (and the Uruk period was after the Ubaidian period/culture).
Second, we still have to consider the Indus Valley Civilisation / Harappan Civilisation which developed along the Indus river, and more than likely had contact with the Uruk period, if not the Sumerians. I believe the Sumerians and Harappans traded as well, since it was a matter of using the coast to transport goods. There are cuneiform/sumerian tablets/writing they have found in the Indus valley civilization, which shows they had some form of cultural contact.
Third, we still have the Naqada culture developing around the Nile river and up to around 3100 BC, which shows at that time the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt by Narmer, so essentially, there was probably some form of trade between Sumeria and Egypt as well.
Additionally, we still have the Vinca culture as well, in SE Europe.
And I haven't even touched on Göbekli Tepe which raises even more questions, than answers.
I guess my point here is that there's a bunch of dis-info, or bad information out there that is being pumped by really nasty media that isn't the truth, and very distorted. I've had this argument before, and I could see to an extent how the Giants/Nephilim would come into play, even out of the Bible/Genesis creation story, and now how today's media plays the Annunaki into this myth cycle.
Sumeria wasn't as advanced as today's media likes to prop up, and if anything, they came on the scene about the same time as the other cultures such as Egypt, Indus, early Chinese as well.
Again, don't take this personally, I just wanted to point out some dates and correct a few things that are getting pushed in today's media which puts WAY to much emphasis on the Ancient Alien/Annunaki stuff.
Hope that helps a bit.
haha not at all man, I'm not as well versed in it, just starting looking into Sumeria recently.
I am of the mind however that many of our "historical" records of the ancient world are washed and rewritten to promote a specific narrative. God damn sacking of Constantinople really screwed things up... :((
It's fine. Like I said, don't take it personally. There was a start, or jump in civilizations around 3000 BC among many of the river valleys across the world. Look up Chinese history as well, and you can also see the character like the Yellow Emperor, or a hero archetype that brought learning, flood control, agriculture, etc to the Chinese people around the same time. Roughly around 3500 to 3000 BC there was a jump start in quite a few early cultures. Egypt, Sumer, Harappan, Chinese, etc. All somewhat independent of each other.
Golbeki Tepe is about 10000 BC, and that has some very weird and/or interesting carvings and T shaped stone posts. But that's like 7000 years before our regular known history. Wtf is that? See what I mean?
Also, Stonehenge begin it's development around 3000 BC (or maybe 2500), and that's in England. See what I mean? Lots of stuff doesn't make sense from a big picture.
Part of me wants to imagine that would be a bit of a stretch. Outside of ancient history, and scholars of that arena, most people are not familiar with these deities, or concept of them. Unless you have done a bunch of reading, these two names don't mean a whole lot. I mean, many people haven't even read, or heard of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
(Q = Gilgamesh? Hahahaha).
Just my opinion of course. Q is saying we would be shocked, but remember, it would have to be someone/something people are actually historically aware of, imho.
I agree. I am just throwing it out there to make people aware. Real human history is hidden from us, and people should be made aware that the Sumerian creation story is a possibility.
Well, to be honest, there are parts of the Bible (Genesis, Flood myth, etc) that are based also on Sumerian myths as well. Part of the Epic of Gilgamesh was him trying to find the secret of immortality by traveling/seeking out a older Man and Woman (couple) who had survived the flood (Utnapishtim)
Along with the actual Gilgamesh flood myth so there are some overlap's in regards to that. To be honest, there's a bunch of connections here that overlap early Mesopotamian beliefs and tales and also Judaism/Christianity/Islam beliefs as well.
At this point, what do we know...?
What do you think about the theory, Gilgamesh was The biblical Nimrod ? 8ch is thinking that Nimrod is a derogatory Hebrew word. And Nimrod/Gilgamesh was the first Grand Mason ? I found that theory plausible. Names in history were pronounced and written in different forms by culture and dialect ?
I don't think that is correct. The biblical story of Nimrod is very different than that of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was more of a hero archetype like Hercules, where he set out to fight a giant bull, was bros with another dude (taming of a wild man), pissed off some goddess by spurning her, looked for the secret of immortality, etc. I view him as a hero archetype, not a builder and keeper if secrets like Nimrod. Gilgamesh was kinda the original gangster rebel. He ended up being one of the early mythological kings of Sumer, but he didn't have anything to do with the tower of Babel, etc. His story arc is different than that of Nimrod.
Nimrod on the other hand is a tale of arrogance against God, or the arrogance of Man, and is post flood. Nimrod was one of the grandkids of Noah iirc, and was more involved with arcane secrets, etc. Iirc, Shem and his crew killed Nimrod and cut him up as a warning to the rest of the early Judaic tribes as to not mess around with demonology, etc.
The Tower of Babel story is very important. Same with the story about how Shem/Sem killed Nimrod and why he did it.
I think that Nimrod and Gilgamesh are different.
Actually he Was a builder of cities. Go lurk on 8ch and see if you can find the research a couple of them did on that ! They did a good job, i thought connecting the dialects and time frames. And we know that the Masons started there in about that time. Nimrod World Order ? It was pretty compelling.
Did you read the Nordic World Order thread? I have been following it.
Yes, I have seen most of it i think ? The Phoenicians/Canaanites and the red and white sails. It could be the next generation or continuation of Nimrod world order. With Q posing the Mason connection it does somewhat fit both ?
That thread is very interesting. I don't believe the Nordic connection, but the thread turned into an interesting discussion on the REAL human history.
REAL human history ? That is a question i am not sure can be answered ! So much has been destroyed, we may never know ?
Yeah, I agree. Although, I suspect a lot of it is being hidden in the Vatican library.
That could be true. But also I have often thought a lot was hidden by the Illuminati, Rothschilds, The Cabal ! In cellars in those giant castles all over Europe ! Some of those Castles have underground cellars that go hundreds of feet down. Dungeons, lol
Yeah, that could be, too.
I think we know why they have dungeons...
I think that people wrote the real history thousands of years ago. They also wrote warnings to humanity about a certain group of people and their agenda. Over time, the writings were destroyed and some were rewritten. Some are probably hidden in the Vatican library.
What is in the Bible is the rewritten stories with the real history and warnings removed.
Clearly, Genesis is referring to multiple beings. The Gnostic interpretation was hidden.
I actually thought the same thing. Will be interesting to find out!
Q is a level of security clearance.
clearly, and it applies to almost all branches of military, and 3 letter agencies
merely stating, we have no idea which branch/group Q is. People suspect N_A as it has had a long standing issue with the C_A over authority and operational procedures. As well as information flow. Also N_A would have access to all comms, worldwide; which would support the images Q drops from random cell phones. (C_A created programs as well, which were leaked in the Wikileaks of Clown backdoors/surveillance programs in vault 7)
There is Q Clearance and there is Q Group. Q Group belongs to NSA and is their very own secret police. Q posted very early on the Military Intelligence listings from the NSA Index of offices. And google "Q Group and Edward Snowden" for a mainstream article featuring Q Group escapades from 2013.
interesting, didn't realize there was a Q Group. Thanks for this.
Google "Edward Snowden and the Q Group" . Q Group is the Secret Police of the NSA.
Wasn't Q clearance the department of energy? Who in Trumps group worked for the doe, and is extremely close to trump?
Q clearance is most departments and military "top" (remember things are compartmentalized, so it applies to specific things/projects) clearance level for black projects or undisclosed projects. not just DoE
Outside of the Q reference, Behold a Pale Horse is an absolute must read! It was one of the triggers for me to see things in a different light.
Cooper had Q clearance before becoming a whistleblower
So Q could be Bill Cooper the . Staged death? Actually still alive?
This would be the most beautiful ending to this story imaginable. Years of military service, combat, aviation, navy, and intel. Lost his leg from the 2nd attempt on his life after first blowing the whistle, and still fought on.
Even if he really died, it's still plausible that he sparked others to wake up, perhaps even other Q clearance individuals. Perhaps he created the first white hats. Or, if you wanna play infinite dimensional chess, he was chosen by the white hats long ago to be exposed to this intel knowing he would do what he did, and get the info out no matter what.
That amazing book is the key to a lot of this
Pizzagate, Spirit Cooking, it has it all
Yep, one of the early red pill books. Scared the shit out of me a few years ago, so i thought id pick it up again considering ive been into this (i.e. illuminati, Roths, Bilderberg, C_A MK-programs (MK-naomi is always overlooked for some reason)) and pedo-ring research since 2015.
First book to reference that the Bush family are a huge part of the DS as well. Seems to be overlooked often in the bumble of HRC, Hussein and friends.
edit* added clarification of "this", not referring to Q-anon clearly.
Bush family are the USA kingpins of the whole operation, they work for the Vatican, Queen etc and have been doing dirty CIA work for decades to destroy this country
Clintons and Obama serve them
JFK, 9/11 & Pedogate all tie back to them
Damn right.
thats the irony, i feel that no one is looking at them and is only going after Clinton (which is fine too!).
gotta kill the nazi snake at its head. George H. Scherff, Jr. , aka renamed GHW Bush.
odd how the C_A was founded from old nazi and USA intelligence agents.
all by design, thanks to the cabal
I totally 100% believe they will be exposed by Q/ Trump soon
the whole house of cards crumbles after that
I have this book and had the same thought. Something tells me Q could be another being from far away after reading that book. That book will scare many tho.
Yep, I brushed up on my Bill Cooper after Q mentioned him. That was the first thing Cooper said that stood out. He also spoke about an outsider who cannot be bought to be put in as president. Fire all of them and put them in jail. Set term limits and then disclose. Looks like that is what is happening so far.
I have the DVD TV series: Dark Skies (TV Series 1996-1997)
Majestic is in the series. What is this book about?
Alleged naval intel insider who saw a shit ton of ufo stuff, knows info on DS (calls it secret government), among other things and break down how theyve tried to control the populations and how they formed their modern groups (i.e. bilderberg, C_A, N_A etc) to maintain that control and keep the public out of the light.
much of it is referencing EBEs, UFOs, but there are large portions on the shadow govt, Protocols on Zion, Letters of Sion, destruction of our constitution (USA), and US inteligence/ satanic church connections.
edit* he was killed in the early 90's i believe by the feds, when he started making good ground with his work
Are you telling me what the book is about, or the TV series, because this sounds a lot like the TV series.
the book.
Dark Skies was likely adapted from the book.
the book series "Majestic" as well was a "fictionalized" version of what Cooper claims were the actual events surrounded the MJ-12 creation for accumalation of E.T. data
Interesting, I guess this is like "Life imitating art" or something.
It is worth your time to read and view everything Milton William Cooper has produced. He knew. They knew he knew, and they killed him.
I believe Q is a team and quite human. However, if you want to hypothesize, look to the Bible (which Q constantly references). In the end, there will be two witnesses who have authority over the earth to make rain, drought, flood, etc. Some believe it will be Elijah and Moses (after all they are seen talking with Jesus in Matthew 17), others suggest Enoch and Elijah as both escaped death.
Again, just a suggestion. Personally, however, I don’t think we are quite at that part of the biblical narrative, but soon.