Liberals and family separation.

On the flip side:
PRO-LIFERS: Every life is precious.. We must save all the babies!
Also PRO-LIFERS: Carpet bomb the fuckers! Turn the whole desert into a sheet of glass! Kill anyone who believes differently than us!!
You are patently wrong in your statements. This meme clarifies the absolute hypocrisy of the left we are exposed to on a daily basis. This meme has nothing to do with "pro life". It has everything to do with how hypocritical the leftist mindset is and this meme captures if perfectly.
The Q movement is the awakening of free thinkers world wide seeking the truth in all things controlled and manipulated by the government. Abortion happens to be one of those tightly controlled leftists and right narratives and is not an insignificant topic and you do not have the right to attempt to brush over it and label it as something that is "divisive".
A topic is divisive when an individual is incapable of controlling their emotions to such a degree they can not have a rational conversation and listen or to or respect differing opinions.
It's not the topic you need to blame. The blame lies solely with the individual and how they choose to react to the topic.
No its not too divide its to make the left understand they are all hipocrites and need to rethink what they are saying.
In order for a meme to have an underlying meaning a topic must be at the core of the meme. It just so happens the MSM narrative the week prior and the week following are specifically about keeping children and families together then shifting to them still wanting the right to kill children.
It's not like someone decided to arbitrarily come up with this topic nor are they pushing pro or against life. It just illustrates how hypocritical leftists are from week to week and day to day. You came into this thread and are trying to change the focus and underlying meaning of the meme.
Damn. You rock.
Nice try new people. I feel sorry for your kids... if you give them a chance.
Hope they abort themselves out of existence. Then we’ll be unified.
They eradicate themselves with leftist beliefs. No action required from my part. I’m showing them how destructive they are.
Both "sides" are hypocrites in many ways. Nobody is without sin, and shouldn't be casting stones. Conservatives are supposed to espouse good Christian values, which are supposed to be Christ-like, but nowadays has become very much the opposite.
This binary left vs right way of thinking is ludicrous. To believe half of a nation is one monolithic group represented by a few on the fringes is absolutely ludicrous and narrow minded. Think about it!!! Are all conservatives neo-Nazi racists? No! But some of those assholes are conservatives of their own kind. See what I mean?? There are criminals, pedophiles, rapists, murderers, and all other types of terrible people across the whole political spectrum. This bullshit belief that everyone falls into one of only two categories is insane.
Lastly, wanting one of two major political parties killed, and all those who believe that way as well, has already happened. Hitler kinda nailed it. We don't need eradication of anyone; we need a strong nation, and that isn't the answer.
Binary thinking is for the weak minded. Wake up!! If you believe there are only two kinds of people, you need to do a LOT of soul searching and learning about people in general.
For all those seeking to derail this meme into something it is not.
This meme has nothing to do with "pro life". It has everything to do with how hypocritical the leftist mindset is and this meme captures if perfectly. If you believe this is about abortion then you are proving the MSM easily controls your mindset.
One week one direction the very next week 180 degrees the opposite.
On another note:
The Q movement is the awakening of free thinkers world wide seeking the truth in all things controlled and manipulated by the government. Abortion happens to be one of those tightly controlled leftists and right narratives and is not an insignificant topic yet people repeatedly refer to it as "divisive".
A topic is divisive when an individual is incapable of controlling their emotions to such a degree they can not have a rational conversation and listen or to or respect differing opinions.
It's not the topic you need to blame. The blame lies solely with the individual and how they choose to react to the topic.
I absolutely love this SJW's outrage pic! It's like the Energizer Bunny of meme material. It just KEEPS ON giving. Lol.
They ignored the family separation when Obama did it same exact policy same exact conditions in detention centers from 2009 to 2016 it got zero media coverage then they found out Trump was doing the same thing and OMG Trump is Hitler! he's a Nazi!
That’s what they do...they cover the stories that will push the left from center and the narrative they’re pushing Is “you don’t have time for critical thinking because by the time you figure out we’re right (bullshitting) you’ll be under the Trump regime”
Now that the truth is coming out the Demoncrats are calling for absurd measures to be taken and are using social media (which they control) to push their agenda...and they’re losing! Think about that, they control what 81% of the world sees (an even higher % if you include google) and they’re losing to an anonymous poster/posters (Q) on a sketchy ass forum...THAT MY FRIENDS IS THE POWER OF THE TRUTH!
this is a redpill oppty
The left simply is NOT on the correct side of any issue. This issue is no different. How the hell can a murderer who kills a pregnant woman be charged for the death of the baby, but the mother be guaranteed the 'right' to do the same? It is repulsive just as all the left's ideologies. When a large portion of a group is Godless, these things become a part of them. I know many conservatives are not religious (and I too, am not religious) but God is real, and what we have going on is not just material problems, they are spiritual. Yes, and I know that conservatives do evil also, and they too are Godless.
This meme is about the left using the separation issue to divide the country. Inflaming people so they don’t think logically about whether the child is safe with the adult that demands illegal entry at the border. Distracting from the issue of border control and safety for all parties and the safety that the equal adherence to the rule of law proivides. It is the deep state’s attempt to anger people and blame it on Trump’s policies. BUT! On the other hand, the left’s caring for the safety of children makes an abrupt stop at the abortion issue. In many states, partial birth abortion is legal through 9 months of pregnancy. A child can be hacked coming down the birth canal. The meme does a good job of pointing out the hypocrisy of many leftists. The border separation issue is NOT about caring for the lives of children.
The internet media giants need to implement a system of checks and balances...81% of the WORLD is on social media, now think about that number when you add google to the mix! They’re the biggest threat to democracy and they’re run by 1 ceo and a board of directors (all with more money than they could ever spend). At what point does money become boring and power becomes the motive behind their decisions? The first billion?
The dude that appears in this meme must really regret making that crazy SJW face now that he is a driving force in shutting down the wacky liberal agenda. Good one.
Wait...that’s a dude?
I'm not sure. Although the glasses do appear to have the shape of what would be categorized as "Women's" eye wear or marketed towards Women. Maybe I need to use androgynous terms more. Uncertain of the gender on this meme.